map-marker Naperville, Illinois

Review in Utility category from Naperville, Illinois

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We were recently audited by someone claiming he was with the water quality association. His name was Eric Pucon and when he arrived he just statred setting up in our office with no introductions or explanation why he is there.

He seemed uninformed and careless during this process.

Later I found out he actually works for the company. Needless to say we are in the market for a new certification company.

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*** poor customer service

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Bradshaw mountain water company supplies parts of northern,az

These people are rude, and don't care if they have you as a customer or not !! I called in 5 times in a week and got NO answer, finally the next week, a really rude guy answered stating that even if I put down my deposit, I will have to wait till the first of the month for them to start my service.

I paid, and got missed so now I am supposed to wait more,,,not happening, I used to work for a water company and have plenty of barrel locks, and removal tools. I also know how to freeze the dials on a meter, so that's exactely what im doing, I know when the water meter man comes around, so I just go out and put the lock back on the night before, and the meter numbers remain the same. LOL. Hey bradshaw water company, get it together or I will get it together for you.

sorry bastards. I am also haing a water well drilled, so that they can kiss my *** at bradshaw, actually their doing it already,,,,LMFAO I may just put a rattlesnake down in that meter hole,,,,

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Ken S Uls
map-marker Phoenix, Arizona

Rainsoft of Birmingham aka

I received a call from someone stating that they were with the Water Quality Association. They wanted to conduct a survey and would like to come out and test our water......... all sounds good.... offered a free vacation for our time & trouble. My phone caller I.D. shows the call came from "Call Somebody" (hmmmmmmm)

Long story short..... It was a Rainsoft sale and unfortunately we bought it..... *** US! The savings look impressive on the front end but there is absolutely no disclosure as to your operating costs (i.e. the extra water that is used for the regeneration process) Not only is there additional water usage, it also increases your sewerage bill as well.

The installation was a nightmare. My home is all plumbed with 3/4" copper. These guys came in with plastic pipe with much smaller inside diameter. There was no initial testing of my water pressure and after the installation we can only run one tap or shower at a time. New rule in the house... Nobody is allowed to flush the commode while someone is taking a shower.... seriously.

I discovered this problem while the installers where there and refused to sign their release form... they said you have to sign this in order to start your warranty.... I still refused and they promptly left stating that someone would be out to test our water next week. I called the company immediately, got an answering machine so I left a message stating the initial water pressure problem. I stated that I would use the system over the weekend to see if got any better but I was not satisfied at the present time. Also, as one of the incentives "to buy right this minute" they would install an allergen type air filtration system in our HVAC unit. The plumbers weren't equipped to make this installation when they showed up on Friday at noon...... just as well, the air filter is of little or no value in my opinion and considering the *** job I got on my plumbing, I certainly don't want this company working on my HVAC system.

After contacting "Call Somebody" aka Rainsoft of Birmingham they sent their Customer Service rep out to look at the installation. I maintained my cool, stated my case, told him I was willing to pay them something for their trouble and please just get this thing out of my house. He stated that they could do that but he would call the owner of the company to see what we could work out. I then talked directly to the owner of this company, stated my case again............ he basically told me in so many words "you get what you got but we will try to make you happy". In other words I bought it, its mine. He also stated its like buying a car.... you can't take them back to get your money back. I would argue that there is disclosure on the window sticker of a new care that at least gives you the mileage rating and projected operating/maintenance costs of the vehicle........ not so with this transaction. I asked him for a quote to get this thing out of my house. The quote came in just under $2400 to remove the thing. I paid them $4600 initially. In three days of use he stated on his quote that the Rainsoft unit had depreciated 25% of the original $4600 cost.

Bottom line............. I'm screwed, I paid a lot for very little. BUYER BEWARE of "Call Somebody aka Rainsoft of Birmingham".

In all fairness however, the unit does soften the water but the cost vs. benefit is not worth it, in my opinion. The business practices used to get into your home to sell you one of these units is very deceptive. It is embarrasing to get ripped off. Me getting ripped off is one thing but what if this happened to my parents or grandparents, folks on limited incomes, etc.

I am now in the process of ripping out the plumbing done by this company and replacing the pipe myself with the proper diameter in an attempt to get some of my water pressure back.

My advice to anyone receiving a phone call from someone representing themselves as being with the "Water Quality Association" is to hang up immediately. If you are concerned about your water quality please research your options carefully before spend your money.

