map-marker Orlando, Florida

Rude Ucf females

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

The University of Central Florida have some of the worst people that go there trashing nasty entitled people and bad students. Every time I go to the Jamba Juice near Ucf there is some nasty rotten female in there that basically tries to get in MySpace or miss treat me

I just went there today and the lady at Jamba Juice was making my juice and a psycho you see a student walks in she has long curly brown hair

The female tells the psycho female I'll be with you in a minute and this crazy thing walks up next to me and tries to take my spot like she literally just try to push me out of my spot. What kind of freaks is this generation creating people so screwed up that they push people out of their spaces

This horrible female needs to be *** slapped and basically whacked upside the head for doing this to another person

I hope the next person this *** does this to beats the living *** out of her horrible weirdos go to you Ucf beware of the school

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Orlando, Florida

Ucf employs psychos that pick on random women there

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I went to Ucf unfortunately and it is a disgusting school that employs mostly psychopaths. Rude faculty rude people rude students.

As an alumni and someone who takes post bac classes I go running on the track. I have been abused mistreated and harassed for running on th track in the past. I have friends who never went to Ucf and run on the track and no one bothers them but they abusr me female. I have been kicked off the track yelled at to leave locked in the track by the maniacs that work there who are sociopaths who do this to an attractive woman for I assume power and control.

Which makes them bullies and similar to rapists.

I recently went to run on the track again. Immediately as I was parking I saw a transportation truck come definitely targeting me. I was gone for six minutes.

In that six minutes this pathetic nutjob gave me and two other cars parking tickets. So the six mins I was there random Ucf psychos decide to hand out parking tickets. Bullishlt. This is how maniac males in Orlando treat beautiful women.

No joke. They don't hit on them or are nice to them they harass terrorize them give them parking tickets. The maintenance staff at cud is full of angry psychopathic misogynists who abuse beautiful women. They are sadists and lunatics.

Racists and sexist psychos. Screw u monsters hope u rot in *** where u loons belong These psychos have been targeting me for years and they don't stop.

Because I go running on the track for six to ten mins every other day they come to harass abuse me and make me miserable the measley few mins I'm there. Something needs to be done abt these bullies psychopaths and criminals that work there.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Miami, Florida

Rude discriminates against random women/runners for NO reason

the UCF maintenance dept I assume is full of psychopaths and sick twisted people who abuse random women that go to run on the track. im a UCF alumnus and take classes there randomly..I go to run on the track...and have been running there for years. I also have friends who run there with no problem. the males in the maintenance dept have been almost stalking/harassing me for YEARS now. The minute I go to run there...suddenly they lock the gate or begin mowing the place. At first I thought ok maybe its just coincidence and let it go. at one point I began using a small unlocked gate, that had been unlocked for YEARS, and one week after I began using it, these horrible creeps put a huge padlock on the door. They are sociopaths who just randomly bully women for no reason. very disturbed sick people as of course ive done nothing to warrant this bizarre mistreatment and discrimination. I go to run for literally ten minutes that's it and leave and now for that I get mistreated abused told to leave etc....

also let me explain I know MANY people that run there on a regular basis with NO problem. ucf students, mostly non-ucf students. I wrote a review before after I got locked in by two maintenance people one being a black female and a Hispanic male. the rude crazy black female even yelled at me rather than apologize for locking me in there. these people are very sick and very bad people. They are rude disturbed maniacs in my opinion. the rest are older males who are just crazy or have serious issues. these people are abusers abusive people, racists and psychos who just abuse RANDOM women for no reason. I have a masters in psychology and this is a rapist type psychopath mentality. Those who abuse their power privileges and use it to have power over others as well as being bullies towards strangers. these same idiots and psychos are actually working on a UNIVERSITY campus? how is this possible??? someone needs to look at the kind of lunatics they are employing there, for these people find it OK to gang bully ONE lone female, which is an EVIL act, and these people are evil and disturbed people....

these psychopaths are working amongst COLLEGE students and they are dangerous disturbed weird sick people. Now after writing a review, I went to run there one day and a very ugly weird older male came and the MINUTE I got on the track, he told me I had to leave and said "outsiders aren't welcome' said he was locking the gate, and told me to run around the stadium...huh? wth is he even talking about...he ran me off the track. Then as I was running around the stadium guess what...this nutjob went and UNLOCKED another gate after making me LEAVE and locking the gate. this is crazy and TOTAL discrimination for NO reason. Ive been mistreated locked in the place while these people laugh and then get upset at me, then told to leave for NO reason by these deranged disturbed people.

