map-marker Buffalo, New York

Banned from comment section

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To the best of my knowledge I have not violated any comment rules, and have been banned. To this day can not find out why.

Have never been informed what, if any, my violation was. It simply will not accept any comment.

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Mikel P

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Verified Reviewer

They are the worst digital media with a major right leaning and no room for left. Moderator "NYGINO" is banning anyone who states their opinion that's different than theirs.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Original review updated May 08, 2021

I wrote a post with my opinion that didn't break the rules and NYGINO, a moderator ban me with a comment that said "get lost." I don't know who owns the Right Scoop and there's no place to contact except a dropdown box. I've contacted them twice but nothing back in return.

The others on the right who read this digital media write right leaning comments and even profane and lewd comments but they aren't ban. Don't even go here or else.

You have me as a paying customer, I didn't say that, you did. Because I'm not a paying customer.

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  • Right leaning media

Preferred solution: Apology

User's recommendation: Don't go here or else.

Media Expert Talks

Disinformation: Russian and Chinese trolls among us

Disinformation: Russian and Chinese trolls among us

Jun 16, 2022

How to know what’s fake on social media? In this video, Prof. Darren Linvill from Clemson University Media Forensics Hub explains how disinformation works, common tactics of political propaganda, the role of trolls, hashtags, and how to spot fake news.

Prof. Darren Linvill
Prof. Darren Linvill

Darren Linvill investigates data messaging and context accompanied by inauthentic behavior on social media networks. He also examines misinformation and disinformation in the rising field of social media forensics and data monitoring.

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