madhurr k

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Vadodara, Gujarat

Still there is no solution to my problem

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Viplug - Still there is no solution to my problem
Viplug - Still there is no solution to my problem - Image 2
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives
Updated by user Jan 24, 2023

I hvnt got any resolution to my problem

Original review Jan 24, 2023
I called VIP luggage customer care team member Ms. Ami regarding my complaint but she had only tailor made answer given by service man.

She didn't ask me to send the pics of damaged part of bag for her inspection. Then I requested her to escalate my case to higher authority. She said ok. Next day again I asked about escalation she asked me to keep my phone on hold for 1 minutes but surprisingly she kept me on hold for 17 minutes and meanwhile she briefed my case to her superior Mr.


Atish had feedback given by his staff so he was stuck to the feedback gvn by the staff only. This guy also didn't hear my side of story and nvr asked for pics of damaged part of bag for his inspection
So overall nobody in VIP CUSTOMER SUPPORT is interested in solving the problem which product is under warranty period.
These people are spoiling the image of brand VIP.
I still humbly request VIP TO resolve the problem and change the damaged strolly bar
Meena modi
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  • Cheaper luggage
  • Bad quality

Preferred solution: Full strolly bar should be replaced

madhurr k

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Vadodara, Gujarat

Not satisfied with the response of VIP bags staff on my bag damage issue

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Viplug - Not satisfied with the response of VIP bags staff on my bag damage issue
Viplug - Not satisfied with the response of VIP bags staff on my bag damage... - Image 2
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I bought VIP BAG-SKYLINE on 21st February 2018. I hv found that my strolly handle was stuck.

I went to vip lounge, Alkapuri, vadodara.salesman of showroom pressed the strolly bar and then strolly started working. My bags' wheels also were torn off. So I left bag there for servicing. Today I went to collect bag and saw that strolly was stuck again and there was a big dent on bar which was not there before.

I spoke to them as well as customer support but they are not taking responsibility.

My bag is under warranty period and they said that the dent was due to mishandling which is not true. Till yesterday strolly was ok and today there was a big dent. Service person says that I hv to pay Rs. 750 while I said to replace the strolly bar as it's the backbone of bag.

Service guy said it's not under warranty but my question is why it is not under warranty.

The dent was not seen yesterday. Only some bending was there which was repaired there only.

Today the scenario was different. There was a big dent from inner side of bag.

If it is due to mishandling then dent should be from back side but this dent is from inner side of bag.

Normally due to clothes , the inner part of strolly bar gets cushion so it's impossible to get dent in inner part of bag.( it looks like some mischief is played for money)

I m really pissed.. when my bag is under warranty period and strolly is a major part of bag why is it not replaced???

Pls help me resolve my problem


Meena modi

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  • Cheaper luggage
  • Very bad after purchase service

Preferred solution: Replacement of strolly

User's recommendation: Never buy vIP Sky Bags

Matia Zvq
map-marker Noida, Uttar Pradesh


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I didn't get any call from them or information vip is taking more than a month for exchanging my product and its not done yet

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