Donna Byk
map-marker Louisville, Colorado

My child harmed by a grown man no one is willing to to anything as a mother I would even turn to Satan himself

I need your assistance could I meet with someone in my area my number is501766**** Little Rock Arkansas ASAP this is an important private matter

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map-marker Boston, Massachusetts

The Satanic Temple.Com Harboring Sex Offenders

Breaking News

Offender Connection Exposed

From the desk of Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik PhD

Founder Temples of Satan and Leader of Theistic Satanism

Over the last few months, I have personally been investigating The Satanic Temple and Adam B. Daniels connection.

Why is this so important, and why should I have an issue with Adam B. Daniels or Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple?

1. This entire scam is about monetary gain, and recently Zach Black of Satanic International Fame, admitted that The Satanic Temple was going to launch even more fund raising campaigns to “fill their coffers” for an upcoming film production.

Now I would not object to a film, there have been many fictional accounts of Satan and I am sure The Satanic Temple would make a great “fictional movie.” Zach Black also admitted to a reputable source that he is involved in a project called 30 Black Masses in 30 Days, and he would be paid thirty thousand for helping after they raise a questionable one hundred fifty thousand.

A real church of temple would produce without public donations rituals, but not fund raise for self promotion, this is unethical in many ways including the fact they are not seeking to be a church but a corporation which is silly in the first place.

2. The Satanic Temple while denying claims of connections to Adam B. Daniels a convicted

Oklahoma Registered Sex Offender has been covering up the following fact that both Greaves and Daniels are both Honorary Members in each others Churches.

While everyone is allowed to make mistakes, and tell lies I personally prefer the latter but Adam B. Daniels has been ringing in the media with his connection, while Doug Mesner (Lucien Greaves) is not commenting and denying connections privately, yet we have exposed a connection of dual membership and a working relationship which includes full knowledge of both Adam B. Daniels Sex Offender Record and his open criminal warrants for Internet Stalking.

While we can conceive many types of excuses for a connection, “bottom line” we are who we associate with and with all the evidence I have seen Doug is in full support of Adam making him a sympathizer to Sex Offenders and Internet Stalkers.

If people want to take you serious and you want to speak for Satanism, you would not “hang out” with convicted criminals or those with open warrants especially when you are doing a public project.

“I would expect Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves will eventually try to move away from this connection as one of his own spokespeople has suggested.

3. The Church of Ahriman (now defunct) renamed multiple times and the Church of Malphas are connected to Hate Speech Groups, are operating dual Non Profits in a Welfare Funded home, which is questionable and possibly against Non Profit Laws.

I have to wonder if Doug Mesner and his Satanic Temple does any type of homework on any of his associations, sex offenders, and governmental fraud abound, and knowing his “so called naivety” does he really as he says he has no idea of what these people's pasts are.

But he himself is questionable as he has had brushes with the law when he desecrated a grave in the Phelps’s Scandal.

“So is does he really care about criminals, I think he thinks he is above all of this, he has remained conveniently silent, covering up his own plagiarism and allegations of deceiving the public.

Going one step further we even can question his motives with the Harvard Incident that he had approval on yet being “tacky” he moved it despite approval to a Chinese Restaurant instead of a private hall which he had approval as a back-up for.”

From everything questionable in the statue, to all these missteps, please avoid supporting the statue and this man any further, take it as a lesson.

4. Finally the statue itself does not represent Satan, the Baphomet Statue while a gallant attempt to actually expound religious freedom it also is another questionable act since the original Baphomet of which the Satanic Temple template is based is simply a depiction from Eliphas Levi who was a Catholic Occult Researcher who was involved in several projects and who admittedly stated he was a Christian throughout his life.

Ultimately my question comes into play, why the children? They did not appear in the original statuary created by Levi and Levi used duality in his statue which had a female breast, the Satanic Temple Statue does not, why was this duality aspect removed? Again as Doug associates with Zach Black of Satanic International a alcoholic, and Adam B Daniels a Sex Offender and Internet Stalker, and Barbara Sobel a “known” scam artist and hate propagator, he obviously fails to do research on anything.

Please avoid donating to anything these people are doing, they are a “House of Cards” and taking peoples money under the media exposure, and cheers of the media who are laughing at Satanism, because of all these people.

I suspect as the day of the statue comes closer allot more will come out about Lucien Greaves as well, and other connections that will show, why this guy needs to put up his statue and go away!

Not something a Satanist would do.


Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik

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"From the desk of Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik PhD"

The quoted text is a cue for sane, objective people to stop reading. "Dr." Raspotnik is, to put it as kindly as possible, NOT a reliable source of information.


Sad this group is getting media exposure, keep up the work we as Satanists need to end this groups media attention I have seen them spreading lies about Tom and his work I checked Tom out he is not a criminal but a freedom fighter for satanism, I am pagan but hope people stand up to sex offenders in paganism


Thanks for providing some truth behind this group, I would suspect some replies that lie as usual KEEP THE FAITH Tom and keep up the hard work!


I have seen Tom posting this elsewhere, after carefully checking out this group I found Toms article informative I don't like bashing but people need awarness

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