Stephanie M Wsy

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| map-marker Greenville, South Carolina

Poor quality of service

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I reached out to Vocational Rehab after I completed treatment for stage 3 cancer. I was no longer able to work outside of my home due to consequences of my treatment.

I spent 2 years trying to get services, meaning assessments with physical therapy, occupational therapy etc. Nothing ever happened and I got sick of waiting. I wanted them to pay for training and certification that would enable me to work.

Im not sure of the criteria they use to determine who they are going to help but I wasnt one of them. If youre severely disabled then you may get assistance but otherwise dont waste your time

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  • No service was rendered

Preferred solution: The help I came for

User's recommendation: Don’t waste your time

map-marker West Columbia, South Carolina

State misconduct leading to personal trauma

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I spent over a year after being accepted into the program by review of doctor. I spent this time visiting emergency rooms awaiting future specialist care.

I was promised visits that were pulled after i had paid late fees for the reason that they would not pay for the fees i had personally already covered. I then took a job and got insurance and began seeing a specialist who again confirmed what the state doctors said about my disability with the proof of an mri and bone scans which i also provided to my caseworker who misplaced them. I then was dropped as a client with no formal letter and have never received any electronic communications from my counselor which would have been the ideal method of reaching me as my inability to physically commit to the type of work i do brings periods of economic instability I have had my reactivation interview and was Not happy with the result. I was told while looking at a 1 inch thick file with my name on it that after all the focus on my health and this paper pushing up and down the ladder with all that wasted state manhours and my time that all that could be focused on as they would indeed not pay for pain management resulting in surgery by orthopedic care.

One year and after having attempted to work in the past the option only open to me is to move my attentions to Columbia and new doctors. Sir I feel abused, a bit and as though after all the work on my part which includes sparking an interest of employment at the rewind candle company.

After an interview revealed me to be in the program they physically came into the office to inquire on hiring me for which I was congratulated by a surprised counselor who never again mentioned any word on that possibility again as my health was at that time a priority and local education out of site due to personal economic inability. If after all this it comes to this final decision than I have been treated unfairly and my ability to reap any benefit from tge program was compromised diplomatic inefficiencies far outside of my control and I had been lightly considered as an individual who deserves the full respect and attention of those who would say they are working on my behalf.

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Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised
1 comment

I have seen this happen to others

map-marker Durham, North Carolina

Nepotism & Favoritism

I worked there for quite a few years and applied for several state office jobs for which I had ample experience. People without the experience required always got the jobs.

I noticed they promoted friends of the commissioner very quickly. One assistant commissioner never worked as a counselor in the field. She went from teaching exercise classes to running the comprehensive program to then all of case services. I noticed others promoted rapidly to being area supervisors with just a few years of field experience.

Yes they hire family members, which is not kosher and creates a conflict of interest. But worst is the hiring of buddies despite the required qualifications of the position. Some of these buddies take two hour lunch breaks, have religious meetings on comprehensive center grounds (on work time), and go shopping on work time. It makes you want the governor in charge of who runs things.

At least there would be a change every few years with who runs SCVRD. That would end some of the buddy club. The buddy system leads to poor quality personnel in decision making roles and leads to poor customer service.

How can these privileged people with so little experience identify/have empathy for clients.

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  • Transition job for me
  • Poor customer service
  • Hiring practices
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

I know that this is happening. was done to me as well


Saw the article by the FITS News on this. Many assistant commissioners hired their family members and paid them a lot.

There are also some very highly paid secretaries in state office. And, some employees with no counseling experience...suddenly are promoted to top positions.

Nepotism/Favoritism/or Use Your Imagination...

West Columbia, SC


SC is full of the Good Old Boy mentality. Sheriff Metts in Lexington really just got away with this stuff forever before he was arrested.

Then, what really happened to him?? He was asked to resign. Probably still gets a great retirement package.

It does seem to be rampant there. Did think such nepotism was a no-no with the state...but guess not.

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The FITS News has just covered SCVRD's issues. It is a great article.

When I worked there, it was suspicious that women with just a HS diploma were paid 2x my salary, and I had a MA. There is a lot of favoritism, employees hiring family members, and people asked to do things against policy, by those at the top.

