map-marker Fort Worth, Texas

Usa Mobile Drug Testing Review from Fort Worth, Texas

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these idiots said I tested positive for drugs even though I tested negative,,they changed the name on my paperwork and it kept me from my only child,,lawsuits

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Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised
1 comment

You apparently do not understand how the drug testing process works. The company, USA Mobile Drug Testing, did not test your sample.

They only reported what the laboratory found after testing. If you tested positive, your sample was tested once and then again to confirm the first result. It was then passed along to their MRO who gave you the opportunity to provide evidence why the test shouldn't be positive.

You can blame the "messenger" but the fact is that a laboratory processed the sample and delivered a result. USA Mobile Drug Testing is not a laboratory and merely delivered the bad news.

map-marker Tampa, Florida

USAMDT Joe Strom Franchise Warning 2015

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According to a recent complaint from an anonymous former or current franchisee, after it came out that the Item 19 Financial Performance Information provided in USAMDT’s Franchise Disclosure Document was sketchier than a Willie Nelson *** test, Joe Strom offered remaining USAMDT franchisees a reduction in royalties in exchange for their signing of a legal release.

Here’s the message we received, along with an excerpt from the legal release (in italics):

Looks like Joe Strom and the boys at USA Mobile Drug Testing are at it again.


UDSAMDT is embroiled in yet another franchise dispute. Can’t these guys get along with anyone? I guess not because Joe’s methodology is to hide behind an attorney for everything. Put out fraudulent financials in the franchise disclosure document and get caught?


Call a lawyer and try to get everyone to sign releases that basically say we know you screwed us but it’s OK.


People don’t ask for forgiveness (or releases) unless they have done something wrong. In the case of USAMDT, it must be something horribly wrong.……….just look below.


… completely, irrevocably, and absolutely release and forever discharge, without limitation or reservation, Franchisor and its past, present, and future direct or indirect parent organizations, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated entities and their owners, partners, officers, directors, trustees, administrators, fiduciaries, employment benefit plans and/or pension plans or funds, executors, attorneys, employees, insurers, reinsurers, and/or agents and their successors and assigns, individually and in their official capacities (collectively, the “Franchisor Parties”), from all claims, liabilities, allegations, demands, obligations, actions, suits, causes of action, debts, costs, expenses, and controversies, whether class, individual, or otherwise in nature, whenever and wherever incurred, whether known or unknown, whether vested or contingent, and from all liabilities of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, costs, expenses, penalties, and attorneys’ and accountants’ fees and costs, asserted or un-asserted, in law or in equity, that the Franchisee Parties or any of them, whether directly, representatively, derivatively, or in any other capacity, ever had or now have, or now owns or holds, or has at any time heretofore owned or held, or may at any time own or hold, against any of the Franchisor Parties, arising prior to and including the effective date, whether arising out of, or relating to, the Franchise Agreement, the Additional Agreements, or otherwise. No waiver, release, term or condition contained in this Amendment shall be construed to terminate, alter or otherwise change any provision of the Franchise Agreement, and said Franchise Agreement shall remain in effect.

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  • Underhanded business tactics
Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution


I'm sure it must be very gratifying for Joe to almost make the FBI's most wanted list, maybe someday he will see his picture on the post office wall.


If you want the truth, contact me at tdent1234@***.com. I was there at the beginning and I know the truth.


Great information on why NOT to buy a usa mobile drug testing franchise.

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USA Mobile Drug Testing Article in Franchise New Times

The March 2013 Franchise New Times has published an article written by Julie Bennett regarding USA Mobile Drug Testing "Pass/Fail". The article's claims affirms the pissed consumer's prior complaints. The article states the following:

A total of 52 franchisees signed on under the old system and 16 of them, including the eight represented by Herman, have left. David Bell, USA Mobile’s vice president of marketing since last June, said he was authorized to speak for the company. “Joe was new in franchising, so he relied heavily on Rhino7’s advice and some franchisee complaints are valid,” Bell said.

To read the entire article go to:

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Buyer Beware! False advertising

It is hard to believe that USA Mobile Drug testing would even consider putting such a fraudulent claim out there in Franchise Buzz stating that stating that they are selling franchises so quickly. USA Mobile Drug testing currently has approximately 36 franchises.

