Daniel S Fhu
map-marker Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Fraud - Wisconsin Community Mental Health Counseling Centers, Mequon - Larry Kane

I went to Wisconsin Community Mental Health Counseling Centers, Inc. in Mequon to get my suboxone prescription and Larry Kane who is the owner of the clinic recommended I saw a specific therapist based on my situation, however after the first counseling session I was moved to another therapist. When I asked the office staff as to why I was switched without any notification I was told that the therapist is no longer available during my times.

A few days later I ran into the therapist at a grocery store and she told me that she quit and the whole business is just smells like fraud. I went back to the office in Mequon and mentioned this to the receptionist who called the owner in front of me and he coached her as to what to say for me to leave them alone.

This was just the beginning, you may assume we had issues with billing as well and you would be right. They kept charging me for visits that were paid for by check and once copies of cashed checks was presented, they would adjust the invoice. The problem is that to this day, they keep on sending me outstanding invoices and threatening with collections.

If you are going through suboxone treatment or have a family member, stay away from this clinic and Lawrence A. Kane. BBB rating is an F and there are a bunch of Ripoffreports out there on them.

Sad, but true.

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I too encountered the same situation

billing always a nightmare...paying in cash and amounts varied from visit to visit

I have spoken with the local TV station during their investigation and as far as getting back the tens of thousands of dollars spent...GOOD LUCK

All he does is make situations worse

he is a monster to pray on people that are so vulnerable


I'll keep this short and to the point... Larry Kane and his office (in Mequon off Port Washington rd) is a scam.

They will take your money and provide terrible care. Do not go there, you are risking your health!


Larry Kane and his practice is a scam. They will tel you that the doctor and/or your councler is in network, when they are not.

Then they will wait until you have a huge bill and WILL NOT see you until you pay. I tried to contact Larry about this, and he hid behind his staff for weeks. To get me to stop trying to get the informatioon I was looking for, he had the police call me and they told me to stop calling or I would be arrested. The day I decided to stop going there is the day I walked in for my appointment and both my doctor and theropist quit.

They just handed me a bunch of prescriptions without seeing how I was doing.

If you are looking for real help you need to go somewhere else. If you are looking to be over charged and screwed with then this is the place for you.


I spent 2 years at this clinic and was constantly shocked at the endless chaos, upheaval and in professionalism of the director-Larry Kane. While he is a recovering addict...and that is generally a helpful inspiration to others desperately trying to save their own lives...he still behaves like he is on an active bender.

Completely unprofessional-has an arrogance that is a complete turn off, clearly makes it known he cares about bringing in $ more than bringing in patients with the goal of bettering and saving lives. His own staff...from receptionists to the actual counselors.. Quit at an alarming rate.i went they THREE counselors in 1&1/2 yrs.one-was Larry himself-who didn't quit the clinic obviously-but I arrived for my appt within and was simply told: 'he no longer sees patients.' No warning-no transition...I was simply tossed over to another counselor to start my entire history over again.if that wasn't shady enough... 2 weeks later...user Larry in session with another patient.i saw my next counselor for maybe 6 months before he quit.

But he at least had the respect to tell me to my face.and didn't fail to mention he was leaving due to Larry's mismanagement and shady behavior. Additionally-bills arrived that claimed appointments that I never had.. The staff never knew what was going on,and the receptionists quit at a weekly spin. The list of ridiculous BS never ended.had I not connected so quickly with my last & final counselor...I would have left LONG before.

I simply stayed due to the GENUINE care and concern of my counselor...nothing more. This clinic is about $$$$ and not much else... Oh... And Larry's ego.

If you STILL choose to join this circus... Poor over every detail of your billing and stay on top of everything... It's a scam... And the LAST place an addict would find peace,calm, inspiration and health.

More like a headache and drive one to relapse.

If you still need MORE info of fraud,shams and other BS to detract you... Simply google LARRY KANE.

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