Jane S Jwn

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| map-marker Staten Island, New York


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I have been asked to cancel membership in the TCM Wine Club. I have tried several times to do so without success.

I am going to notify my credit card company not to pay any further bills from the TCM Wine Club and hope that will work. Why doesn't the TCM Wine Club have an e-mail so that you can contact them/it directly?Like

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Preferred solution: Cancellation of membership.

User's recommendation: Like wine a lot and have lots of room in your home.

1 comment

Send them a cease and desist letter and serve it via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested. State clearly the date at which their charges will no longer be honored ; usually 30 days before the onset of the next billing period.

THEN contact your credit card company and instruct them to dishonor any further TCM Booze Brothers billings, providing them with the date you furnished to TCM Drunk Dream Team.

Maybe they will go away then and you won't be bothered any more. If you're under a contractual obligation still, you'll either have to wait or pay...


Do not fall for the phony implied glamor

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Turner Classic Movies (TCM) fills the spot between films with ads for their house brands of wine shipped to your doorstep. I think they should stick to movies and forget the drinking ; they certainly show enough movies with plots regarding the disasters of alcoholism ; now they sell the stuff for profit.

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Reason of review:
Alcoholism promotion

Preferred solution: Drop it.


Many of their movies show ordinary folk succumbing to the train-wreck of alcoholism. It's nothing new for sure.

Yet TCM continues to sell booze. Just like a gas station selling alcohol.

The only thing they need to offer up now is bullets and other ammunition. Shameful.


Correct. I'm sick of their promoting alcoholism for profit and don't see anything remotely glamorous about sitting there getting drunk and watching TV.

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Right - promoting alcoholism for profit. Brands of product you've never heard of.

Difficult to cancel. That is a lousy thing TCM has going now and I don't want any part of it.

I know I don't have to buy it (I do not) and I don't have to watch the channel (I do not, except when they finally get around to showing a movie). Advice: use DVR when dealing with TCM ; you will also miss the irritating hosts talking and the eye-shredding bright colored blurbs in between.

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