Voice Carrier
It Used to be a Good Company
My company partnered with Voice Carrier several years ago to resell their services and equipment to our clients. There were always issues, but they seemed fairly simple to iron out.
After about a year with one client, we cautiously brought on a second small office with 6 users. We demoed the phone onsite for a month, thoroughly documented the entire network setup, and submitted several VoIP readiness test results to the engineering staff.
The client network was approved for service. That was when everything went wrong.
The phones arrived at the clients office and the PBX had not been configured. Once that was squared away, everything seemed to go fine for about 4 months.
Voice Carrier then experienced a series of data center issues, which they did not bother to share with anyone until after the issue was resolved.
Then all the phones started completely dropping off the Voice Carrier network. Voice Carrier immediately began to blame the issue on "lag" to the customer site, issues with the customer network; they even went so far as to blame the issues on the users themselves.
After several firmware upgrades, which the customer was forced to do themselves, as Voice Carrier does not believe that it is their responsibility to keep the phones up to date, or inform the customer in a timely fashion that updates that may resolve their issue are available.
Next came the call disconnects. After some time troubleshooting with their engineering staff, we decided to upgrade the internet connection. That seemed to address that issue. Next came a problem with the phones not ringing.
This is where it really went sideways. Voice Carrier's engineering staff blamed the ISP for over-subscribing the internet connection, which they weren't, and said the clients issue was self-inflicted, since they were running voice and data across the same network.
When I finally had enough and started cussing them out for all of the issues, a former CEO threatened both customers, one of which had nothing to do with any of this, that he would shut their phone system off if they didn't get off his network in the next 60 days. An FCC threat ended that fairly quickly, but the Voice Carrier support staff ceased to respond to our requests on behalf of the client.
The EVP in charge of support later stated that Voice Carrier could no longer support the smaller client that was having all of the issues due to constant issues with their network, which they weren't having.
What we found later on was that the phones all had different configurations, someone had gone into the cloud service and messed with the settings as well.
The customer users had no idea how to do this, and my office doesn't make changes to another companies equipment without written instructions and detailed explanations to the client.
This, of course, was glossed over quite readily by Voice Carrier's C level staff.
Voice Carrier's solution? Bring in another internet line, rewire the entire office, purchase additional network equipment, all to run 6 phones.
So, there you have it. Voice Carrier originally okay'd the client network, built the PBX, configured the phones and the cloud service. When everything worked, they were more than happy to pat themselves on the back. As soon as there was a problem, a problem most likely caused by their staff messing around with the phones, cloud settings, and a significant lapse in firmware management, they told the client to get off because they were having too many issues.
I don't know what I should have expected from a company that has gone through two CEO's in less than a year, but there you have it.
Don't do business with these guys. Don't buy their service, don't partner with them, don't subject your customers to their lousy service.
Phones Go Out
They try hard but just can't make it happen, we gave them lots of chances but we still have issues at least once a month we are switching now. Things will work great, then we get a day where everything is down, or just broken up.
I'll call them and they say they are having problems in there data center, I think they have over sold what they can actually support. We do test after test then they change something and it works then back to not working they move us from one data center to the next it works then it doesn't work.
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Verified Reviewer |Voice Carrier Poor Service Poor Phone Quality
I had phone service with the company for 16 months. They were great when I set up service for my home and business.
I had been with them about year when I started having problems with calls not completing, the call would complete and then drop the client in the middle of the conversation, the call quality was so poor, the other person couldn't understand what I was saying. I would call and email the company. It took 90 days of poor service before anyone at the company would own the problem, finally got it fixed. The next problem was calling companies, and the call wouldn't complete.
Complained to the company on numerous occasions, there was a lack of follow up to my email and voice communication, the problem was not resolved.
I canceled my service. If you are looking for service and call quality this is not the right company to choose.
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This problem is a very common problem with over saturation of a network in congested areas. Someone moves to a new area.
Bandwidth is great.. then the area starts to populate and congestion starts... Sometimes even dedicated bandwidth is congested because it is still shared with the area.. This is why VoiceCarrier developed there own end to end system called VoiceBox.
VoiceBox runs on there own private network and is controlled by by VoiceCarrier. Customers that have moved to VoiceBox have enjoyed uninterrupted VoIP service..
Unfortunately this sounds very familiar. We have 25 phones and they just went through a "data center" outage in September and our system has not been the same since.
We have been blamed, our internet provider has been blamed, the very wiring in our building has been blamed. 4 months later we find that the programming into the new system is not correct, that the port forwarding has issues, and on and on. It takes weeks to get support and my vendor is getting ignored until such time as he has to have a an absolute meltdown to get assistance.
We are looking at taking our business elsewhere, which is sad, because when we started with this company I really liked the people I spoke with, but now we just get ignored.