Mike F Avw

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Pickerington, Ohio

They took advantage of me and sold me a bad product

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

LMy wife picked up a Hyde disposable vape pen for me and when I opened the package and puffed on it I found the product was defective so I called them. He said theres signs posted that they must be tested before the item leaves the store but my wife doesnt vape and she probably didnt see it. Nor did they even suggest for her to test it.

When I called the store, They stated that even though they know that they sometimes have faulty product, they make no exceptions.

Ive been buying vapes at $15 each every two weeks for 12 years and never had this issue with customer service until now.

I was calm and easy to deal with but I was taken advantage of and they take no responsibility for their faulty product and in so many words told me that theyd rather keep the $8 profit and lose me as a customer than give me my money back.

Ill never go to a vape station again.

Theres so many vape shops, Ill just develop good relationship somewhere else

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Preferred solution: I want them to stand by their product and make exceptions based on the situation.

User's recommendation: I wouldn’t take my chances with Vape Station

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