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I am extremely unhappy with Call Somebody, the local "authorized dealer" and service provider for Rainsoft in the Birmingham AL area. A service technician has been to my house 5 or 6 times the last few months and I still have problems.

I've left voice message for Chris or Tony Sims (the owners of Call Somebody) to call me and there's been no return call.

My final attempt before I contact the BBB is an email to Mr. Scott Harmon (sharmon@***.com) for assistance.


I also fell for this scam. However they lied to us by saying that they were with the water company. I'm out $6000.

I wish I could get return the darn thing and get my money back but its been a year.

My water bill has gone up above and beyond what it would ever be. The sewer bill is ridiculous.

This company takes advantage of people who just bought a house and are completely new the the area. Thanks for putting my military family further in debt.


I got ripped off the same way as you. I'm feeling pretty *** about right now.

Sorry, but I'm truly glad I'm not alone.

Different company, different state - pretty much same story - same ending. Out about $5,000.00


One second shot for Ken Smith. Of course I can't know the layout of your situation, but considering that good plastic pipe is pretty cheap, if I could (in my home, I mean) I'd look at the possible reasonableness of parallel piping to the most advantageous points (leaving the other pipe in place) with the thought of increasing the water pressure.

I'd use no less than 3/4 inch, and for certain runs, if I could, I'd run 1" pipe. If you are stuck for the work "they" did, leaving theirs in place should just add to the water flow you have. Also, something I used in Europe (England) was a gas fed "demand" water heater in both bathrooms.

The heaters are not dirt cheap, but I'll tell you, for instant quick flow of mucho hot water, they can't be beat. Good luck, Ken

deaf.member and off to bed.


It's about 04:30 (am) and I can't sleep, so I've been reading these stories about folks getting shafted, but I've noticed no one sues! Well, I won't waste your time with my "success" story, such as it was.

Simply stated when my mortgage company tried to shaft me for additional bucks, I just trotted down to "Small Claims Ct. (California) and sued them for the max allowed which was I think $5,000. I knew the court would not allow that but I also knew that if they didn't answer the suit I was $5,000 ahead. The mortgage company knew that also and because they were a company they were allowed to send a lawyer to represent them.

Fine with me. They didn't have a case and I knew it. Their lawyer opened up with, "Mr. Deaf Member has violated our Escrow agreement!" I raised my hand to respond and the judge shushed me with, "Show me your Escrow Agreement." There wasn't any, I never had an Escrow Agreement with them.

Well, all I got was all the money they had cheated me for plus costs of the suit. What "they" got was to pay up plus they had to pay their lawyer fees. Oh!

They got an education also. Think about it, see if it would work in whatever state you live in.


Ken Smith if you want you can call my office to discuss your legal remedies against both AWTP,LLC and Rain Soft.


Ken S Uls


Thank you for your response. I greatly appreciate your sentiment but unless there is some action that your parent company of Rain Soft is willing to take on my behalf, my situation remains unchanged. I’m still out $4600 and have spent an additional $300 for pipe, fittings and hardware in an attempt to recover some of my water pressure.

Since AWTP,LLC acknowledges the fact that there are authorized dealers in your network that “fall short” of your standards, I would like to know what your company is doing to correct this and protect current and prospective customers. What action is actually taken by your company when a dealer fails to uphold your commitment to customer satisfaction?

You stated in your response that I “have a number of choices in terms of providing quality water” for my family. Unfortunately at this point, I really don’t have any choice but to try to make this thing work. The plumbing in my home is a mess, I have very little water pressure and with such a rapid depreciation rate on these Rain Soft units I am unable to foresee any real financial recovery.

If your company is in fact serious about its reputation in the marketplace and is truly dedicated to “the highest quality service in the industry”, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Ken Smith


Hello! My name is Scott Harmon I am the director of technical service and customer focus for AWTP, LLC – the parent company of RainSoft.

We are the manufacturer of RainSoft water treatment equipment. Since 1953, we have worked with our network of independent authorized dealers to provide the finest water treatment equipment in the industry. I am sorry to hear that your experience with our local dealer did not measure up to the standards that we work to uphold. While all our dealers strive for 100% customer satisfaction, we know that there will be times when we fall short of the mark.

We know you have a number of choices in terms providing quality water for your family and our dealers are committed to providing the highest quality service in the industry.

If we ever fail to meet your expectations, I would certainly welcome your feedback. Please feel free to contact me at sharmon@***.com

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