map-marker Medford, Oregon

Piece of junk car and shady owners

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I am still fixing the car I bought from them 3 years ago. This will be the 5th repair.

When I bought the car and drove home the check engine light came on. Went to my mechanic, told one of the oxygen sensors out.Went back to Torres Motors.They said they would fix it. Ok great.Said he fixed it. Picked up the car 4 days later light back on.Went back to my mechanic, other sensor was bad.Torres wouldn't fix.

I paid to fix it. That was the 1st of 5 different repairs on this car and it is having trouble again. The brothers are not honest and 1 will say one thing and then the other says something else.

Worst car buying experience of my life. Do not trust them.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Full refund


Not one problem!

Hi my name is shane I have bought a couple vehicles from torres motors as well as sent friends and family there way! I myself have no problems with torres motors an I find lem scott an roger great people very family friendly an run a great car lot in fact will be going to buy my 3rd vehicle with this years tax return.

If any one is worried about doing business there dont be I would start there before going anywhere else!

Its places like sole savers and world famous autos that will *** over sell you over priced lemons! Torres motors will listen an do the best to help you get into a reliable vehicle an whenever buying a used vehicle from anywhere you should always do a pre inspection!

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1 comment

Do you have their phone number

Stephanie D Fpa
map-marker Medford, Oregon

Torres Motors of Medford Oregon sold me an unsafe vehicle!!!

I bought a used Jaguar from Torres Motors in Medford Oregon on 9/29/12. I gave them a $2600.00 down payment and agreed to make another payment of $2000.00 on 10/15/12.

The next day the check engine light came on with a gearbox fault message. I had the vehicle checked by my mechanic who informed me to try and return the vehicle because it had so many issues including transmission codes and would need to be repaired at an actual Jaguar dealer which is a 4 hour drive for me. Torres motors agreed to give me an Explorer in trade for the Jaguar on 10/12/12. The next day the overdrive light started flashing and the owner of Torres motors Roger Torres Lammi stated he would fix the light but it would take 3 days and he would not provide a rental.

I made another payment of $500.00 on 10/20/12. I noticed hard shifting and clunking in the rear end of the vehicle and took it to the mechanic where I was informed that it was dangerous to drive due to a bad wheel hub. It had many other issues including more drivetrain problems which would have cost me around $2000.00 to fix total. I informed Torres and after many phone calls the owner Roger agreed on 10/29/12 to give me a Dodge Neon free and clear for the $3100.00 I already had invested.

On 11/1/12 I had the Explorer towed to the dealership and it was driven off by an employee of Torres who said he had to have it checked out by their mechanic before they could give me the neon. 45 minutes later another employee showed up and said I would have to come back that afternoon to pick up the vehicle because he had no appointment scheduled with the mechanic. I informed him I couldnt come back because I lived an hour away. He refused to give my keys back and then said he had repoed the vehicle for non payment.

He then asked us to leave his dealership or he would call the police. I called the police myself and was told that I couldn't report the vehicle stolen because they have a dealer's license and I was in a contract with them.

Even though my next payment isn't due until 11/9/12 I cant report the car stolen and all the officer said I could do was take them to court, which I am going to do. Stay away from Torres Motors in Medford Oregon!!!

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Clicked on the link for the news story but a message appears stating This story is no longer published, it has been removed from the news archives. obviously there must have been some lies uncovered here because the news people don't hardly ever remove a story from the archives.

So at this point, as rare as it is, I'm leaning towards the dealership on this one and the lady is full of BS!

Dex Heg

Hello, my name is Scott Torres with Torres Motors of Medford. More then 6 months has passed and as you can see there has never been not one complaint BEFORE or AFTER this deal. Also this was not the only place this consumer decided to post comments. They posted using fake names on different websites to make it appear we had more problems with other vehicles or customers.

We hope since 6 months has passed and not having one issue before or after this matter, that this posting will end any questions regarding the quality of vehicles we offer & the integrity of our dealership Torres Motors & my family who operates it!

The Better Business Bureau, the Department of Motor Vehicles representative & the warranty company all concur we handled this matter appropriately.

We hope if & when potential customers read this & the previous comments, that they realize what we said was true - Never a complaint about our dealership before or after this matter.

So What About Torres Motors of Medford. . .

All of our vehicles offered for sale by Torres Motors of Medford have a clean title, have been inspected by an independent facility & already passed Oregon State D.E.Q. Emissions testing.

Pre-purchase inspections are always welcomed on any vehicle we offer for sale & should be a standard in making your decision on purchasing any vehicle any where. Each vehicle comes with a 3 Month/3,000 Mile warranty included in the asking prices.

Torres Motors is a Non-Commissioned sales dealer, there are no sale people & absolutely no pressure to buy. We are a small family owned dealership & we truly enjoy what we do every day. Visit our website for ONE CLICK ACCESS to Reliability Ratings, Expert Reviews, CarFax Reports, history of each vehicle manufacturer and all our vehicles on one simple page.

