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Onze praat graage en vrolijke tim lijkt een hele leuke joviale vent.maar ondertussen is het gewoon een achterbaks ventje die gestolen spullen verkoopt.

Als hij hiermee word geconfronteerd is meneer ineens niet meer zo aardig en meegaand. Kortom kosten post van 4000 mensen pas op een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor 2

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Tim's auto repair/tim cole,owner

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

To whom it may concern, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all... this is posted for someone who don't use the world wide web,since this requires one hundred words I will type the thing starting now... this ridiculous dude is a *** artist and a mechanic wannabe, uses religion as an excuse not to pay back loans, expects all customers to pay in advance, he wants the whole world to feel sorry for him, instead of doing the job for someone after receiving payment, he'll cut off all contact with that person or pack up and move

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  • All the
  • All of the below
  • Ocp sux
Reason of review:
Problems with payment

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

1 comment

Yeah this guy and his gf got us too! They were in Douglasville but now they are in the Bremen area,they move an average of 3 times per year, that ought to tell you something

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