The Lords Child
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Chantilly, Virginia
The Lord's Child no financial accountability
You need to do your research before giving to this organization The lord's Child in Sevierville, TN. They do not have any financial accountability and all the money is controlled by one man, Gene Wolfenbarger.
as of this writing this is the way it is. Seek out the information and do not just accept a print out of how they money is spent in areas because that is how they fool you, they put marketing expenses under outreach and personal clothing under outreach.
The people in the church told us this stuff and said to warn and pray so that others may bring the truth to light. research.
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The Lords Child
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Please just ask to see a full financial disclosure. I am sure that there are people that receive a little assistance. Whether or not they are truly helped remains to be seen. I have heard stories, here and there, where it seems that what TLC and TG are doing is great but I am weary of the things that you can't see.
For example. They are having a conference for pastors that is 'free'. It says that the sponsor is the lords child. So, i'm sure that the speaking engagement fees that is paid to the high name/high dollar speakers is paid for out of the lords child.
I wonder if some of the donors would have given if they knew that they were supporting free dinners for pastors as well as a truck load of money to have them speak?
Like I said, ask for a full financial disclosure. I am not weary of what they are doing in public .. only the motive behind why they are truly doing it and the amount of money wasted on people living in excess.
The Lords Child has accountability. In stead of putting the origination down Look at how many children and family's have been helped Have you ever spoke with them? have you ever been on site to see what they are doing? Before any one states anything about The Lords Child Please REALLY check it out Hear say is terrible...
The Gathering Church has a pastor that teaches you anything he speaks on can be found in Bible.. On money Jesus spoke on Money... many times .. most likely he knew people would have issues with giving money ,,, If pastor never spoke on Tithes giving of money time etc he would answer to God .
What any Pastor,Church, does with the tithe etc that is given back to God through the church is not our problem we give back to God ,, how ever money spent the person who spent it will have to explain to God one day why they did with it .
Please people if you comment on any pastor ,Church or origination check it out on site before you make a comment and check it out with God he will show you exactly what they do
never give blindly to any organization that claims to do anything. that is not being a good steward.
You need to know that your money is truly going to the cause. I would go into greater detail having been on staff but just try and see in light of all that Gene wolfenbarger buys for himself, how easy it is for staff to get funds for a member in need. If they cannot get a camera of a tv station to see them they are very selective as to who they will help and when they will do it.
Why do you think people leave and start their own ministries and not just minister at the Gathering. Because if it is not Gene's plan or idea it is shunned and real ministry and needs of the people are put aside for the greatly glory of Gene and his church and ministry.
never give blindly to any organization that claims to do anything. that is not being a good steward.
You need to know that your money is truly going to the cause. I would go into greater detail having been on staff but just try and see in light of all that Gene wolfenbarger buys for himself, how easy it is for staff to get funds for a member in need. If they cannot get a camera of a tv station to see them they are very selective as to who they will help and when they will do it.
Why do you think people leave and start their own ministries and not just minister at the Gathering. Because if it is not Gene's plan or idea it is shunned and real ministry and needs of the people are put aside for the greatly glory of Gene and his church and ministry.
I feel like I am not worthy to be in his presence. He just has this intimidating air about himself.
I went to church in my hometown last Sunday and I am still walking in God's light thanks to the minister. I even emailed him two months ago about Gene and his mannerisms. He answered me in two days. I have tried to email Gene but I get Bobby.
See...I don't have a big check to give him. Or a valuable pen. I told my son about his braggard ways....he could not believe it.
A minister into materialistic things.
I hope everyone will see God's LIGHT one day. This church reminds me of the movie about evangelism with Steve Martin.
Wow, I never knew that he owned it all. Now I understand why he has people make sure he has his hot tea in the car waiting for him at the gathering church in sevierville, why he brings his garbage to church to have one of the staff throw it out for him, why he abuses and gets away with it.
I am so tired of hearing about teachable moments and the excuses to abuse people. I am also tired of hearing well we go because there is no where else to go. Well I am sure you wouldn't go to *** if that was the only place you thought you could go. There are much more humble God serving pastors in town that could love on you and show you the Love of Christ better than the greedy money hungry Gene Wolfenbarger.
Just look at who he hangs out with, who his inner circle is.
Gene Wolfenbarger is a child of God and deserves your prayers, but I would never trust him with your money.
Yeah - shame. What about the fact that he's asking people to resign left and right because giving is down and making sure that they say that they resigned on their own free will. If that didn't happen he wouldn't be able to keep making payments on his idol (the building) and supporting his lavish lifestyle.
That is terrible, I had my suspicions about this organization. I know not EVERY ministry is bad, but judging by the flashy people Gene Wolfenbarger hangs out with, he is just following their lead.
The money he spends on clothing, his home, vehicles, it is nothing like the modest way Jesus lived.
He blesses himself with a large salary, housing benefits, etc way in excess of the median income of his flock. Shame on Gene wolfenbarger.