map-marker Des Moines, Iowa

Mollie Tibbits story with former stalker

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Your interview with Mr Cheney was judge jury executioner style

Totally inappropriate ending questions

Too bad for WhoTv your arrogance and desire to be the hero at the cost of respect for an individual just shows you are also ignorant

That interview was outside the bounds of decencylet law enforcement do their job and report the news stop trying to make the news

You lost credibility with me

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Whotv Tv Show Review

Just watched The Kitchen show. Are they trying to kill us with their super junk food recipes?

So unhealthy. We already have an obesity problem in our country, why are they making it worst!

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

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