these sick people are behaving like STALKERS and it's scary...the MINUTE I drive up suddenly there is a tractor on the track. no kidding...I drive up, it's empty, 4 mins later, there is a huge tractor on there. its not coincidence anymore...these psychos that work there are crazy nuts. They just want to PREVENT a female from running on the track..for what reason??? they are sick in the head and have major issues?? once I drove up there, and the gate was the time I got to the gate (3-4 mins) someone had gone there and LOCKED it....the sickos that work at the UCF maintenance dept AMONGST college students are deranged psychopaths that behave in an almost rapist/stalker fashion bully abuse and discriminate against RANDOM women for NO reason..and somehow these clowns and rats are able to get away with this? ive attempted to call the athletic dept to report this discrimination but apparently no one cares as usual. They will let their probably criminal employees get away with abusing and bullying women for no reason and behaving in abnormal and disturbing ways towards people. Beware of these people...and watch your kids if they are students of this awful university that employs only the lowest kind of filth/garbage to exist.

I have travelled the world and even attended other schools in the nation...I have NEVER encountered this kind of backwards trailer park trash kind of abuse discrimination in my life. seriously these people are almost acting like stalkers or freaks from some bad movie. ONLY at UCF in Orlando can you find this kind of nonsense with these kind of sub human garbage maintenance people doing this to RANDOM women. it's scary and people need to be aware of it for sure. Now if these deranged idiots find it OK just to get together to discriminate against a single female, it shows their mentality...they find abusing others OK bullying women OK and really are capable of anything so i'd watch out for these nuts that work there...

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ucf- university of central florida located in Orlando, fl

map-marker Miami, Florida

UCF sports/maintenance staff bully mistreat discriminate against women who run on track

What has been happening to me, is beyond absurd, cruel, but so typical of the kind of foul and sick people you find in the area of orlando, and especially at the university of central florida. There are decent staff there but there are also MANY terrible people that place employs that like to bully and discriminate against people for no reason, or people at random, and even use their positions of 'employee' or staff member to have power over random innocent people and mistreat them. This has been happening to me because I'm a random female who runs on the ucf track, which is usually open to the public during the times that the athletes aren't using it.

I have been running on this track for several years now and even have friends who use it. I frequently see many people run on it temporarily then leave. I noticed throughout the years, they added fences to add more security to it. Many times the fences are closed or locked. At one point, I noticed a door in the gate that was always open, so when the gates were locked, I began going through there. However, immediately upon the time I began using that gate, about a week later, the maintenance staff had put a HUGE lock on it so now no one could go in through that door...coincidence? of course not...someone must have known or witnessed me using that door to get in the track. Now why are these terrible maintenance/staff people trying to STOP people from using the track, not stop anyone just people at random such as random minority females such as myself. Who knows? maybe one day someone can get answers from these very disturbed psychopaths who use their positions of 'staff member' to do this to people at random.

So that one incident, was no real issue because I just used the track when it was open. However, one day, as I was driving to the track I noticed, the gate was wide open. I parked my car and a minute later as I was walking to the gate, it was SHUT and locked. Oh that 2 minutes I parked my car, some *** *** staff member came and shut the gate and locked it...really? thats just shocking, that these really screwed up people have to do this. Now, sinec that was an isolated incident, I didn't think much of it but just thought it was strangely coincidental. Also, other times I went to run on the track, several times I noticed, suddenly lawn mower trucks would come the minute I got on there or golf carts would come. Again, no problem I would just have to leave. Sometimes they were doing maintenance I assume and other times I did find it odd that the 'minute' I went on the track, suddenly a tractor came out of nowhere. Again, there wasn't much I could do and i didn't really pay much attention to it.

However, the previous few times, now blatant discrimination bullying and mistreatment IS occurring towards a minority female...and it is not only wrong, pointless, but it really needs to be stopped and the higher authorities ARE being contacted about this kind of nonsensical bullying. I am a UCF alumni and also take post bacc classes regularly. I am a normal innocent female who just goes to run on the track and takes no more than 10 minutes on the track. Many other people use this track as well, however, these really mean sick and disturbed ucf maintenance staff members seem to have taken it upon their low selves to single me out for NO reason at all and just blatantly discriminate against me, not only not allowing me to use the track, but locking me in it and making my experience a miserable nightmare. Oh yes...these disturbed evil people seem to make it a fun game to just bully women at random, innocent runners just coming to run harmlessly on a track, and pick on them and make their experience a nightmare.