Last year 13 franchisees left the network and starting in January 2 other franchisees have departed and there more getting ready to depart. Considering that the major franchise sales teams have taken USA Mobile Drug Testing off their list of franchises to buy, the USAMDT executive team of six in 2012 has dwindled to 3 and the team of 3 includes a compliance officer who also has his own consulting firm that sells independent of USAMDT drug and alcohol testing businesses, one has to wonder when this false advertising will stop!

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USA Mobile Drug Testing Franchises floundering

It has been documented that seventeen (17) franchisees have left USA Mobile Drug Testing in its short history leaving them with approximately 36 franchisees in the network and many of the remaining USA Mobile Drug Testing franchisees are contemplating ceasing operations with significant financial losses or joining the group that is taking legal action for deception and fraud against USAMDT and its founder (flounder) Joe Strom. To date, not a single franchisee has been able to support themselves through this business model. With the number of franchisees still in the network struggling to stay afloat this franchise is like the Titanic, it is going down.

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USA Mobile Drug Testing - A FAILED Franchise

The concept of the USA Mobile Drug Testing franchise was 100% mobile drug testing and collection, needing no brick and mortar building to have a successful business. When you come to the understanding that this is a mature market, with companies drug testing employees for over 22 years, this franchise has been oversold and continues to underdeliver.

The prices USAMDT franchisor claims you can get for drug testing is unrealistic in today's saturated market and their stated earnings are pipe dreams.

From the first Financial Disclosure until now , the projections are based on exaggerated and deceptive financials starting with a model that was NEVER reflective of what this company purports to sell. Only suckers should apply!

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Yes its a fraud with a capital f. its concept of using another companies numbers,and telling perspective franchisees that this is what they can look forward to ,takes a lot of *** to believe in that concept.

if i had a burger stand and i told people that they should use the numbers that mcdonald does,and base their future on that theory...

these people should stop advertising their franchise and crawl into a cave..I was looking into this business,but after a few conversations,i realized it was a rip off..

when people spend 100k or more based on lies ,somebody should stop this company from existing...Sue the *** out of these individuals. make them pay for hurting so many people.Lives will be ruined and homes will be lost because of these crooks.

map-marker Phoenix, Arizona

Franchise Frauds People Out Of Money!!

USA Mobile Drug Testing LLC frauds people out of their money and continues to squeeze more as they struggle to stay in business. USAMDT started selling franchises in early 2009, average investment of $90, 000.

They use an outside franchise business development company to sell them but this isn't disclosed. The sales people are introduced as employees of USAMDT. The financial representation listed in the FDD is so grossly inflated and doesn't come even close to what the 1st and 2nd year business owner will make in revenues. Plus, the numbers used are said to be a franchise, which is untrue, it's a company unrelated to the franchise, listed as a franchise, won't talk to the franchisees, etc.

Many of us really did our due diligence before buying into this franchise but many things are kept from you until you're in the system. Things like NOBODY on staff has any previous experience in this industry and the one person that does is an outside consultant that has helped others get into the business outside of the franchise. The support is non-existant, reports are regularly incorrect...which is really bad! These are drug test results that affect a person's life!

To get personal, the CEO, Joseph Strom, is a narcissistic bully that uses a command and control management style. He doesn't seem to get that franchisees are NOT employees. He believes he can motivate people with promises and rhetoric but when it doesn't go his way, then he tears franchisees down and his revenge is divide and conquer. 90% of his promises are empty, zero follow through and unable to hold a business conversation without turning it into a vicious personal attack.

He's cut tons of side deals with various franchisees that end up getting a free ride while many are stuck making up the shortfall. BTW, this is a great industry and can be learned and launched, without any franchise, for a fraction of the cost.

BUYER BEWARE! Unless you have a huge family trust fund and money is no object, do not invest in this franchise and don't invest in Joe Strom.

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Burrel Hgi

It sounds like you pay a chunk of money to be a sales person for the business at first place. I am glad I doulte it.


