Julio P Wee

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| map-marker Montreal, Quebec

Billing charging me before trial period ended

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My trial period was valid, ending on Feb. 14. I paid $1 for two weeks trial, you charged my credit card the year subscription of $234 on Feb 13.

You cannot charge me before the end of the subscription trial.

You didn't give me time to cancel before the end of the trial, so please give me a refund.

I did not authorize this payment or subscription.

I don't use or need your services, please issue me a refund.


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User's recommendation: They charged me a day before, on Feb. 13 when it was supposed to be on Feb. 14, the thing was that they are in a different time and date zone so for them, it was Feb. 14, and for me, it was Feb. 13. So we were both right, This was successfully solved, they are going to issue me a refund.

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