a month ago i went to run on the track as usual, and noticed, a gate was locked. As i was walking to the open gate (there are about 3 total)...then I noticed a golf cart with two ucf staff members pulled up in front of me rushing to beat me to the gate. It was a black female and a white male. After they beat me to the gate, they shut and locked it and as they were leaving, the white male kind of smirked at me like "ha ha we locked you out" type attitude. Basically just rubbing it in that they just locked the gate i was rushing to. Wow really? how mean is that...bullying a random woman? thats just sick and disturbing and you really have to be a screwed up twisted person to just do that to someone for no reason who has done nothing wrong to you, or to anyone, let alone use your position as 'employee' to treat people this way...really sick people but this is no surprise as there are many staff members at ucf who are this way..just blatant bullies, low class people with big egos who mistreat others for no reason. UCF is full of very low class low quality people who would do this to random people for fun. I can say that ive been to universities such as UF or UM and have never encountered such blatant bullying and discrimination on this level ever or any level at all- only at UCF. UCF seems to really employ many terrible awful people who purposely just enjoy cruelly mistreating people for fun. This is the opinion of many others as well.

So, then the two employees, seemed to let me rush to the one gate that was open as they went back to their maintenance area. Then, minutes later, the two came, and just locked the gate, thus locking me in the track. Normally..when some *** comes to lock the gate, they tell anyone on the track they are about to lock it and to leave--normally they're nice about it. They don't usually just lock it and leave people locked inside, but that's what these two cowards and jerks the black female and white male did to me. My run was full of anxiety as I noticed they had left, and I realized I had no way of getting out. I tried to climb the fence but couldn't, so i called the police to let them know I was locked in. Then, the rude black girl was walking by, and I said to her...hey you guys locked me in here? Now instead of apologizing, the rude mean black girl yelled at me rudely saying "YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE"!!! huh?? are you kidding me??? people run on the track all the she crazy telling me im not supposed to be there and that she had a right to lock me in there? what a sick disgusting person that sicko was...I was shocked and confused.. i need to get me out of here..this isn't right..then the *** went to get her co-worker..who came and apologized saying that usually people jump the fence. At least "HE" apologized...but the rude black girl felt entitled to bullying and abusing a random female for no reason. I was of course upset with the ordeal..first being raced to the open gate, then locked in the track, so I wrote a review online about it. The review wasn't nice and I was sure someone there was going to end up reading it.

I also had a feeling that the next time I attempted to go back to the track, that some form of mass bullying was going to take place-- it already had been on a lesser level for a while now but now the ucf staff bullies were really going to go at it or do something. So, I really didnt go back to the track for a while, yes fearing what was to come. With people this sick and people this mean or malicious who knows what kind of thing they are going to attempt to come up with. So weeks later, I finally went back to the track. As I drove in I noticed, the large gate was wide open. It was around 2pm. The gates are 'never' shut at 2 pm ever--normally they shut them around 5-6pm or later. I parked my car and then began to go inside the gate...the minute I went inside the gate, an old white male in a golf cart came towards me and then told me he was closing the gate and locking it...of course I really just laughed inside.. lol really??? shutting the gate at 2:20 pm the MINUTE i walk inside??? who do these sick people think they are and who do they think they're kidding? I mean just TOTAL these jerks are basically mocking my situation and worse, not even letting me run on the track. Again why me? what did I do wrong? i just run on the track peacefully, mind my own business and now im being tracked and forced to leave by these racist and really sick people. The terrible UCF staff members are discriminating against nice normal women for NO reason at all, bullying them, following them around the track area and STOPPING them from running, even shutting the gates and lying about it.

I said to the rude pathetic older're closing this early? you guys never close this early? he said "i have to leave" and something to the extent of "outsiders aren't welcome." He informed me that I could run around the stadium and it's a 'wider track." outsiders aren't welcome? people run on the track all the time, including many people I know with no problem or issues. However, if you are a minority female or anyone who these bullies choose to discriminate against, they WILL do so with no hesitation. These disturbed people are using their EMPLOYEE status to bully and discriminate women and abuse their power...this is of course very wrong and at this point I have contacted the higher authorities about it so that these people can be investigated for what they are doing. In fact, its as if the older man read my previous report and decided he was going to come and shut the gate when he wanted and inform me, just to mock the fact that his previous bully employees locked me inside without informing me. that must be the UCF staff members form of a sick joke or something. I was of course very upset, and did call to file a complaint and plan to follow up with it. I began to run around the stadium and then noticed something even worse. The rude older racist white male, who made me leave the track and locked the gate and lied claiming he was leaving, then went to ANOTHER gate, and unlocked it..and left it open. Again huh??? why would you force someone to leave a track, make up a lie claiming you're leaving, then after they leave, go and open another gate up and opening the track up? this is terrible, and these are really disgusting and horrible people to do this to a female for no reason. Picking on a female who goes running on a track? sick evil and disturbing. So then, i went and ran on the track...again huh?? I got told to leave the track by a staff member who lied to me, then the staff member opened another gate and I went back. Does this make any sense? of course not and it is a clear case of bullying and discrimination towards a 'random person' for no reason. Why are these horrible UCF staff members able to get away with this form of bullying and mistreatment? They are using their JOBS and positions to ABUSE and BULLY random people for no reason and cause them problems, stress them out. As a result of this terrible ordeal...I was beginning to get anxiety, anxiety attack, and had terrible cramps. as a result I got sick and had to rest and was late for work. I went to have a peaceful quick run and instead got mistreated, bullied, lied to and stressed out by a despicable and cruel UCF maintenance/sports staff member racist male who finds it fun to mistreat young minority females and even UCF students...these cruel maintenance bullies are bullying women for sport, causing them stress and unnecessary anxiety and getting away with it. Do not let these sick people get away with treating innocent people this way.. if it happens to your friends or family members...REPORT IT..all too often these kinds of terrible bullies get away with their crimes towards innocent and good people and get away with their terrible and cruel actions. Also upper management many times will not do anything about it. I hope that someone who is in charge does something to stop the bullying and discrimination that the racist UCF staff members do towards minorities and women...shame on these sick and pathetic people...

