Brittiney Gds

Worst ER Experience of My Life

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I had shoulder replacement surgery in Oct. The hospital bullied me into agreeing to be released only two days later, threatening me with thousands of dollars I would owe them if I didn't agree to it. They released me with a fever and a badly draining hematoma from the surgery. I was released to a nursing home because I'm single, live alone, and couldn't take care of myself in that condition from the surgery. I'm only 46 years old, not a senior, but that's where you go for rehab in that situation. It was just temporary till I was better.

My fever jumped to 104 within a few hours of being there, so the nursing staff sent me right back to the hospital with all my stuff, which was two heavy bags. They did that in case I was readmitted and the nursing home bed was given away.

At the hospital ER, I was assigned a male nurse, who was either high on drugs, drunk, or just a sadist. I am a high fall risk with the medical conditions I have. He refused to help me walk to the bathroom, which was twenty feet or more down the hall. I was in so much pain from the surgery and so dizzy, it's only from God I didn't fall. He stood at one end of the hall making fun of me and laughing with his friends. I'm not kidding. I even asked him why he thought my surgical pain was such a funny laugh. And he refused to answer me.

I was given a urine test with the small bottle, but because he refused to help me do anything and I couldn't use my arm from the surgery, my underwear got ruined. I had to throw them out. He refused to get me anything to wear. They do have pullups, he wouldn't do a thing. I asked him to help me look through one of my bags for a pair of panties and he wouldn't help at all. I was able to find it myself. I am too short to climb onto the triage bed, plus I couldn't do it with the shoulder surgery, and he continually acted disgusted that I needed help to get on it. And finally told me to sit in the chair they had put my heavy bags on. And I told him I couldn't lift the bags because of my surgery. He told me I had another arm and to carry my own *** bags. I actually reported him to one of the admitting staff after that. But he wasn't done. He came in, lied to my face that my tests were negative for infection. He didn't call the nursing home to let them know I was positive for VRE resistant bacteria and severely anemic. He called over one of the paramedics who was going to transport me back to the nursing home and told him "there's more to the story". And that was all I got to hear. I asked the paramedic what was said, but he wouldn't tell me. The nursing staff at the nursing home had to call the hospital for my report and we were all shocked I was positive for VRE infection and released without antibiotics or anything and I had anemia so badly I was having trouble breathing. They got their doctor to give me antibiotics. I found out later that someone had mistakenly put the nursing home as my home address in the system. I was furious and had it changed immediately. I think that male nurse thought I was a mental patient that lived in the nursing home and for some reason he thought it gave him the right to treat me like garbage. I live in my own apartment and was only in that place for a few weeks because of my surgery. Regardless, the male nurse was unprofessional and doesn't belong working in any hospital setting. It was the worst ER experience I've ever had. And I pray he doesn't get the chance to treat anyone else this way.

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  • Staff
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Find out who the male nurse was on staff that night, it would have been Oct 3rd, a Friday, and night shift. The staff member I told about it thought his name was Eric, but I wasn't sure. He shouldn't be allowed to do this to anyone else.

map-marker York, Pennsylvania

Memorial Hospital Inadequate Care and Discrimination from Dr. Kathleen Shaffer

I went to the ED to be examined for injuries that resulted from a car accident a week and a half earlier. I explained that I was not able to seek medical treatment sooner because the cop at the scene of the accident thought I was drunk because I was disoriented. I had since been cleared of those allegations because I was in no way impaired at the time of the accident. Somehow though, the doctors got it stuck in their head that I was an alcoholic and drug abuser. The did x-ray each of the areas I had complaints about, but less than 30 seconds after they wheeled me back into my room from the x-rays, Dr. Kathleen Shaffer walked in and stated that they were discharging me because they found nothing serious on my x-rays, and that my amnesia was most definitely caused because I mixed alcohol with other medications.

I was so upset, I asked my mother to hand me my clothes and told her we were leaving. I told the Dr. that she could not have possible looked at my x-rays because I just had them done. I started to take my IV out, and the doctor told me to wait, and said that she would go look again. When she returned she said there was an abnormality in my wrist, and something similar yet unspecific about my back. They discharged me, but refused to give me pain medication to make me comfortable, and refereed me to OSS.

