Marletta Njj


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I had a tummy tuck performed by Dr. Viscardi.

He revised my right side twice because there was a pucker. It looked like a love handle. During the final revision he cut me above the panty line and so I have a scar partly on my waistline. I saw Dr.

Downs to fix the problem. He charged me $500 and basically straightened a small section of the crooked cut that puckered. I met with him again and he wanted to charge me $2700 to “fix the ptoblem more aggressively”. I refuse to pay Center PC another dime and give them another vhance to do furyher damage or harm.

Between the two doctors and 4 opportunities my tummytuck is unbecoming. My waistline is irritated and is aggravates from my pants.

Center PC is aware of my complaint and have said nothing. I’m contemplating contacting the medical board.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers Expert Talks

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

Who may need the 4th vaccine? Is monkeypox dangerous? Prof. Karen Jubanyik comments on the mask-optional policy, COVID booster shot, and the monkeypox.

Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

Karen Jubanyik, MD is Associate Professor, Clinician-Educator Track, in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine.

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