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map-marker Merritt Island, Florida

Rude abusive racist mean black employee at UCF and white trash male locks women in track

im a student at ucf and go running on the track often. recently, i went to go running on the track and all the gates were open.

the minute i was going to run then suddenly, one of the gates was locked. no problem, i went around to the other gate. the minute i was going around to the other gate to enter, a disgusting ugly n*gger female worker at ucf and a white *** loser were driving in their golf cart literally trying to BEAT me to the other gate to lock it-- i was shocked of rude? you could tell they did it on purpose b/c it was the MINUTE i was going there there they were.

they had arrogant looks on their faces, then i rushed to the gate and found those two lunatics had locked it. as i was walking to rush to the third gate to get in, the rude male smirked at me like "ha ha we got you"...what a *** i thought??? evil *** but seriously these are the ONLY kind of horrible people you find in orlando...MEAN rude jerks..just bad sick people who want to cause problems for others..worthless people.

i was upset then but then noticed those two ugly lunatics didnt rush to the third gate--they went back to the maintenance area.

Then, as i got in the gate, i began running. my runs only take about 7 minutes or less..and normally when they have to lock the gates, they come and say "we're locking the gates" and they let you out. not these two psycho jerks. They came and just LOCKED the gate without even saying anything to me.

i assume they did this to make sure i was just locked in, which I was. I thought..oki guess i can try to climb the fence? but i was stressed, scared, confused at this point. i ran really fast, and when I got done, realized i couldn't climb the fence, so then I had to call the police dept.

after i called the cops, then the rude disgusting black n*gger female was walking by--i yelled saying "excuse me"??? she barely turned her face and looked..i said you guys locked me in here??? she rudely angrily said "WELL YOURE not suppsoed to be in there"!!! wtf???

are you joking me??? i was like wow really??? i said..YOU need to let me out??? then, she said "i'll get my co-worker"...then she got her *** rude co-worker.

and the *** *** came and unlocked me out. my questoin is...why do these RUDE people at UCF and around feel they can MISTREAT others for no reason?? the people in this city and at UCF are just terrible. and black women especially at ucf...are EVIL as ***...they are just mean abusive to OTHER minority women and racist too.

why do these evil black n*gger women feel they can abuse other women for no reason??? i am not a racist by any means but im calling this wh*re a n*gger because that's what she is...TRASH. they feel they can mistreat innocent people who do nothing wrong just for fun...isn't that what people did in the past?? bully abuse mistreat oppress yet its scary that many BLACK women these days BULLY AND OPPRESS others???

ive been the victim of MANY... this is so disgusting black women who abuse OTHER COLORED women are disgusting roaches!!! the behavior of these two jerks was just ridiculous and RUDE terrible awful...they find it fun to lock people in the track area but dare so many BLACK women abuse and mistreat minority women out there for NO Reason???

you are HORRIBLE people!!! people in orlando esp around ucf are just MEAN horrible racist and just rude *** people who bully and abuse others for no reason-- if htey are BLACK its worse...they are the MOST abusive people you can find ever...

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How do they let people like you into UCF? You're parents should be slapped in the face just for having you...let alone raise you. Stay away from my school!


Who is the *** here? Look in the mirror and you will see whos wrong here.

Read your angry racist rant and then pick up the phone and find yourself some help. Just because you don't type out the whole racial epitaph doesn't make it ok. No one should say or type that hateful word. It serves no good purpose.

ITs not Them my friend! Anytime anybody is disturbed they should look inward because it's not them. It's you.

I'll pray for you.please get some help. Life is to short!


I would be rude to you just because you are calling this woman a n*gger, as you so poignantly refer to her, you racist ***.

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