map-marker Cherry Valley, Illinois

Tommyknocker Brewery Work Experience Review

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This company nestled quietly among the front range, in a small mining town called Idaho springs Colorado. First let me begin with what I encountered while working there.

First and fore most..... You not getting what you're paying for, they employ drunks, druggies, and perverts. The employees there do things to your food, they have been cited numerous times for filth in the kitchen. I personally have witnessed managers and cooks fondeling female waitress and handle your food, the server picks off your plate beforehand.

The company itself employs and wrecklessly retains an employee who assaults, chokes, shoves, kicks........etc.

So before you assist this company with these antrosity's........ spend your cash at McDonalds......its safer.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Beverages Expert Talks

Coffee Subscriptions Are Not New

Coffee Subscriptions Are Not New

Feb 3, 2022

What are coffee subscriptions? Jim Fosina, the CEO of Amora Coffee, shares insights with coffee lovers on how coffee subscriptions work and the benefits of quality coffee and tea deliveries at your doors.

Jim Fosina
Jim Fosina

Jim Fosina is a Founder and CEO of Amora Coffee which offers a subscription-based delivery of quality coffee and tea.

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