map-marker Birmingham, England

Missing ticket

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Ticket has been sent back to ticketline. Have tried ringing both customer services and sales numbers and cannot get through and have been trying for 2 days!

It won't even let you wait in a queue just says line busy and ends the call! Need to know where the ticket is as the event is this Friday but can't get a response anywhere.

Have also tried emailing, online form and social media and nothing. Ticket line please respond!

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User's recommendation: avoid

Lynn S Dih
map-marker Nottingham, England

I have been locked out of my account

I have tried logging into my account to book tickets but I have been locked out I want to book tickets for the rag and bone man in Taunton

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Preferred solution: Book tickets

map-marker Leeds, England

Ordered the wrong tickets.

I need two tickets changed as I booked 2 tickets to see George Micheal on the 23rd of December. Then I needed 2 more but I brought the 2nd 2 for Micheal buble on the 12th of December so I need those 2 changed pls as its 4 tickets in total to see George Micheal I need. Thankyou.

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User's recommendation: Very quick and easy to use.

Graham H Mnq

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer

Tickets for gig next Thursday

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Hi can you please let me know about my tickets and when I will be receiving them ?I called to ask about tickets several months ago as was told to ring near the time of gig , the billy ocean concert at bath forum is next Thursday and I still do not have tickets is it possible someone could email me them will send it to the post as time is running out .

Order ref 7001****

Customer ref 3382****

Many thanks Graham howse .

30 gore road Ashton Bristol bs32lx

Is it possible to send me an e-ticket

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Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

Graham H Mnq

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Wembley, England

Tickets for gig next Thursday

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Hi can you please let me know about my tickets and when I will be receiving them ?I called to ask about tickets several months ago as was told to ring near the time of gig , the billy ocean concert at bath forum is next Thursday and I still do not have tickets is it possible someone could email me them will send it to the post as time is running out .

Order ref 7001****

Customer ref 3382****

Many thanks Graham howse .

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Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

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