Zaccai Lrn
map-marker Livonia, Michigan

Unlawful conduct worthy of prosecution

Marilyn Flynn is a figurehead who engages in wrong-doing that is serious and worthy of prosecution. She's an administrator with enough personality to assume a leadership role, but not brainy enough to handle her job unless someone does things for her.

Marilyn Flynn is corrupt, unethical, in addition to being a bold faced liar.

No matter how corrupt or unethical her department is, she stands by everything they do with unbridled conviction, and benefits greatly from actions that could bring criminal charges. She also is an opportunist who owes her place in life to marrying a man much older than her.

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Mohsen Jlh
map-marker Fayetteville, North Carolina


I applied to USC's MSW program and was accepted. Prior to my acceptance, I was informed by the, "academic advisor" that the fees and tuition that the post 9/11 gi bill did not cover would be covered by their yellow ribbon program which I fully qualified for and the additional money would be covered by their "military schoarship program".

Well, none of it was true! There are very few slots, evidently 20? Also, this so called military scholarship did not exist. After I was accepted I was pressured into enrolling sooner than what I was ready and when I didn't agree to I was treated very poorly by the academic advisor.

Whenever I asked for additiona information from the staff, I ALWAYS got the run around and was referred to some other department or person whom did NOT help me. At the end of all of it, they demanded a $250 check to tell me whether or not I might receive a yellow ribbon slot or any additional assistance. Along with many other students, I received e-mails to attend teleconferences for "financial aid" which just consisted of pressuring students into taking out high interest student loans, what a joke! After all is said and done, I applied to a state school that my 9/11 gi bill will cover entirely and there will be no out of pocket cost.

I am currently awaiting my acceptance letter.

I would strongly recommend staying away from USC all together. They treat students like walking atms and their only goal is to meet their quota, nothing more, they don't care, not one bit.

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map-marker Los Angeles, California

Unethical Therapist!

Is this who you want to be teaching you at one of the most expensive schools in the country?

USC School of Social Work should be ashamed for hiring an LCSW who manipulated the law to protect her name and license. There are details that have been overlooked...

Rebecca Danelski LCSW behaved with complete disregard for her social workers Standard of Care Guidelines. She engaged in extremely unethical behavior by participating in impropriety that would COVER UP her unscrupulous actions. She also engaged her associates participation. By allowing this to continue without informing future consumers it allows these women to continue to disregard ethics because they know how to abuse the law for their own protection.

Rebecca altered her client's file, crossed boundaries, breached confidentiality, harrassed and ultimately retaliated against the client for a complaint filed to the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

She took her client to court to blame her for her own malpractice, rather than share in responsibilty. Sad but true.

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map-marker Los Angeles, California

Unethical Therapist!

USC School of Social Work should be ashamed for hiring an LCSW who broke the law and destroyed a client because of her own poor choices.

Rebecca Danelski LCSW behaved with complete disregard for her social workers Standard of Care Guidelines. She engaged in extremely unethical behavior by participating in impropriety that would COVER UP her unscrupulous actions. She also engaged her associates participation. By allowing this to continue without informing future consumers it allows these women to continue to disregard ethics because they know how to abuse the law for their own protection.

Rebecca altered her client's file, crossed boundaries, breached confidentiality, harrassed and ultimately retaliated against the client for a complaint filed to the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

She took her client to court to blame her for her own malpractice. Sad but true.

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Very good chance she will try to get a COURT ORDER to remove your First Amendment Right to Free Speech. She was not granted the ORDER but tried.

Her behavior was unconstitutional. She doesn't want anyone to know the truth. She cannot handle honest and sincere criticism about her actions nor style of psychotherapy.

But to take a client to court? How about communication....not FORCE.


Very good chance she will try to get a COURT ORDER to remove your First Amendment Right to Free Speech. She was not granted the ORDER but tried.

Her behavior was unconstitutional. She doesn't want anyone to know the truth. She cannot handle honest and sincere criticism about her actions nor style of psychotherapy.

But to take a client to court? How about communication....not FORCE.


Rebecca Danelski is the biggest joke. She is a two faced woman that should have her license revoked and recycled.

How do you act unethically and safe your license? You character assassinate your client and you are off the hook on so many levels.It saddens me she is teaching and influencing others.


then why do we put up with this rip offs ,start writing the newspapapers calling the tv stations call our reps. go in her office with a camcorder and aks her questions stand out side her office with signs lets stop these maggots.


It is a sad affair but this happens everyday all across the country. Why?

Because the more children they have "Protected and medicated" they receive grant money for. Why do you think Gov Perry in Texas stated they have "the resources" to manage all 420 children they took from the Mormon group? It was because they received grant money from the gov for the care of the children.

As a former state employee but not a sw, but having worked with sw's, I am full aware of the tragedy that happens everyday at their hands. They are part of why I chose to no longer be a part of the medical field.

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Student Loans Explained: How Do Student loans Work? | How to Pay Off Your Debt?

Jul 23, 2021

How to apply for a student loan? Betsy Mayotte, a President of TISLA, gives expert advice on private and federal student loans, interest rates, forgiveness program, how a student loan impacts taxes. In this video, you'll uncover expert answer to a student loan complaint and success story of a student who paid $130K in student loan debt.

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Betsy Mayotte
Betsy Mayotte

Betsy Mayotte is the president and founder of the nonprofit called The Institute of Student Loan Advisors (TISLA). Her organization ensures that all consumers have access to free expert, neutral student loan advice and dispute resolution.

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