Barb F Fkx

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Twinnings English Breakfast Tea Extra Bold

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full


I have been a huge fan of your English breakfast tea in Extra Bold. The flavor was wonderful, and it had this wonderful Smokey taste to it.

I looked forward to my morning cup of tea everyday.

I told so many friends about it.

However, recently much to my surprise, I received instead of my carton of my favorite Extra Bold, I got the Extra Strong.

I was assured by Twinnings customer service that no changes were made to the tea, only the boxing.

Well, I know for sure this is not the same tea I used to buy.

The Extra Strong is just that ,more caffeine and it is not the Extra Bold . The Bold had this Smokey flavor a wonderful little bite to it. The Extra strong is just that extra strong, no smokiness no real flavor.

Perhaps the production of this tea is the same, but the leaf you use is different.

I have tried using 2 them 3 bags in my cup, but it does not produce that Smokey flavor, just more caffeine, which I dont need.

So tell me what happened? I am sad that now I have to search for a new brand of tea that has the wonderful taste that yours once had.

Thank you

Barb Feig

Chicago Il USA

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User's recommendation: If you were a lover of the Extra Bold, start hunting for its replacement, because it’s no longer available.

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Jim Fosina
Jim Fosina

Jim Fosina is a Founder and CEO of Amora Coffee which offers a subscription-based delivery of quality coffee and tea.

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