We buy sale trade or consign used cars, trucks, minivans & SUV's. Financing is available through any lender you choose or we can assist in obtaining one for you. Customers requesting "Buy Here Pay Here" or "In-House" financing, we are typically able to get these customers financed through an actual finance company. Keep in mind, if you don't already know that buy here pay here contracts are the worst kind of auto loan you can put yourself into & extremely hard to get out of. Please try to avoid this type of contract if at all possible.

We hope this give you a better idea of what Torres Motors is all about. We are entering our 10Th. year in business & look forward to many more years! I would like to say Thank You once again to all of our customers, it is because of all your many referrals to our dealership & repeat business, that we are as successful as we are! Thank you so much for all your support over the years - We greatly appreciate you!!!

-If your going to buy used, Buy from Torres Motors of Medford-

reply icon Replying to comment of Dex Heg

All anyone has to do is Google this dealership and they can see there are multiple complaints before and after 6 months ago. I personally know the person who was taken advantage of by Torres Motors.

She has a disabled boyfriend and takes care of his two daughters while carrying a full time job. You and your company took advantage of her and the trust she put in you. I hope anyone reading this knows that Torres sold her two lemon vehicles within 6 weeks and one of those was dangerous. You let her drive away with the whole family in a car you claimed to have had inspected.

The whole family could have been killed. After all of that you still fraudulently repossessed the vehicle. You can save the excuse that she didn't pay the bills because i have seen all the proof otherwise. Also, anyone posting with a different name than hers, which is Stephanie, is another unhappy consumer or possibly someone who knows the truth about what you did to this young lady.

Karma is all i can say.

Have a nice day.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-651279

We would like to see the complaints your referring to. Would you post the links to these dated complaints, that are not referring to this particular matter?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-651370

While Googling the above mentioned Torres Motors you can clearly see that they have bad reviews all over the internet from as far back as 3+ years ago and as recent as 2 months ago. I saw this unfold on the news and also while driving by this dealership I saw the protesting.

It is very unfortunate that this dealership couldn't have made things right with Ms. Dunagan.

None of the parties came out ahead in this. She is out all of the money she paid and the dealership has lost plenty of business including the possibility of mine and anyone I know.


I was informed by employees of Torres Motors that Roger Torres Lammi was the owner and he is the one who agreed to give me a third car which I didn't really want but I decided to take it just to be done with their dealership. Roger even had me test drive the Neon on October 29, 2012 and gave me a purchase order for the vehicle on that day which states I will be trading the Explorer in for it free and clear other then me having to pay DMV fees which were estimated to be $276.00.

I know for a fact that it was not possible for that many miles to have been put on either of those vehicles but they are obviously trained to falsify documents or intentionally make mistakes on documents which always result in their favor. I also did not drive the Explorer in the days after my mechanic deemed it dangerous. I had the Explorer towed to Medford and only drove it two blocks over to the Torres lot. I asked for a refund and was denied before Roger agreed to take the Jaguar back.

I again asked for a refund before being forced into the Explorer. I have since asked for a refund twice and was denied. Each time I was denied for a different reason. According to Torres it was the warranty company wouldn't provide one for 60 days which I now know to be untrue.

Just please everyone stay away from this dealership. If you value your family and dont like throwing money away stay away from these crooks.

I went to them looking for help after my Mazda was totaled and they took advantage of me and my disabled boyfriend by selling us first a lemon and second a car unsafe to drive which we left the lot that night in with children in the car. These guys have no heart and will do anything to anyone to make a buck.


I believe Torres Motors reposessed the Explorer to hide the dangerous issues the vehicle had. Also, I do not smoke and never have so there is no possibility of the Jaguar ever being smoked in while in my posession.

I believe that the warranty company Torres Motors uses will be very unhappy to find out that Torres sells faulty vehicles and expects the warranty company to cover the mechanic repairs within days of the purchase. I was told by the owner or co-owner that I should have the warranty company fix the Jaguar and then was told the same thing with the Explorer. Also, Roger never once offered to pay the $250.00 deductible on either vehicle but he sure can say that on the evening news to make himself look good. And it is impossible for the Explorer to have had that many miles put on it considering the fact that it was in my mechanic's shop almost half the time I had posession of the Explorer.

Torres had chances to make things right but instead they told me I could have a 3rd vehicle free and clear for the $3100.00 I had already invested as long as I brought the Explorer back which I now know was a ploy to reposess the vehicle after I had it taken there. I was more than willing to work something out which is why I agreed to take a car (Dodge Neon) that I didn't even want. I just wanted to be done with Torres and the lying and deceptive practices. Also, beware they will be unable to use calculators when filling out your paperwork as well just to be able to add extra money on your contract.

I corrected them on a $600.00 mistake they made on my paperwork and it took 2 of them to figure out I was right. I was willing to work with them.

They were even informed that I was willing to work them and they should try to work with me by my mechanic when they called him a few days ago. He advised Torres that they should have never sold anyone that Explorer.


I did pay $2600.00 on 9/29/12 and $500.00 12 days before you stole the vehicle. Most likely you Will try to fix the dangerous issues with the vehicle and claim my mechanic lied which roger already claimed.

Also, when a vehicle is $5999.00 and $3100.00 has been paid towards it, my calculation does not have an outstanding balance of $7049.00. This must be a new type of math that only used car dealerships use.


