Vocational Rehabilitation of New Bern
Is this your business?
Brian R Ksx
Walnut Creek, California
Vocational rehabilitation services nc messed up my life. unfair
by them dragging feet and *** they made me miss the chance to go to craven community college all the vocational rehabilitation services newbern nc is good for is dragging feet and *** for 90days to 200 days at a time they can not go any faster while i miss the chance to better my edu. they sit back on there butt and do not care about me as long as they get paid who cares about me.
after all i am not black and do not have kids so who cares this attude in the goverment is not right no cares at all.
thinking about sueing for damages.
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Vocational Rehabilitation of New Bern
all true and just the tip of the iceberg