The Resolution Law Group
The Law Resolution Law group SCAM
I was also duped into paying $6000 to retain the Resolution law group to represent me in the same supposed lawsuit against my lender who happened to be Lehmann Bros under the guise of a lending company called Aurora home loans. After studying the facts of the supposed lawsuit and researching the claims that my lender was trying to foreclose on us illegally because of their actions through MERS.
I felt that the statements made by The Resolution law group were factual and made complete sense to both my wife and myself. We reached a decision after attending 3 HARP seminars whereby the banks would come and sit with their clients and a government mediator of sorts to reach an agreement to lower payments or at least cease foreclosure proceedings, none of which happened in our case.On all 3 occasions the representatives of our lending company failed to show to make any negotiations with anyone.After a while it turned out that Aurora home loans had changed its standing as a lending company to being just a servicing agent for a lender that they had sold my loan to. More reason to believe that we were on the right side of the law. As a result of our research into the matter we thought it would be prudent for us to retain The Resolution Law group to represent us in their supposed lawsuit.As with the other complainant we were solicited to make a $6000 payment to retain their services which was to pay ongoing legal fees as the lawsuit progressed to its supposed court date which had at the time been designated to be heard in Kings County in Brooklyn NY.We were also told we would have to pay a monthly servicing fee of $350 to be kept abreast of what was going on with the case.
We made these monthly payments but never were updated as to the progression of the case. When we tried to contact them we were bounced around from 1 lawyer to the next only to be told we would be called on a certain day at a certain time by a lawyer who would then proceed to tell us the latest story as to why the case was being held up because of legal injunctions placed by the defendants in the case to move the location to a different location than that already assigned (Kings County). We were told that any monies paid by us to Resolution Law Group would be refunded to us from the funds obtained after the case was settled there by making it a no cost situation for us, apart from the usual deductions made in legal matters probably 33% of obtained settlement. I have most definitely been ripped off by this company and have ended up in a much worse place than I was before any dealings with them.
I was foreclosed on and evicted from my home, I have accrued debt from many places because of this including a $33000 tax debt because of forgiven debt laws, and all this because out of desperation we chose to be represented by The Resolution Law Group a company that is now out of business as far as we can ascertain. They are gone and so are all the monies that we paid to them. Would really love to know if anyone has advice as to how to proceed now that i am financially ruined because of my choice to use this company.
Is there any avenue to try to recoup losses i have suffered because of this disastrous situation. Feeling Hopeless!
- Disastrous
THE RESOLUTION LAW GROUP out of Ct promised that by paying $6,000.00 to be added onto their lawsuit as a named plaintiff, this would stop my foreclosure. They sent me this link to show the suit was infact real.
Rafael Quesada never told me that on top of the $6,000.00 I would also be paying $350.00 a month, FOR EVER! The case has just been moved into federal court he said and settlement will come fast. Your house won't be foreclosed on he promised because they have a special deal with the banks, Chase Bank in particular. He passed me off to his manager, Shane Hogan, who was speaking so fast I thought he was going to pass out.
They also told me their legal department had to qualify me in order to join. All their e mails and contact numbers were through the Ct area code but I found this office was in SANTA ANA CA. They also have secret offices in LAS VEGAS and UTAH.
i DID THE MATH, 3,000 CLIENTS PAYING $350.00 A MONTH IS OVER $1,000,000.00 A MONTH IN MAINTENANCE FEES! This sounds like the K2 Law Group, Kassas Law group, Mass Litigation Alliance, Mass Joinder, Fieldman Law Center, Mass Joinder Scam, ADR Scam, Trustee Delay Scam, Quick Claim Deed Scam, Santa Ana, California, http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/fieldstone-law-law-offices-of-frank-francis-barilla-law-office-of-tony-kassas/santa-ana-california-/fieldstone-law-law-offices-of-frank-francis-barilla-law-office-of-tony-kassas-kramer--810803
Are all these law firms and lawyers preying on home owners desperate to save their home??
Companies Similar to The Resolution Law Group
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The fact is that "The Resolution Law Group P.C." is a legitimate law firm located in Greenwich, CT. Our attorneys have law degrees from The University of Connecticut, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Southeastern University in Miami among others.
This complaint is about a company with a similar name "Resolution Law Group" from Santa Ana. We don't know what their business practices are but d not get the two companies mixed up because they are totally unaffiliated entities. Look at the owners of the companies and attorney's that work for them.
This complaint is illegitimate and has caused much harm and confusion for our practice. Please contact our firm directly and we can prove our due diligence and company merit.
Its a scam within a scam within a scam, that is a big scam.
The company is managed by a Shane Hogan, Brian Maher and a fake attorney named Jeff _____. They have an office in Santa Ana/Tustin California and tell would-be clients that their office is in Connecticut.
Shane is the biggest fast talker and liar of the firm. These guys are crooks and are only in it to rob desperate homeowners. They give false hope and never can give absolutes or what people can expect.
Homeowners are promised cash awards and low interest rates when the case is resolved. This is a big scam.
"The Resolution Law Group" out of Connecticut has absolutely no affiliation with "Resolution Law Group" from Santa Ana, who this complaint is against. "The Resolution Law Group" are are licensed to practice in several states and members of many associations and other organizations such as The state of Connecticut, The state of New Jersey, The United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, The American Bar Association, The Connecticut Bar Association, and The Bar Association of the District of Columbia.