Sada Lrt
map-marker Fairfield, California

Someone has an account with you that is having you bill whatever payment they have to my Chime card now I had to get rid of this chime card and order a new one. I am not on there, but I need for you t

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Someone's been taking money off my chime card for this business and it's not me. I want it to stop so I need to talk to somebody to find out who is doing this, since I cant get a hold of anybody and nobody wants to talk to me I need this resolved as soon as possible so if somebody could give me a call at 330-233-**** so we can resolve this issue

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map-marker Medford, Oregon

To cancel

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Im trying to cancel.. cant seem to get that done.

But thats ok I will close that card and order a new one..

unless you can cancel it for me. I dont even know what user name and password because I dont recall signing up for this

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