Carla G Sft

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Little Rock, Arkansas

You have orders still wrong for two MRIs tomorrow

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I had a CT angiogram today, 6/26, of the blood vessels in my neck with contrast. I am supposed to have an MRI neurography scan of the right arm's upper extremities before and after contrast at 8 AM in the morning.

However, my chart indicates it is only without contrast. It also states no diet restrictions, but I know that I cannot eat or drink for two hours as I've had this done before receiving contrast dye. Then, I have another MRI, cervical spine with and without contrast, but once again my chart says it is only without contrast. My doctor, Dr.

Neesa Jill Flaxman, has correctly placed the order twice. There was an insurance change that started June 1st; my employer changed how they conducted insurance, so I switched from one Blue Cross Blue Shield policy to another, both gold plans. Due to this, I had to get approved again. A doctor by the name of Dr.

Kedar Jambhekar took it upon himself to change the orders to without contrast only. I do not know who he is and he has no part in my care. My doctor assured me that they called twice to confirm that these orders were corrected. No one answers at MRI; I called customer service at UAMS.

They told me, 'I'm sorry, no one ever answers at MRI.' I don't even know how they stay in business. I asked, 'Are you serious right now?' I'm asking you now, so is this how you run one of the largest, supposedly best, hospitals in the nation?

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Preferred solution: I would like you to fix this problem so my MRI orders are correct tomorrow at 7:30-8:00 am and 6:30-7:00 pm. I was also told my last Mri was at 8:00 pm and to be there at 7:30. No one called me. I just saw the time change on my chart.

User's recommendation: I don’t know, travel out of state?!?!

Robert D Dox
map-marker Little Rock, Arkansas

My doctor moved almost 2 months ago and i havent been assigned another

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

when dr. antonio howard,my dr of 3 years, left in december 2021 he told me dr keiser would be taking over my case, which would include my prescriptions and this did not happen.

i am a disabled gunshot victim from 2013 and live with daily constant pain.

i depend on my medications for relief of this agony and some sort of quality of life. i have gotten the run around from the office staff and have been suffering without my meds for almost 2 months

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  • Dr howards care
  • Office staff

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: dont use uams med center, they suck

Michael C Wjx

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Big Rock, Arkansas

Ambulatory referral to UAMS Neurosurgery

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Arrived in ER at approx 3:15 PM 2/19/2020 with my wife who is suffering from severe chronic pain of unknown origin in her extreme lower back. We had a previous expedited referral to UAMS Neurosurgery from our Neurologist in NW AR for this same reason.

We were in transit through LR when my wife could not continue and resulted in the trip to UAMS ER. An understandably packed ER resulted in a 6 hr wait to see a physician. After yet another CT scan and blood work no obvious reason was found for the pain. We were released with an Ambulatory Referral to UAMS Neurology.

Contacted them (Neurology) the following day at which time we were told to return home and wait for their call. After a week I called back. I Got a voicemail box and left a detailed message with my wife's information and requested a call-back that never came.

Repeated this the following week with the same results. Called again today and finally got a real person.

A very nice lady who informed me while they did have the referral from our NW Medical Neurosurgeon they had NOTHING as far as an ambulatory referral from UAMS ER. So no labs, scans, no record. Just an expedited referral from our DR in NWA. We understand everyone is "backed up".

We have been hearing this since last Sept and patiently waited while I have watched my wife's health decline to the point we aren't certain what to do next. I'm currently on the phone (hold) with someone else who is trying to help us figure this out. After 4 (yes 4) disconnects while holding in various areas at UAMS since 12 pm today it's now 3:48PM. On the phone for 4 hrs, so in only a couple more we will have tied the ER wait.

My wife stands or lies down. She cannot sit for more than 15 mins. without resorting to prescription pain medication. Not at her job, not home, not driving.

We cannot share a bed because a slight movement causes her pain. We are so thoroughly disappointed in UAMS.

Not simply because of the lack of communication, but the COMPLETE lack of professionalism we have had to endure while dealing with this. Simply stunned.

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  • Wait
  • Failure to follow-through with referral

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: The information age has not reached UAMS apparently. Keep that in-mind when you go and be prepared to be patient well beyond what you would ever expect to need.

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

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Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

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