map-marker Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

From the owner - NOT NICK


Sorry for all those of you who became involved in this conversation. But I'm not Nick. I received an email from this company to alert me of the bad review. The only way to remove a bad review from this site is to pay them.

I'm not sure who Nick is. I mentioned the silly comments to a few of my customers as I was working office - somebody might have logged on to this site.

I am really sorry for Turtle's problems here. But as you see she stayed with us for over three months. Only the last few weeks had she started to complain.

I don't know why she wrote we do not like children. That is offensive and outrageous. Her son was very cute. He came behind the counter to talk to us and to pet the lobby cat. I don't undertand that comment. I take that very personal and so does my frontdesk staff.

Also, I do not appreciate any personal slams that she mentioned of me. It is not anybody's business where my house is. I do talk to my customers. I do not feel like I am too good to talk to them. As a matter of fact - we had a conversation when she checked in - I was shoveling snow from in front of her room. (We had a record breaking snow storm of 20 inches.)

As in every business you cannot make 100% of the customers happy. I am very sorry for her bad stay here.

She didn't mention anything when she checked out.

Please whoever Nick is - please stop your comments.



Wayfarer Inn

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I used to work there when the parents ran the place,wish I could say good things about it but I would be lying if I did,the daughter (Monica) I had thought was a friend until I learned from a former co-worker she had been talking about me behind my back after I resigned from there,I wonder if they still use used soap for their laundry detergent,not allowed back then to use water whilst cleaning the bathroom sinks and tubs,not allowed to use the A/C's on really hot days,the owner at times would use the master key to come into my room when I was in it,the owner got mad when I was ironing clothes for 2 guest staying there to make extra pocket money and I paid $400 a month to live in the room but that didnt matter to the owner because it was they'er electricity I was using to iron,the owners husband once gave my lunch that I paid for to his dog and it was then I knew I wanted out of there,only good memory I have was working with Tina and Angie but thats it.


meme there is more to this story. It's titled wouldn't recommend to a roach, I think. Read it and you will see this hag really is crazy treating her customers so badly. I feel sorry for the family in the story.

Also apparently this woman/man has split personality pretending to be nick and being very disrespectful and ugly to this poor family.

This story just really makes me mad at how businesses have became so money oriented over the years. Customers are ALWAYS right and you don't as an owner get on the internet and belittle the family even more by not taking responsibility for your inaction.



Do you always ramble about stuff that makes no sense? Who are you talking about lady, there are no other comments of people saying anything! CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY

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map-marker Silsbee, Texas

Wayfarer Inn= Wouldn't recommend to a roach!

Do not stay at the Wayfarer Inn in Woodward Oklahoma. It is the nastiest, unfriendliest, rudest motel I have ever been in and we travel alot.

First of all I was informed that we can only get clean towels from the maid every other day because we are getting a 200 dollar a week discount for paying weekly so the maids can't afford to stop everyday!! I have never heard of that!!! The staff is the rudest people you will come in contact with, especially the owner who acts like shes too good to carry on a conversation with the guests. Shes no better than me.

She lives in a double wide behind the motel and acts like she is miss high and mighty. I would not recommend this motel to a roach!!!!

This place is very unfriendly to kids too. People tie their dogs up at the dumpster that snarl and bark at you, so you better hope you don't need to throw anything away!

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MONICA, I asked to be moved at least 5 times because of smoke coming under the door that connects the rooms. I asked you and your husband both but yall kept saying there were no rooms available but we saw people checking in and out daily so we know you were lying. Our son has lung problems from being born early and it was important to us but we were told to put a towel under the door!!! We also asked for a room on the bottom because of my sons poor sight and the width of the railing on top and the stairs but we were told no we would be charged more, so in my opinion you are a bad motel. I will still continue to tell everybody about your shittyservice and your rude front desk staff!!(especially helen)And NO you did not talk with my son in the lobby because he's only 2 and he is very shy. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't know. I also NEVER let him behind the counter to see that cat. I held him up when it was on the counter.

I don't consider my comments silly! It's that kind of attitude that upset me in the first place

I think you are crazy because I never had a conversation with you when you were shoveling snow. You told me you were wearing your skiing outfit and I could care less what you were wearing!!

