South University
Excellent Customer Service
I was in the mall walking by and stopped to see their new products, since the last ones i purchased are so good and worth paying 60.00 $ for the cream oil and nail file, especially now that you buy one and get one free. They have also changed their return policy as well.
The young lady was so nice, and professional. She asked me if she could do a demonstration, which I was so pleased.... who does that waste their products.
Yes, her accent was different, but I am sure our accent to them seems very different as well.
Thank you just a pottential customer, Belinda Castro.
South University-Online....Don't do it!!!
I am an online student at South University. I was to receive my refund check over a month ago and my financial counselor basically told me they're not sending it because they don't THINK I'll make a payment on my account.
I am reporting this to any/everyone. They've given me the run around and fed me lie after lie. I've had about 4 or 5 different counselors this year alone so of course, no one knows what's going on with my account.
They're always gonna call me back. We'll see who laughs last!!
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School isn't a source of income you welfare losers! You go to school to get an education, not steal money from the gov't you never plan on paying back!
Were you managing your own funds?(you choose do not authorize). or were they managing your funds(you choose authorize).
I am former finical counselor at south. How long did it take for them to certify and receive your funding i.e. 2 weeks etc.
And exactly what have they been telling you? Have they gotten your transcripts on file from high school because that could be the problem?