Iriana Bze
map-marker Cincinnati, Ohio

Car Buyer Beware

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I went to Ziegler's Auto Sales to purchase a second vehicle. The full down payment for the 2005 Honda Odyssey was $1500.00.

I put $1000.00 down payment on the vehicle on 3/04/17. The first car payment of $280.00 and first half of down payment $250.00 was due on 4/01/17. I lost my job on 3/31/17. I am the only one supporting a family of 5 because my husband, John, is not able to work because of his medical issues.

I called Ziegler's Auto Sales on 4/01/17 to inform them of my situation. I was told to bring the vehicle back to their lot. John and I brought the vehicle back to the lot on 4/01/17. When Ziegler Auto Sales received the keys to the vehicle.

We were told "NO REFUNDS"!! We were upset with the outcome but left the lot peacefully. Mr. Ziegler was pressuring us to buy the vehicle by telling us "He had a lot of people wanting the vehicle and it may not be on the lot on Monday March 6.

We test drove the vehicle and the driver side passenger door was not working. Mr. Ziegler said he would order the parts to fix the door. I would like Ziegler Auto Sales to refund my $1000.00 down payment to me.

I feel that this car lot should not profit off of my situation. I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau on 4/05/17. I received an email from BBB that as of 5/02/17, Ziegler's Auto Sales ignored my complaint. I filed a complaint with the Ohio Attorney General's Office on 5/10/17.

Ziegler's Auto Sales has not agreed to resolve my complaint from their response dated 7/10/17. My complaint filed with the Ohio Attorney's Office will be retained in their complaint file and may be used to identify patterns of bad business practices.

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  • Rip off consumers and profit from their losses
  • Harsh and unreasonable business practices
  • Worst customer service for a used car lot
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Full refund


Sounds ugly. And I'm very sorry about your job loss and your husband's medical issues.

I, too, am disabled due to conditions I did not ask for and would gladly live without.

But I can't help you or even sympathize with you without reading the actual signed contract. All of your rights are contained within the "4 corners" of that document.

I understand you frustration, believe me.

It's sad and seems unfair.

But from a merchant's standpoint, anything could have happened to that vehicle in the time it was out of his control. Physical/mechanical damage all the way to buyer's remorse.

Advice - Read and understand contracts ; particularly the ones you sign.

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Thank you for your comment, Smitty. I returned the 2005 Honda Odyssey in the same condition that I received it.

I made sure the next owner of this vehicle had a clean car inside and out. I was honest about my situation.

I am a caring consumer that tries to do the right thing with whatever situation that I am in. Have a good day.

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