Sycamore Village Of Lafayette
Employess have been helping a houston group stalk and spy in apts
it was brought to my attention that Employess of Executive House Hotel in Lafayette La set up an apt to view over guest of special need an has used it to the disadvantage to the public,this places has alreasy been for. The bad thing is the guy who helped the employess is a computer master and out of houston tx, They have been watching and listening to the tenants from a remote location, using this methode to stalk and harrass myself a total 400 days in a rowe and its driven me 100% crazy.
This same apt has been the location of multiple identity theift having parole bored badge and wallets of several differnt people found all over my apt. Also some copies of claims forms from a open case i was involved in where located in same apt. They have harrased me using violent tbreats of acts to my family and stolen a total of $32,000 from settlement i was waiting on by use of this apt set up. My identity was stolen and drivers license was possiblly use to cash a stolen check.
There is An emplyoee named Dana who placed my photo incorrectly ontop of another gentalmens information and handed flyers of me as as a sexual prediter having moved into the complex. she gave the flyers to a dance school group of motbers. Mike Lefleur and his group of sorry *** mother *** have been using that apt for e a .few yrs to unknowingly spy on the tenants. I am an out patient who discontinued sessions at joseph tylor hospital.
The horrible things they do every single night have.drove me to want to lashout again at people. Cliff Lorentz and Shane Taylor as Well as Cody Staford, have no clue what is going to happen to them today souly and directly caused by there terrorest activity over and over night after night.
Jason Dugas and daughter Jaslynn jo marie dugas are told to be behind this terrorest event as well. I was ran out of my home and torrtured by this tactic widley taking over the south
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