As for you not liking kids the kids in the fifth wheel told us you told them they weren't allowed in the lobby and they also told us you were mean to them and ALL of them said so!

And finally I didn't say anything when I checked out because I just wanted to get home. I didn't want to slap the prude at the front desk because surpise surpise she was snotty AGAIN!!! Worst customer service ever. I have made sure to post my complaint on every motel review site I can because thats how badly we were treated. My son is the most important thing to me and I take this very serious! It's his health for God's sake!!!



Sorry for all those of you who became involved in this conversation. But I'm not Nick. I received an email from this company to alert me of the bad review. The only way to remove a bad review from this site is to pay them.

I'm not sure who Nick is. I mentioned the silly comments to a few of my customers as I was working office - somebody might have logged on to this site.

I am really sorry for Turtle's problems here. But as you see she stayed with us for over three months. Only the last few weeks had she started to complain.

I don't know why she wrote we do not like children. That is offensive and outrageous. Her son was very cute. He came behind the counter to talk to us and to pet the lobby cat. I don't undertand that comment. I take that very personal and so does my frontdesk staff.

Also, I do not appreciate any personal slams that she mentioned of me. It is not anybody's business where my house is. I do talk to my customers. I do not feel like I am too good to talk to them. As a matter of fact - we had a conversation when she checked in - I was shoveling snow from in front of her room. (We had a record breaking snow storm of 20 inches.)

As in every business you cannot make 100% of the customers happy. I am very sorry for her bad stay here.

She didn't mention anything when she checked out.

Please whoever Nick is - please stop your comments.



Wayfarer Inn


if you ask me NICK is MONICA. I have NEVER seen anybody conduct business in such a manner. Shame on wayfarer inn, and Nick if you are a man you do need a *** whipping for talking to a lady like that!


turtle1322 = fatty fatty fat@$$

You're a loser and an ***. Get a life.


I agree with Jenny. Let people tell consumers what is going on without getting hasseled by what is clearly somebody with a thing for monica (NICK).

i too have stayed in many motels and i never go back a year later and defend complaints that i don't agree with.

Nick if i were you i would just get it out in the open and tell everybody how much you like monica. i mean come on its a freakin motel owner not your momma.


nick i don't see why you don't think turtle has a right to speak the truth about that motel if it happened to her. you should not talk to a girl like that.

i would love it if her husband kicked your ***! i will be sure to never stay at that motel and tell others what happened to you turtle.


You don't have to keep pretending to be someone else. I guarantee you wouldn't talk to me like that in person.

My husband would kick your *** all over this motel!!! I can read and I know exactly what you wrote but it doesn't matter because you are a screwed up person to be on here defending a motel you stayed at a year ago. Gotta be something creppy there!!!! I have a reason to be here writing a truthful complaint what the *** are you doing????

It seems to me like you are the one in need of a job. Apparently you have nothing better to do than be on the internet. Let me guess: your wife works because you seem just like that type of ***! Just for your information I am not fat!!!!

I am not lazy I take care of my son all day long!

And if you think you are helping your FRIENDS by defending them against *** that really happened you are not because it just makes me write more reviews on every site I can!!! fuckyoupussy


You sound like a fat lazy woman who sucks on men to get what you want. you dumb fat *** mouthed ***.I did not contradict myself you jack ***.

Your the *** fat one.

I said when my wife called down to make later arrangements, have you called down? I highly doubt it. By the way you talk on here I highly doubt you were nice to any of them so thats probally why they don't like talking to a ***.

Maybe if you tried asking nicely you get more things your way. But I guess you've never learned that lesson obviously.


*** you NICK!! You don't know what I look like.

And yes my husband is a lucky man maybe you can take a lesson from him on how to speak to women!! Also you contradicted your self by saying the maids aren't here for my convenience but then you said your wife would arrange for the maids to come later in the day when she didn't want them to come in the morning. So you should but the *** out when you don't know what you are talking about!

I just bet you stumbbled across this sight!

So you always go back and check on motels you've stayed at a year ago? I DOUBT IT ***!!!


Apparently you do have a lot of free time you dumb *** ***.I do write reviews on other sites you ***. Wow supported by your husband one lucky man to have you. So what if animals are tied to the dumpster would you rather them be tied to your fat leg?

And for your information I did stumple across this site so go *** off ***>

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