map-marker Mission Viejo, California

The bipolar child, psychiatric drug marketing to kids

Parents are being mislead by a multi billion-dollar a year child drugging industry that a diagnoses of "mental disorder" (ADHD, Bi-Polar, Social Anxiety Disorder) are medical diseases or illnesses. This is a fraud. No child has a brain scan, blood test, X-Ray or any evidence of physical abnormality to verify they are "ill" or "diseased."

Yet psychiatrists continue to pound the public with misleading and fraudulent statements that these so called mental disorders are biochemical or neurological conditions. That is false. They are simply a list of behaviors that psychiatrists vote into existence and insert into their billing bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

This has led to over 8 million children in the U.S. taking mind-altering psychiatric drugs.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV), published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), is psychiatry's billing bible of "disorders" from which psychiatric screening, diagnoses and their treatment are derived. The current edition lists 374 psychiatric conditions that have been identified as mental disorders.

Yet, the disorders contained in the DSM-IV are arrived at by consensus, not by scientific criteria. There are no blood tests, brain scans, X-Rays, MRIs or "chemical imbalance" tests that can scientifically validate any mental "disorder" as a disease or illness. Unlike medical diagnoses that convey a probable cause, appropriate treatment and likely prognosis, the disorders listed in DSM-IV are terms arrived at through peer consensus"- literally, a vote by APA committee members.

Psychiatric drugs did nothing but make me sick.

The Psychiatric drugging industry is creating a huge new class of chronic mental patients through its promoting of this new child bipolar and "Drugs for kids".

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I agree. I was put on Ritalin.

I hated every second of it Turned me into a zombie even though it was 40 years ago. Just let kids be kids. I did NOT need to be on that. Her friends even told her that.

Had a mother that didn't want to be a mother, so she had me drugged so she could sleep all *** day!

We were overseas at the time, and that made it even worse. She slept for it seemed like 3 years till we got back to the states.


Tonight, Katie Couric interviewed both the mother of Rebecca Riley (the former is charged in the latter’s death) and Dr. Joseph Biederman, the guy who basically helped “invent” childhood bipolar disorder (as we reported here and here, ). The mother is basically implicated in killing her child because she overmedicated the child. And yet, the child’s psychiatrist diagnosed the child as “bipolar disorder” just before her 3rd birthday (according to the 60 minutes report). Bipolar disorder is only recognized as an adult disorder and diagnosis. It’s use in children is highly controversial.

The “symptoms” of Rebecca Riley that were described in the 60 minutes report suggests that it could’ve been anything — normal childhood development or who knows what. The biggest problem with the supposed childhood bipolar diagnosis is that it is so broad as it cannot differentiate between normal childhood behaviors (or those that fall just somewhat outside of the norm) and a serious, real mental disorder.

Shouldn’t we wait before prescribing adult-strength, mind-changing psychiatric medications to children, you know, until more safety and efficacy studies are done on actual children? In the common cry amongst doctors and researchers that justify their findings, they pull out the sympathy card that is supposed to substitute for good science:

Actually, Dr. Biederman, you can. Because the first thing you agreed to is “do no harm.” If you don’t know what or to what extent medications you prescribe (or those who follow your religion) will negatively impact their target population — e.g., children — then you shouldn’t be recommending it.

And that’s a good excuse to pretty much let people do anything they want to do with any medication, *** the FDA. But that’s not how our country works, and for good reason — it’s darned dangerous!

Who’s to blame for Rebecca Riley’s death? I think that the prescribing psychiatrist is partially to blame, as well as her parents who administered the medications. Should the mother be standing trial for murder, though? Absolutely not. That’s as much an overreaction to the case as any.

Living with the death of her own child will be punishment enough.

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