Erick K Xuo
map-marker Syracuse, New York

Crimes and other atrocities comminted by Syracuse Comm Health Center

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Syracuse Community Health Center - Crimes and other atrocities comminted by Syracuse Comm...

I have had prescription medication that was shipped to the Syracuse Comm Health Center (SCHC) stolen twice from me a few years ago. One of their doctors, Bill Hines, committed sexual harassment by writing the word *** on a prescription script in place of my name and I have a copies of this.

They have tried to extort money from me in the past. These people do everything they can think of drive away patients, and it seems to have worked. For I have talked to dozens of former SCHC patients and a former SCHC employee. Not only do they concur with me, they all have had similar horrible experiences with the SCHC.

Please try to find anywhere else to go for healthcare in Syracuse. With the Affordable Health Care Act, there are lots of other options for healthcare than the SCHC.

For the whole story of my experience, please visit my website which is provided as a public service free of charge. I make no money from that nor are there any promotions on the website.

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  • Negative attitudes of every schc staff member
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

map-marker Richland, Washington

Syracuse Community Health Center - Dental Service Review from Richland, Washington

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Waited 3 hours at Syracuse community health center to again b misdiagnosed saying I have large cavity but she won't fill it due to they r too busy and my case too rare. They r killing peeps.

Said she needed letter to come back in 6 weeks when tooth will b too decayed and need letter claiming my rare body can handle dental work as it has for 50 years to protect herself and company. It's about greed abuse of power certainly not health. I get bills for misdiagnoses so they get rich on my dead body and I've had 3 tummy surgeries and get bacterial overgrowth so after dental procedures need meds but she said nope.

They murder peeps.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

What kind of dentist sees large cavity and refuses to fix?

Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers Expert Talks

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

Who may need the 4th vaccine? Is monkeypox dangerous? Prof. Karen Jubanyik comments on the mask-optional policy, COVID booster shot, and the monkeypox.

Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

Karen Jubanyik, MD is Associate Professor, Clinician-Educator Track, in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine.

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