:cry :cry :cry PAY YOUR BILLS


first thing I would like to say is that if Stephanie would have had the vehicle pre-inspected by her mechainc like I had suggested then any issues would have been found then.

When you are buying a used vehicle it is the consumers responsibility to know what kind of condition the vehicle is in and that any problems are fixed

pryer to sining. If there is a problem with the vehicle after you sining. Then you should check to see if the dealer is willing to help with the problem. Remember two

things you can't make a used car new and Keep making all of your payments on time so that the court can see that you kept up your end of the deal.

In this situation Stephanie and Ricky were more then 15 day's pass due and were demanding that I put them in to yet another vehicle at no cost to them?

Ok let me tell you the stuff they "left out" Like the $1635.00 dollars for there service contract that I payed on the Jag YES she had a service warranty that would

have fix all the problems on the jag. But the car would have to go to the Portland dealer to be fixed and that would take 3 to 4 days. Stephanie made a big stink about

not having a car for them days. If she would have read her warranty she would have seen that they could have provided a rental car for them.

They came in to my office about 6:45 pm on a friday night when everyone is closed. after we agreed to take back the Jag and put her in to somthing in her price range

just to be nice and make them happy. She chose the 2002 ford Explore wich was almost the same price.

(Stephanie put over 600 miles on the jag smoked in it left trash in it and the gas light must have been on for a long time)

Now it's about 8pm and I asked if they would come back the next day but Stephanie said that she did not want to drive all the way back to glendale just to come back

the next day!(now at this point I said sorry and told them they needed to come back tomorrow and we all headed home but not two minutes later Ricky calls begging us to

come back and do the deal that night) So were back at the lot and it's almost 9pm we un-wind the deal for the jag and started the deal for the Explore we credited

there down for the jag to the Explore did all the proper paperwork (Every customer sings this paper that asks if they would like to have there vehicle pre-inspected by

there mechainc they singed the part that said that they were declining to have it pre-inspected by there mechainc)when I told them that the warranty for the Explore

was more money Stephanie said she did not want it. I told them that I would cover the difference It was only $250 more So after Ricky her boyfriend/husband? told her

several times that it would be a good thing she aggread.(Now I have already fronted one check for $1635 for the Jag warranty I need to cancel it and wright another one

for $1885 for the Explore and wait up to 30 days befor I get reimbursed for the firs check).

I reminded them that there promissary note for $2000 was due in three day's and if they were still going to beable to make it? Ricky said no problem see you on the

15th. Now it's past 10pm and were finally going home.

If you read her comment about making a payment of $500 on the 20th this is (5) days past the due date for the $2000 that was no problem per Ricky. When they told us

that there was problems we asked them to let us have the vehicle so that we could inspect it for the problems.She said that her mechanic said it was to dangerours to

drive and that she was not driving it any where. every time I asked where I could pick it up at There was excuses after excuses for why we could not go get the

vehicle. Around the 29th they came back to our lot without the Explore asking what vehicle they could trade and have nothing to owe? We showed them a few that would

work but told them that we needed to see the problems with the Explore first. they said they would tow it to our lot on wendsday by noon Noon came and went. later that

day I called Ricky and he said that now they might be able to do it at 8am thursday and that he would call me that night to conform it he never called. At 8:30am my

brother called to ask me if I had an 8:30 appointment for the Explore. I asked if the vehicle was still on the tow truck and he told me no they drove it in and brought

another car with them. I told him to take it to our shop across the street and I would be there in ten minutes. When I got there Stephanie started in right away that

they were in a hurry. I told them that they would have to come back later that day after we had a chance to look at the vehicle. Stephanie got snippy saying they had

to go and could not come back. I told them even if they had called back so I could have set an appointment for them I still needed it for a cupable of hours. Stephanie

started demanding that I give her a rental car!! At this point I reminded them that they were more then 15 day pass due on there prom-note of $2000 that was due

10/15/12. Ricky yelled at me that he paid $500 on the 20th which I reminded him was late and not $2000 as promised. I asked when they were going to have it? Stephanie

said they were not paying any more and that we told her that we were going to giver our Neon free and clear for what she had alredy paid. I asked why I would do that

and if your not going to pay me then im repossessing it. Ricky yells where's that *** truck im going to go get it right now. I said no that would be theft and if your

going to act like that you need to leav my property now. Stephanie yelled im calling the pollice I told them that it was a civial matter and not to waste there time

they have more importent this to do. Of course they came and told them that they can take me to court but thats all I had not broken any laws. (On first inspection of

the Explore we noticed that Stephanie had put over 1,168 miles on the Explore. If it was so unsafe why did she drive it so many miles after her mechanic said not to??)

In a final note I would like to say that if Stephanie and Ricky would have just kept their end of the deal and payed me when they said they woud I would not have

repossessed there vehicle. I was more then willing to fix any safety items that were of concern and they had a warranty for the rest. And have what ever you plan on

buying have it pre-inspected it will save you a lot to spend a littel at first and know what your getting.

In the past 13 years that TORRES MOTORS has been in business we have only had seven repossessions and only three of those were not resolved in the customer getting

there vehicle back.



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