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| map-marker Atlanta, Georgia

Needed refill on meds calls for 3 dys no help

was told dr h, moore was out state/country called for on call doctor told that refill at pharmacy but they said dr. denied refill but he was not suppose be there!!

needed inhaler replace and migraine meds 3dys i was lied too saying they wpulf call it in!!! i left messages for the adm no call back was spoken to rudely by reception @decatur ga office also left messages for nurse dr.moore i do not know who deny the refill but dr.moore should have call me!!!

so disrespectful i feel like my health means nothing them if dr,moore do not want me as a pt. say so!

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  • Lying run around disrepectful treatment

Preferred solution: my meds refilled

User's recommendation: it happen to me it will happen to you find a dr./staff that respect you as a pt.

map-marker Wichita, Kansas

Dr. Smalls told me I had blood in my urine when I first saw her, then 2 weeks later she told me she didn’t say that. I have never had a Doctor to tell me something so devastating and then deny it.

I came in for pain in my right side. I took a urine test and when Dr.

small came in to see me she said blood was in your urine, and Ill have someone call you to set up an MRI for the pain in your side. Im still wondering about blood in urine. 2 weeks later on a tele health call she said she never said that. I was not only mad but asked her why she would tell me that and then deny it.

Also telling me she said nothing about an MRI and said she told me I needed an X-Ray. Another lie. A Doctor who would lie about your health is really worrisome to me.

I told her I would never come back to that office and if she did this to me, no telling what else she has done. I told my sister she told me I had blood in my urine that is something I wouldnt tell a family member and the Doctor would act like no big deal.

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User's recommendation: Not to ever see this Doctor

Canesha L
map-marker Atlanta, Georgia

Unprofessional workers !

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This place is unprofessional! They talk about the patients and joke and laugh about them !!!I THIS PLACE IS GHETTO

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Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

map-marker Mcdonough, Georgia

Southside Medical Center - Lovejoy, GA (DENIAL OF COVID TESTS)

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I scheduled a Covid Test with my Doctor's Office: Southside Medical Center - Lovejoy

I was registered by (Kim) at the side Mfront desk. Kim specifically stated to me:

"BE ON TIME AT 8AM" OR "SHE" will not see you because its FIRST COME FIRST SERVED."

She said, "Park on the side of the building where the dumpster is located; (she pointed to the left side of the building from where she sit)."

Being the punctual person that I am, I arrived early as to "NOT" be late.

I was "the first to arrive" at 7:40am.


8:00am, - NO ONE FROM SMC was back there.

8:12am, - NO ONE FROM SMC was back there.

2 other cars arrived.

8:15am, , - One person from SMC emerged from the building wearing a white coat.

I said to her, "Excuse me, I was here first"

She responded, "Oh, I'm only here to test my own patients. Another lady will be out to help you".

5 mins. later...another SMC employee comes out.

She goes to the 2nd car. (Wow.)

By the time the 2nd rep came to my car I was pissed because if SMC is going to do these tests, they need to HAVE A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE PROCESS.

NOT just walking to random cars as they feel.

I was trying to explain that to the Rep. but she kept trying to give me "excuses as to "WHY" I wasn't seen first."

1.SMC DOES NOT give you a # (which they should) to associate 1st come 1st serve.

2.They didn't give me any document or "ANYTHING" except park on the side of the building.

3.(Kim) did not inform that if youre not the Reps patient then you cant be tested by him/her etc. (NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED).

CLEARLY, there are selfish patients that is NOT going to be kind enough to admit, "Oh, I was 2nd or 3rd here, that car was here first).

Instead of apologizing for "THEIR" screwed up process, the rep continue to waste both our time by saying that I was being disrespectful and how she didnt clock in until 8am and had to get ready in order to come out.

I asked her, "If she were me, and had to get your kid online for class and then head to work and this happened to you; wouldn't you be upset if you had to wait THIS LONG FOR A 3 mins test?"

She responded, "Yes, but how am I supposed to know you were first?"


I said to her "TWICE", At this point, it does not matter, let us get this over with.

She said, "No, I'm not doing your test, youre being disrespectful for telling me this

I responded, "What?

Really? Wait, let me get my phone to record you saying that you're not going to test me".

She walked away to tell the lady that arrived after me what happened.

(The pregnant driver) pulls up to me and says, "You shouldn't be upset with them because I'm pregnant".

WTH?! No one told her to get knocked-up and surely her time of arrival is completely insignificant to me.

I went into the building to ask for a Manager, when I walked, I could see the same 2 women behind the sliding doors discussing the matter.

MIND YOU, I STILL NEEDED MY TEST. BUT it was clear that these people were NOT going to service me.

A front desk rep came out, she didnt say good morning, helloNOT A WORD after seeing me standing there for 2 mins.

I said to her, Can you have the Mgr.

come out?

She raised from her chair, walked to the back, closing the sliding doors (never saying a word).

After 5 mins., I left. (Which I believe was their entire point).

Ignore her and she goes awayWITHOUT BEING TESTED.


I have NEVER EVER had an issue with Southside Medical Center until now....EVER.

These 2 new faces have got to realize that if they are going to provide these COVID TESTS to patients, then they NEED TO HAVE A PLAN IN PLACE; a Process for which "they will follow" to avoid future instances like this.

My time is no less valuable than these people that ARRIVED AFTER 8am...PERIOD!

You cannot treat people that way.



Latonia A

Cc: Department of Health

CDC Center for Disease Control

Governor Brian Kemp Office

WSB-TV News Intake

Southside Medical Center 1046 Ridge Ave SW, Atlanta, Ga 30315

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

Who may need the 4th vaccine? Is monkeypox dangerous? Prof. Karen Jubanyik comments on the mask-optional policy, COVID booster shot, and the monkeypox.

Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

Karen Jubanyik, MD is Associate Professor, Clinician-Educator Track, in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine.

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