Theresa N Avd

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Taylor association management is absolutely the worst property management company

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

There has been an issue with them from day one, when they took over the Terra Bella property in Henderson, Nevada. There is a lack of consistency, professionalism, and timely response to issues. They display a sense of favoritism. For example, like myself and one other person mentioned previously in their remarks, we received a violation notice. It's ironic that I suddenly have a violation notice when there are people around me in this condominium area that have greenery all around their balconies that they're not supposed to have. They've had it there for two years, yet I've never received a violation notice.

There are people with pet allowances who've never received a violation notice. There are people with pets who haven't disclosed that in their lease, yet have never received a violation notice. Apparently, if you're a tenant of an independently owned condominium, you're not entitled to ask the management company what their policies are regarding month-to-month leases at the end of your yearly lease.

You can certainly receive a violation notice about it because they will mail you one stating that they need a copy of a current lease for you on record, even though they never requested one before an issue was brought to their attention. They've been avoiding dealing with it since it took place on their property, resulting in severe harm.

They don't recognize Nevada state law which states that if your lease expires at the end of the contracted period, it automatically rolls into a month-to-month lease. When I questioned them about where in the CC&R it states that Terra Bella does not allow a month-to-month lease, I received no reply, even though this was offered to me by my landlord and it's stated in the lease contract.

As I said, I received a violation notice which didn't specify that it was for my records or intended for me to read and keep in my files. In the letter, it stated that I could either provide them with a copy of my current lease, or request an extension. Given my circumstances, I chose to request an extension via email, per their instructions.

I was informed through email that despite the fact that the letter was addressed to me and sent to my specific address, only the landlord can request an extension. Again, some arbitrary rule was made up. Why would you send me a letter stating my options if only the landlord can request an extension? There was nothing in the letter from the management company stating that only the landlord can request an extension.

The exorbitant amount of money they charge for monthly HOA fees is absolutely ridiculous. However, I am confident that due to my situation, which resulted in severe harm, I am now being targeted by the management company and the HOA because they have yet to respond to the severity of the matter.

Additionally, on two occasions, I tried to file a noise complaint issue pertaining to someone's dog barking from 3 AM to 6 AM and to a community dance class that a tenant decided to arbitrarily move to the garage above me, without the HOA's approval. Why would someone hold a community-wide, loud music line dance class in their personal garage when there's a public community area on the property for such events? I sent emails regarding this matter that took place every Thursday from November 2023 to the first week of March 2024 for an hour.

My first email was completely ignored; my second email suggested that I join the line dance class, and the third response was that I needed to record the level of sound, which I did, but they still did not want to listen to it. They knew exactly where the classes were being held and never addressed it. This discrimination happens when you speak up for yourself.

The management company should consider moving the class to their garage to see how it feels to have a constant noise violation against the HOA rules for several months without any action being taken. Yet, somehow, not having a copy of the lease on file is a major violation. They turn a blind eye to certain people and harass others or simply ignore them, hoping that they'll just disappear.

This is when you're being charged $380 a month in HOA fees. Do your research, people! If a property that you're interested in is being run by Taylor association management, please save yourself the headache and find somewhere else. They are unprofessional, discriminatory, and they just take your money.

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  • Money hungry
  • Discrimination
  • Unfair and bias treatment of residents

Preferred solution: Pursuing other options

User's recommendation: Do your research if you find the Taylor association management is a part of that property recommend you look somewhere else

Carl R Vrx

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Henderson, Nevada

Totally unprofessional refused to pay for a leak that was in the common area that damaged my condo totally the association's fought and they backed the association up I have to take them to court to

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Taylor Association Management - Totally unprofessional refused to pay for a leak that was...
Taylor Association Management - Totally unprofessional refused to pay for a... - Image 2
Taylor Association Management - Totally unprofessional refused to pay for a... - Image 3

There was a leak in the common area this was the second time within a year that leaked damaged my property and they refuse to fix my property and came into my property pull the carpet up pull the hardwood floors up said they were going to come back and fix it and decided that they're not going to fix it so I'm claiming it on my insurance and we will be taking them to court to recover the damages

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  • Unprofessional

Preferred solution: Full refund

map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Most unprofessional HOA ever!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

After owning several properties with HOAs in Florida, Hawaii, California Illinois, etc since 1982, we just purchased a property in Las Vegas this May 2023 with this Taylor HOA clowns! No doubt, this is absolutely the worst, most poorly managed and unprofessional firm as evidenced by the numerous one-star ratings that can be found all over the web!

