Pat Ezw

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Whitehorse, Yukon

Poor Quality Product

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I signed up and paid for the Memoir 101 course. What I received for $380 USD ($528 Cdn) was 2 pages of print "lectures" for each week, reading recommendations, and an assignment.

I've communicated with my instructor via the course portal. The instructor's advice when I was stuck re finding a storyline was simply "free write". No help at all. No classroom experience.

No webinar instruction. No refund.

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User's recommendation: Watch YouTube videos. You'll learn more about how to write memoir as opposed to a novel.

Caroline S Ayu

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Blue Ash, Ohio

They sold my Apple ID email on the Internet and now I am deluged with spam

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I signed up for one of their courses after they solicited me in my email and was not happy at all - not with the design of the website, the quality of the course or the instructor who appeared to be trying to sell his books by listing them on the course website. I canceled my participation after completing one assignment and they took out $45 for the assignment itself even though it wasn't of any use to me.

About two weeks after canceling, I was deluged with spam in my inbox.

Some of these were phishing attempts. Since the arrival of the spam was shortly after my association with them and I never got spam before (it came to my Apple ID), I feel confident it was them that sold my email address, especially since I got a spam from some sender who called themselves "Everyday Writer."

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  • Not worth the purchase price
  • Poorly designed website

Preferred solution: Apology

User's recommendation: Stay away - find a reputable college

map-marker Arden, North Carolina

Writer's Digest Course handled very unprofessionally

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I signed up for a writing course, did all of the prep just as they had outlined. They had requested we do all of the prep before the course started.

The morning of the course, they changed the requirements and the review of my material was going to be much less than they stated up front. Other than the marketing material, students did not receive additional information until the morning of the course.

We also did not receive the name of our instructor (could have been one of four or more) until later in the day that the course started. I was so upset with the way the course was handled that I asked for a full refund the afternoon of the day the course started.

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Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised
1 comment

This review gives me pause to enroll into any Writers Digest Univ. course, especially seeing that this issue is still unresolved as of 04/18/2018.

map-marker Ogden, Utah

Writer's Digest University not worth the money

So, I bought the courses for Description and Setting, Finding your Writer's Voice, and How to Plot and Structure your Novel. I've purchased their books before and been very pleased, so I was totally unprepared for the second rate, regurgitated, inadequate information provided in the "course".

Each "course" had about six to ten "sessions", an Assignments section, and a Required Reading. Each course was billed at $199. The "required reading" was another Writer's Digest book (not included in the course). The Lecture consisted of about 1-2 pages of a synopsis of certain chapters of the book.

The assignment was actually one that could have been done through the book. So, then, what did I pay for? A whole lot of stinking ***! Why $199?

There's no written material provided. The "resources" link had 1 page documents with out of date and non functioning website links. There's no college credit that would account for that price. The course is only allowed be accessed for 75 days (even though in the description it indicates it's available for a lifetime).

This was one of the most miserable, disappointing, worthless purchases I have made for many, many years. I would seriously avoid purchasing any of the online courses -- stick to the books, they're much better than the Writer's Digest "University" courses. I felt like they should be better described as "preschool" courses.

So, $199 for about 10 - 20 pages of reworked information, a series outdated web links, and trite assignments I could have obtained from nearly any writing website on the internet for free.


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Reason of review:
Bad quality
1 comment

I too found the "courses" to be abysmal! I think it should be illegal for them to charge so much money for poorly taped "video" that is nothing but a bad recording of a bored unknown "writer" spewing out regurgitated and boring information.

PLUS I contacted them several times to try and fix the issue to see if they have any courses that are actually videos and not just bad power point presentation or to see about getting my money back and they have just ignored me! TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! is really too bad because the courses sound so amazing and it is so disappointing to get such horrible sub-quality products after spending hard earned money on it!

Don't waste your should be labelled a scam to actually get people to pay for such poor quality products! Shame on them...

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