Richard D Uqp

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Original review updated Nov 01, 2023

Like MUCH ELSE here in DC, I have found that this "health care" institution is NOT reliable. I went to its dental clinic several times in 2020-22 for simple teeth extractions and EACH TIME they REFUSED to do it, referring me out to oral surgeons instead.

When they refused to do one in 2020 during the "pandemic shutdown", I was forced to resort to Washington Medstar Hospital's oral surgery clinic where, as I have posted in the past about on here, they BOTCHED my mouth by PERMANENTLY MAIMING it with UNnecessary REMOVAL of the dental socket bone as well as the teeth; thereby creating a LARGE GAP where there should STILL BE bone!! As a result, I am engaged in suing Washington Medstar for damages.

THIS should have NOTHING to do with the Unity Health Care Center... BUT, Unity has MADE IT have something to do with them because when I requested the POST-incident X-ray images of my mouth made by them in subsequent examination visits to show the judge the damage to it without him having to LOOK in it, they gave me PRE-incident X-ray images DATED to the times of the LATER visits!! And I KNOW this for a FACT because the SAME TEETH that were REMOVED during the operation resulting in the bone loss damage were STILL SHOWN as present in my mouth!!

And it is a CONSPICUOUSLY flagrant DECEPTION Unity is pulling in apparent COLLUSION with Washington Medstar because one of the teeth REMOVED had a root canal insert in it which shows VERY CLEARLY in the X-rays!!

The medical staff at the Cardoza Unity health care center I have gone to isn't too bad but I have found the DENTAL staff to be WORTHLESS.

And when I complained to the patient complaints department they told me to GET A SUBPOENA for the records... meaning, that UNLESS Unity is placed in a position whereby Court ORDER they MUST deliver the TRUE evidence OR be LIABLE for committing PERJURY, they WILL be INVOLVED in a COVER UP!

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  • Good medical staff
  • Bad dental staff


map-marker Washington, District Of Columbia

Unsafe neighborhood, very limited during COVID

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Unity health care in columbia heights in washington dc caters to low income residents or those without insurance. The doctors and nurses tend to be residents.

The services arent bad but they have gotten more and more cursory in time and dicey on quality. I want to change "doctors" because my "doctor" nurse practioner is really a redneck. She hides it well but I think she is just there to put in hours for a better gig. Anyway since mid March everything is "telehealth." A real ripoff.

The counselor gave me under 10 minutes of her time. No vital signs and she doesnt even know how to ask me how I am feeling or anything. How do you offer psychological help in 10 minutes? You dont!

All she did was renew my meds but being a MD I bet she still charges about 300/hr. And nobody is visiting clinic because so many low income working class were laid off. They are cutting back on medical services essentially, yet Unity Health is the designated DC Covid treatment center. Unity does this is they suck up all these government funds and train their staff to charge the max allowed while offering as little in return as possible.

Its their version of hospital industrial complex. TBH I havent gotten burned too badly but my psychiatrist is just too blithe and lacks empathy. She might be on drugs. And the neighborhood is becoming like a ghetto war zone.

Lots of unemployed semi homeless wandering around, Latino angry and ready to go off. Blacks pretty much the same. Whites acting dicty and defensive. Portal potties setup at the plaza where the fountain spigots spray in the summer.

Latinas sleeping on hard stone seats. Stores shut or closing. What misery!

And the attitude at Giant grocery stire terrible, just terrible. I am thinking of xferring to another clinic where I dont have to endure all the negative angst fear hate tension!

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  • Psychiatry
  • Quick response
  • Includes lab
  • No choice in team or np
  • Rushed
  • Impersonal

Preferred solution: Apology

User's recommendation: Unity wont miss your business neither will Giant

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

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Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

Karen Jubanyik, MD is Associate Professor, Clinician-Educator Track, in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine.

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