The next day when I looked at my discharge papers they were very generic, and said that there was nothing wrong with my back. I had to call in and have a nurse look up my chart to confirm that the x=ray and CT scan they did both showed something was there. I went in the next day and asked for physical copied of my entire chart including my x-rays on a CD. After reading through the doctors notes that patients typically don't see, I notice several comments about a DUI, and it was listed that I had a substance abuse problem, among other remarks that had nothing to do with my medical care, but made me seem like a drug seeker. I am in thed process of having the hospital administration remove those notes from my medical records, and also filing a formal complaint against Dr. Kathleen Shaffer for inadequate treatment and discrimination.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
Tina Smq
map-marker Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania

Memorial Hospital, York, PA - BEWARE

Without going into detail, I had abdominal surgery. I went to this hospital because my DR practiced out of it. This was not my first surgery, the first being at York Hosp.

Intake was great, the nurse was happy and helpful. Then it all goes down hill.

The anesthesiologist was a trainee (which I was not asked or told) and did not properly prepare me, as I saw and heard just before I was put to sleep when the 'real' one admonished him for what he did wrong.

Post surgery, I heard the nurses mention to my husband how worried they were that I was not waking up& that he needed to get me out of bed and for a walk. Even though I was immobile, I could hear everything. When I did get out of bed, we noticed what appeared to be a half dollar piece of the bloody tissue they removed. Even the nurse was horrified.

Once my husband left, I had to help myself out of the bed to the bedside toilet, which was rarely emptied. The catheter they placed inside me must have been removed quickly and w/ out thought because my 'area' was painful. I asked the nurse, who turned out to be an nurse assistant and the only one I saw 99% of the time. She had to call the night nurse who chuckled, told me about the catheter. Her attitude was less than caring. All night monitor alarms & IV machines were going off and not answered for 10 minutes - at least the one I actually timed. One man in the room next to me begged for a nurse for 4 minutes before one actually came. At one point I pressed the call button only to have a male nurse, a nurse at all?, hang up on me. later on a 'helper' came by and asked if I wanted some assistance walking or bathing and said she'd be right back. She never did. When it came time for release, I had to wait for someone to come w/ a chair. Believe me, I was ready to RUN out the door. As some alarms were still going off in the rooms, a crowded nurses station just sat there, ignoring them.

I just received a NEW bill, having questioned the first and there is a credit on it...and right under it, they re apply the credit. So, no credit at all. They have charged me for medications I never took. And if I understood all of the medications they gave me while under, I'm sure I could find more 'fluff' and false charges.

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IS THE WORST HOSPITAL I HAVE EVER HAD THE DISSATISFACTION OF HAVING TO DEAL WITH. York Hospital is transparent in their practices and a five star hotel compared to this abomination of a medical institution. I urge you NOT to go here,if it's your only choice, get a 2nd opinion. (I compare this surgery w/ the one I had at York, and there really is NO comparison.)

After my business is completed w/ Memorial, I will be writing a letter to anyone who will listen, telling my story and the incompetence. While I hate to disparage ANYONE, I feel like the Powers That Be and the public at large need to know what a horrible place this is.


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I too had abdominal surgery at Memorial and they perforated my bowel. It took them nearly 5 days to realize they did that, all the while my organs were failing and I almost died.

Now I have to go through another abdominal surgery to fix the *** poor job Memorial did but I am going to Johns Hopkins.

I would NEVER EVER go back to Memorial....not even for a paper cut! :roll

Burhanuddin Kvl

My father was advised to have a biopsy on his liver. He was urged to have an endoscopy performed, the vietnamese gastro Dr.

told him his veins was swollen. So they shot 16 rubberbands around his esophagus vessel. He came back and said they didn't do something right because my ribs cage hurt a lot. Come to find out, he did not need it.

He ended up dying due to esophageal varices. He was in critical care for 2 1/2 weeks and there was the difficulty in limited time of 30 minutes visitation every couple of hours. Some of the nurses were nice and friendly. Some were mean and rotten, left my father in bed with *** stains and he had bedsores.

Bedsores occur when the nurse do not turn the patient every couple of hours. Don't ever go to 3625 University Blvd.

S. Jacksonville, FL 32216.


All of the things you've described I found at york hospital. Memorial has always been kind and caring to me, where York has made me wait unfairly as far as triage (I was bleeding during pregnancy, and a sprained ankle too precedence), the staff when I was admitted cared nothing about my pains, and they treated my aunt like *** every time she was in.

It all depends on who you are...not everyone likes york, and not everyone likes memorial. I'm sorry for your experience - but I will go to memorial as long as I'm in york and have a choice

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