Right off the bat in June we get notices of violation for plant stands on the patio, our new car being abandoned improper stored with threats to tow it as two derelict cars were parked right next to our unit! For some strange reasons, it appears we were targeted for their harassing procedures. To add insult to injury, their maintenance employees damaged one of our front window screens with their extension ladders as confirmed by both my wife and me! In all cases with all our prior HOAs if you are going take a Hoa Fee then you have to do something besides deny everything and say no.

This company knows why I am fed.

Stop stealing from your owners and tenants.

Our regret that we didn't take the time to check out all the numerous and negative one-star reviews BEFORE we purchased the unit!

Our advice...don't make that same mistake...check out the HOA BEFORE you purchase! If we had known what we now know about these Taylor people in advance...we would NEVER

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1 comment

file a licensure complaint, go through all that, then get 10 signatures and get the attention of the attorney general. Then local news complaint.

Duane W Yxy

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Verified Buyer

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Henderson, Nevada

Taylor Association Management Henderson/Las Vegas NV

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Contains 2 confidential files for company representatives
Updated by user Aug 11, 2023

So far, no follow up, not on an apology or on gate codes. Poor response to emails and here so far. I doubt this is isolated too.

Original review Jul 11, 2023
I am asking for Isabella Ruff be removed from representing San Marcos HOA since she has shown unethical behaviors. I am asking that we our HOA be notified in writing of the change of contacts, so it is official. I have requested 1 of 2 additional people from this company Taylor Association Management with your same qualifications.
I stated this in my BBB complaint desired resolution, and the owner of the company states " While I appreciative of the compliant, this is not a matter handled by the BBB.
For the record however, the matter has been addressed and we are working the Board of Directors to find an amicable solution.
J. Hoorn
Before this, I got this message from the Owner of Taylor Association Management: Thank you for your complaint. I appreciate your feedback and passion for your community.
This matter, however, is not under the realm of the BBB. While it does absolutely deserve response and attention, this is not the correct venue.
I would invite you to email me directly at jhoorn@***.com to continue this conversation. When we chat, while I have several possible suggestions, I would be curious to hear what the acceptable resolution would be in the opinion of the homeowner. Everyone's opinion is different, and I am anxious to hear yours!
Thank you in advance for the opportunity to listen and serve.
Jason Hoorn
By the way, let me make it clear, Taylor Association Management is brand new to San Marcos at Summerlin, I think only a few months, and I have never been cited or had any prior issues with my property or with Taylor Association Management.
My complaint is with an employee, a Nevada Real Estate licensed community manager, of her behaviors and actions, and I asked her to be removed from serving San Marcos at Summerlin.
I since believe I got the runaround and not solution from the owner of her company.
My complaint in detail as follows:
Isabella M RuffCAM.0007731-SUPR Supervising Community Manager
CC: Jason P. Hoorn, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
Chief Executive Officer and Owner of Taylor Association ManagementTaylor Association Management259 N Pecos RD #100Henderson, NV 89074
Allegations of Misconduct of Isabella M RuffCAM.0007731-SUPR Supervising Community Manager
By the way, again, let me make it clear, Taylor Association Management is brand new to San Marcos at Summerlin, I think only a few months, and I have never been cited or had any prior issues with my property or with Taylor Association Management.
I live in San Marcos at Summerlin, Home Owners Association, and on July 5, 2023, we finally spoke directly on the phone, after I left multiple google emails and voicemail messages the previous few weeks. I have submitted proof of some documentation on BBB for which your employer Jason P. Hoorn CMCA, AMS, PCAM replied too, and possibly may submit more on BBB and possibly on I am filing allegations of misconduct against you on the basis of Unprofessional Conduct, Abuse of power, attempt to punish due to retaliation, and not fulfilling your duties as supervising community manager per your license.
I have proof of sending multiple emails, and then showed you these Google time date stamped emails in PDF format of mailings in June 2023, after you stated you never received messages. I think this might have angered you, or the fact that I wanted on the agenda about this management company not responding to/returning messages.
I complained about lack of follow up in the same 7/5/23 telephone conversation with you, and wanted this on the HOA meeting Agenda, about your lack of responding to emails/messages. You were UNPROFESSIONAL stating that I have to show up in person at a meeting, to have an issue placed on the following quarterly meeting, not assist by letting me know the date August 31st, or taking accountability for lack of fulfilling your job duties as a Supervising Community Manager. But my issues were directly related to your lack of appropriate behaviors and lack of actions, and of Taylor Association Management since you are Tayor Association Management. You are assigned to my community San Marcos and clearly listed as my contact for any and all needs. Your actions and behaviors were hostile, unprofessional, and abrasive. You could have taken responsibility. You went in the opposite direction and became hostile, retaliatory, and attempted to punish by your legal standing.
