Warner University
Warner University administrativly withdrew me from a class without hearing my side of the story.
Warner University administratively withdrew me from a class without hearing my side of the story of conflict, and abuse from a professor. I was scheduled to graduate in May '2011, but this is not going to happen because I need this class to graduate with my bachelors.
Since the Fall of 2010, I had been in conflict with a certain professor. I had reported this to the powers that be, but nothing became of it. I had to grin and bear it because this is the only professor that teaches biology.This professor has yelled at me in class in front of other students, has demeaned me privately in his office, has not held a full class for a research project, made personal appointments ( having nothing to do with university projects )on classroom time. I paid for a full three hours of time for a particular class a week, but did not receive my money's worth.
Tuition at this university is very high. When I asked for a refund for this withdrawal I was refused. This refusal was based upon the notion that I brought this upon myself.The people at Warner did nothing to help me with this problem. I had a project, and had been assigned a review date for this professor to accept my project.
Before we even got started I asked him to go over, and explain to me onr of the answers on a previous test. I thought I had it correct, but it was marked wrong. He took this as a challege, and told me that he would give me a zero for the test because i asked him to explain how he came to his answer. I truly did not understand how the answer came about.
When I heard his answer to me, I asked him, "how could you give me a zero for asking you a question?" He replied while pointing at my answer, "Is this your answer?" I said yes...he than said, "it is wrong, you get a zero." At this point I was very exasperated by this turn of event. He took this situation to further abuse me as he had in the past. I became very upset,and slammed my book on his desk and exclaimed, "how could you treat me like this, I come to you for help, and this is how you do me?!" Apparently, I was very loud, and the profesor in the next office came, and asked me to calm down. This is when I realized I was upset, and loud.
I left his office, and went to seek the person in charge who happened to be in the main building. He was not at all in the mood to hear my complaint about this professor. As I was telling him what happened, as I had in the past about this same professor, he had a dead-pan expression on his face, and said that he would talk to the professor I was having a conflict with. I left and went home.
The next day I get an email from the man-in-charge that because of my abusive behavior toward this certain professor I have been withdrawn from this class.
No one in administration was interested in hearing my side of the story. So now, with only three credits to go, I am not graduating from this unfair Christian University.
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