I've been reading quite a bit on this franchise and wanted this comment to go out to the 26 idiots that called *** on this comment. Every one of you bought into the franchise with an FDD supplied to you.

Every one of you had an opportunity to take a deep dive into its contents and every one of you continue to defend a company that misrepresents itself...AND IT'S IN BLACK AND WHITE STARING BACK AT YOUR FACE! Start with the audited financials and compare them to the unaudited financials. If you are equipped with half of a functioning brain, you would see discrepancies. In laymen's terms, that means they don't match.

And if you were really interested in knowing how the business is doing, the one you all invested tens of thousands of dollars in, you would be comparing these financials for the last 3 FDDs. If you cared about the money you gave away, you would be asking why these FDDs aren't disclosing all that should be.

And you would be questioning why A & B Employer continues to be listed as the "model" franchise when they aren't, and never were, a franchise! Defending your investment isn't noble, it suggests you don't know what you're doing, have no business being a business owner and that you continue to be the perfect franchisee for Joe Strom.


Trainwreck is 100% Correct! Buyer Beware!

The claim that the net yearly earnings of approximately $145,745 is GROSSLY OVERSTATED. Proof for this is in the fact that in 2012, 12 USAMDT franchises left the network with a gro :cry up of USA Mobile Drug Testing (USAMDT) franchisees demanding immediate termination of their franchise agreements and $635,000 in combined damages. The demand came in the form of a letter dated December 28, 2012, emailed from the group’s attorney, Mario Herman. Mr.

Herman stated that his clients were leaving, due to fraud on the part of the franchisor and CEO Joe Strom, and would be fully debranded from USAMDT by January 1, 2013.

With only 36 franchise locations listed and more franchisees leaving or considering leaving the network in 2013 and allegations stating that Mr. Strom is starting 2013 by lying to his remaining franchisees, the downward trajectory is unlikely to reverse anytime soon.


In 2012 12 franchisees have left the network (now under 40 franchisees in the network) and a number ready to bolt in 2012. Now USA Mobile Drug Testing franchise owners claim they have been defrauded by CEO Joe Strom and USA Mobile Drug Testing, LLC.

Through their attorney, a group of USA Mobile Drug Testing (USAMDT) franchisees have demanded immediate termination of their franchise agreements and $635,000 in combined damages. Trainwreck is speaking the truth.


We strongly disagree with the allegations and the conclusions that are clearly suggested in the postings.

We wholeheartedly believe in the USA Mobile Drug Testing business, the abilities of our franchisees, and our ability to work with and support our franchisees. We understand that the system’s success will depend on the success of our franchisees. To this end, USAMDT has made and continues to make substantial investment in our training programs, vendor relationships, service and support systems, marketing and brand recognition activities, and operating systems. These efforts take many forms. In some instances this involves improvements to our internal system, and in other instances, we team up with experienced consultants and vendors to bring additional value to the system. Another effort that we have proudly taken is to develop a franchisee advisory council and we actively work with its franchisee members to hear and respond to our franchisees’ concerns and suggestions.

As your website postings are anonymous, we do not know who may have made these comments or have any details or substance. We hope that the writer will approach us directly so that we may discuss and work towards a solution for their specific problems. As such, we do not respond to each anonymous claim or “Question” posed in the posting.

Contrary to the statements in the posting, we have many growing and successful franchisees who are very happy with their investment choice and with our support. In fact, here’s a quote we recently received:

" My Family and I could not be happier with our choice and investment in USA Mobile Drug Testing, the training was exceptional and gave you a solid foundation for success, however some choose not to follow the training and it becomes very clear who they are quickly. We are growing at a fast rate and anticipate a tremendous 2013, Joe Strom and all of his staff are working hard to deliver the best franchise support team they can which will make this a franchise force for years to come."

Remember success comes from what you put into it, no franchise will work unless you follow the model.......

Dale Dugas, CPC, President USA Mobile Drug Testing of Southeast Texas

We are not perfect, but we are committed to supporting our franchisees. We will continue to improve our system, and we understand that the system’s success will depend on the success of our franchisees.


Joe Strom

CEO of USA Mobile Drug Testing,LLC

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