Many rose to the top without ever having to live by the rules, so rules do not apply to them.

Columbia, SC

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map-marker Sumter, South Carolina

SCVRD, South Carolina - Waste of Time

Wow, to be a client is about doing your own work. So, what is the point of opening a case?

Other clients say the same thing. Most counselors just want to get you apply for anything, work three months, and close a case. If you need real training to find a sedentary job, because you can no longer do physical labor, they will push the in-house computer training program. It comes with no real computer training, no real certifications.

Friends say it is just learning word and excel. Really? Really basic. They push it because it is free for them but does not give you a real degree/certificate.

I would never work there. Too much nepotism. One commissioner got her husband a maintenance job. Many husbands and wives work together in the same programs.

I though nepotism was illegal in state jobs. Friends remember one kid who’s mama got him a job at the comprehensive center. It created discord. Then when I was there, they told us no perfume or cologne, then go next door to the state office to buy a drink and pow the perfume on employees will mow you over.

I just don’t get why it was unprofessional for clients but certain employees bathe in perfume/cologne. I feel sorry for the people it bothered. I knew two.

They spent their time dealing with symptoms. I come from training where people follow the rules and nepotism is not the norm.

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  • Met other clients
  • Vocational training
  • Weird policies
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Accurate. I am in the program right now.

Useless. They aren't helping with my physical issues at all, just stuck me in a worthless ITTC program where I'm learning nothing of any value. What good will Microsoft Office do me if I am sleeping or my hands are cramping and not working? This place is absurd.

Everyone around me is complaining as well, it's not just me. Very disappointing.

I want to leave, but if I do, it may look bad on my disabilities case. Rock meet hard place.


It is a scheme. Place you in any job, even if it is unsuitable for your limitations.

Keep you in it just long enough to close the case.

The service coordinator will get his/her points and SCVRD will get money from the Feds for another case closed. Meanwhile, the employer has let you go because ...surprise, surprise, you can't consistently do the job.

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map-marker Lexington, South Carolina

South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation DDS

After almost 30 years of full-time work my employer let me go, because they knew I was in horrible pain daily. I had multiple back surgeries.

Still the pain got worse and worse. I submitted all my medical records to be denied each time for SSDI. Their denial letters made me think they did not even care enough to read my records. Each time the letters noted being denied because cholesterol treatment or hypertension were not disabling illnesses.

I had those things, but I applied because of my back. Were they just messing with me sadistically, all incompetent, or both. Friends tell me it is a strategy. They hope you will die or get tired of applying.

Thus, no benefits will ever be paid out. I had to apply three times and go before a judge who seemed to treat this like it was common practice. I almost lost everything. I paid into the system for over 30 years, and they preferred I die rather than receive benefits I had worked for.

This is just morally wrong.

Shame on you all!

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  • Poor customer service
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

To the person from Timmonsville...SCVRD has two sides. One side manages SSI/SSDI applications (disability) and the other side is supposed to train/put people to work.

Columbia, SC


This complaint has nothing to do with SC Vocational Rehabilitation. Why is it on here?


They do the same thing to people dying of cancer. They will get some letter re high cholesterol not being a disease that would prevent someone from working.

They never meet with you and look you in the eye. You could be bedridden and be told your cholesterol condition does not limit your ability to work. They send the same letters out to everyone the first few times applying. Yes, they are hoping you loose everything and die.

And, you paid into the system your whole life! The corrupt government will bail a bunch of criminal bankers out of trouble, but hope the rest of us just go away!!!!!

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map-marker Lexington, South Carolina

Do In-house EAP

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I talked with two friends who were sent to the in-house psychologist housed in the comprehensive center for EAP. I just never heard of a company having an employee do counseling with another employee.

A friend witnessed him writing up the counseling sessions and submitting them to state office personnel. It just struck me somehow unethical or just *** I though EAP was supposed to be done though an outside entity for confidentiality.

I would have to tell them NO if asked to see another employee for counseling. It made one friend really uncomfortable.

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  • Poor customer service
  • Weird policies
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

I know this guy saw a guy in IT, a female from the Florence office, and a guy from maintenance. I would decline his services!


I do not think that is ethical or legal by SC LL&R standards. Look up their regulations. Call them prior to going to any such in house counseling.

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