Same exact phone call 7/5/23, I complained about dog *** put on my garage door which occurred during the day of 7/4/23 while I was at work. Because of your irritation/anger conveyed in word choice, tone, style with me after my complaining and showing you proof of not replying to my previous emails, and wanted items on agenda about Taylor Association Management responsibility in replying to homeowners, you stated "too bad, it stinks, you have to clean it off, you could have smeared it on yourself".
Later in the conversation, I said you were unprofessional saying that, and you replied "I took your name off the list" indicating you were going to give me a notice for a report I brought to you, a concern I brought to you, which happened only previous day, of which you had no prior knowledge of which. May this be proof that demonstrates your which I have to assume a routine pattern of behaviors.
You were going to use your license, standing of power, to punish me, because I complained of you, to you, of not returning messages. You deliberately intended to harm me. You again stated, "I took you off the list" a citation list that you just put me on in the previous 5 minutes due to your unprofessionalism and abuse of power.
You talked down to me about finding out that you were going to see where the cameras are located within the same conversation, which is known to be only at the front gates, of which I was able to tell you the history of how they came about.
You alluded to manipulation and put me down by talking about how you are familiar personally with the two board members, as if I was inferior. When in fact I know the two board members since being a homeowner since 2013, I simply did not have their contact. You deliberately, purposefully refused to get me in touch with them, only verbally telling me that you sent a message to them about my concern.
In this same phone conversation, which is where my original concern came from, about the gate codes, and submitting requests. We have a new gate system where we can choose our personalized residence and vendor gate codes (going back to the emails you initially denied receiving). You then stated, "that's not my area". But on our San Marcos HOA Newsletter mailings, you are listed as our sole contact. I then had to ask, would you please refer that paper to the correct person then... (but along with you and general Taylor Association Management in the same email my form was in PDF and sent to all parties, you simply for whatever reason was non-responsive). Only at the end of the day did I get an email from Devin Cary on 7/5/23, addressed {"Hello, How may I assist you? what gate code number did you need?"} My name is not even used in the email, but it was sent to my email address.
I was bullied me, Isabella Ruff was unprofessional, her boss hasn't as of yet resolved the problem. I don't believe this is the first time you behaved this way. Her boss and owner Jason P. Hoorn, CMCA, AMS, PCAM has contacted me on BBB stating he would like to talk with me outside of the BBB site for solutions.
I believe owner and boss Jason P. Hoorn, who owns Taylor Association Management in Henderson, Nevada, is responsible for her actions, and I find it hard for him to be unaware about your behaviors since you have been an EMPLOYEE OF HIS since 2016 (EIGHT YEARS). He still has her employed, he has not removed her from the HOA in which I live and own a house.
On 7/7/24, I cleaned the dog *** off the garage, used glass foam cleaner, and was able to chat with a concerned neighbor at this time as well, he felt you abused your position and was nonhelpful. I showed him my BBB statement and your picture off the website.
Please note I have PDFs of the emails sent to you, pictures of the garage door, not the voicemail messages, of which you neglected to respond to all 100%. I prefer everything in writing at this time please.
I am simply asking that you be removed from representing San Marcos HOA since you have shown unethical behaviors. Perhaps you can have some training through the licensure board and be rehabilitated? I am asking that we be notified in writing of the change of contacts, so it is official. I have requested 1 of 2 additional people from your company with your same qualifications. Only your employer or licensing board can make whatever decision they may feel warranted and justified. I will proceed accordingly to what is correct, I like everything to be open and transparent, so no parties fail in being ethically correct and proper. Ideally, I would prefer my board to find another company instead of using Taylor Association Management given his actions at this time.
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Preferred solution: Isabella Ruff to be removed from the San Marcos contract

User's recommendation: Network with fellow neigbors, Don't tolerate disrespect or bullying. We pay them. We ask for help, we should have help.

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"I'm a Huge Proponent of Building a Home" Ty Wilde About Real Estate Industry

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To help every potential homeowner find answers to their most important real estate questions, we’ve invited Ty Wilde Realtor & New Home Construction Specialist. In this video interview, we asked Ty to share his vast experience and give expert advice on whether to build a house or buy a house, what’s the best time to buy a house, what to consider during the house inspection, and more.

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Ty Wilde

Ty Wilde is the Utah Realtor and New Home Construction Specialist with over 15 years of experience. He helps people to go through the process of buying or selling a home.

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