VCA Asher Animal Hospital
Money hungry non caring vet clinic.
Horrible place to do business!! I recently had to put my 16 year old dog down and Asher's made it a terrible experience.
It could not have been worse! My pug had been diagnossed with congestive heart failure a couple of years prior and treated at another local vet hospital (Dana Park). She responded well to medication and led a pretty normal life until we came home one evening and realized it was time to do what every caring dog owner dreads. Since it was a Sunday evening, we had to go to Ahser.
We called ahead and was told to come to the side door. By this time my dog appeared to be in pain and having trouble breathing. When we arrived, two other cars pulled in a the same time. One person was carrying a chiuaua and another carrying a plate of food.
We all came in together. Picture this, my wife and I are pretty upset and it was really obvious with my wife crying. A tech comes out and asked the lady with the chiuaua what was wrong. She said her dog is diabetic and it appeared the dog's blood sugar may be low.
The tech takes the lady into a nearby waiting room and comes back. The lady with the plate of food said she was just there to drop of some food for one of the staff. The tech takes her into the back. Now we are standing there by ourselves.
We wait and we wait and we wait. In the mean time my dog is in distress and I am holding her. Fnally a male tech we had not seen comes out and goes "oh, have you been helped?" I am starting to get irritated by now and tell him our situation. He was very polite and said he will go get someone to help us.
The original tech came back out and immediatly went into how we were going to pay. I asked her if we could take care of our dog and then pay. That was not possibIe so I had told stand there and hold my dog while my very upset wife filled out the new patient and payment forms. The tech then said the Dr is busy with another dog and will get to us as soon as she could.
As she walked away, my wife asked if we could at least go in a waiting room. We were taken to a room and we waited. After approx. 30 minutes the tech came in and said the Dr will be with us shortly.
I asked if we could expidite because it was obvious my dog was very sick. She was gasping for air and would start squirming in my arms. I was getting really irritated but kept to myself. The tech said the Dr should be in soon.
She left and we waited and we waited. The DR finally came in and the deed was done. I picked up my dog and we left to go home and bury her. The whole process took an hour and 50 minutes To give her a single shot.
And the charge was $265. This all took place a few months ago and it has bothered me ever since, but I had kept to myself until I heard about my mom's neighbors experience just recently. They were put in the same situation as we were on a Sunday evening. They have a large dog and called ahaed.
When they arrived, they asked if they could come out to the car and give the dog a shot since it was a large dog and could not stand. They were told they could not and they had to bring the dog inside. They were given a small metal cart the dog barely fit on and had to wheel her inside while trying to keep the dog on the cart so it didn't end up lying on the ground in the parking lot. They were very upset at the way their dog and them were treated.
After the dog was euthenized, they had to wheel her back out on the cart to their car.
I will never ever do business with this company again and will be glad to share my experience with anyone that might benefit from our experiences (Go somewhere else). This business made a bad experience into a HORRIBLE experience.
I will always hold bad feelings against them and there commercials make me sick!! Caring my butt!!!!
Vet murdered my cat and tried to extort money from my family
I discovered my cat lying in the middle of my driveway unable to walk, and when I took him to this vet, they forced me to pay for x-rays and bloodwork which cost upwards of $300, and then expected me to pay $2000 to treat him for one night. I couldn't pay this obviously, and instead I was forced to euthanize him that same day.
For $800. For no reason at all. Never go to this vet.
They don't deserve your money. The doctors show no remorse or emotion, and they would probably kill your grandmother if they could treat people.
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I brought my dog in for parvovirus and they said it could cause thousands of dollars. They don't give a *** about your dog they just want to make a lot of money!!!!!!!!! Don't go there please