
Enough Mr Yan! Time to pay up!

We never had any sale to a Tony, Anthony, Yan. He never He has no invoice , no sales slip of any kind, if he did he would have published on this site.

We have never over charged anyone, ever! Our products are sold manufacturer

Direct plus shipping.

Now, Mr Yan, remove this lie from this site within 30 days or see us in court where your damages to us will be accessed by a judge!


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map-marker Hayward, California


I too have had a really bad experience with this company. I have read EVERY response Nancy has posted to "defend" herself and her Sound Specialty company. I dealt with her because no one else answers her seemingly one person company. She ripped me off on the price of her product from what was advertised on her website.

She then way overrated the abilities of her product and then when we followed every *** direction she and her packaging says to do, the product just simply FAILS MISERABLY to do what she claims it can or will do.

I REALLY had to LAUGH at her saying she would've given those people refunds if they only provided a "original proof os sale invoice from her company". WHAT A LIAR!!! WE provided an invoice and she not only REFUSED us a refund for her defective SUBPAR *** product, but then ignored all emails and phone calls to her business.

This Nancy person is someone NOT to do business with and STEER CLEAR of doing any transactions with her company.

I only WISH I read about all this terrible shyster character and the previous business she has done with other consumers of her products


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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

I would just like to add, we do not know who this guy is or what his motives are but we do know that we never sold him anything. We have asked him to produce some kind of proof of sale in the past but he never has.

These personal attacks on me will not stand and I will fight them.

We have spent the past 25 years making products customers cannot find anywhere else and provide the best technical expertise, not a sales job.

I would like to thank our customers for the chance to provide you with the products we are proud of, many of you have been with us for more than 15 years.

Thank you to the artists, engineers, contractors, home owners, manufacturers, and technicians all over the world and even out of this world, NASA, for your continued support.

Thank you to our suppliers for offering superior raw materials that only make our products better.

We would like the people who own the website, pissed consumer, to provide us with the IP address of this individual please, we think he may be engaged in criminal activity against our company and me, activity reported to the FBI. Thank you.


When we make good products, competetors take shots. Once again this person is just full of it!

If you can't sign your name you are just anothe cowerd and a liar. Everything this guy said is just not true.

All products are custom made for the customer and custom colored, we have been doing this for 20 years and our products are the absolute best in the industry. I, Nancy, answer all technical questions because I am the most knowledgeable about them, I even make myself available by phone, text or email on weekends and Holidays to answer customer questions. We are committed to make the customer the product they need for their application and the color they want.

To you coward; what product did you buy from us, when, what did you pay for it?

Proove it ! What is your name?

How about a slander and defamation lawsuit? We can find you.

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Aquaply M sticky and start peeling

Sound Specialty Coatings - Aquaply M sticky and start peeling
Sound Specialty Coatings - Aquaply M sticky and start peeling - Image 2

I painted the bottom of my boat exactly as directed. Put my boat in the water for 1 day.

When I took it out of the water the paint was all stained yellow and would not come off. When the boat dried up, the paint started to flaked and peeled off. Now I'm very discouraged and disappointed, I have to start all over and lost all my time and money. I contacted Nancy to explain what happened.

She said it was the first time it happened in 20 years. I wanted my money back. She started to yell at me.

She always tried to blame me for what happened. She was rude and she hung up on me.

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Aquaply M is one of our most popular products, for boat and ship hulls, waterslides and anywhere you need a slippery, waterproof surface. It has been studied for more than 13 years by the University of California at Davis Sea grant program.

The product has been used for 20 years and this is only the second time peeling has occurred. In both cases it is because the applicator added thinner to the product dispite the many warnings on application instructions.

Some people think they know better than the creater and manufacturer. This product, as well as most of our epoxies, is 100% solids, meaning no solvents, not even water.

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Mr. Jean-Paul Leger from NB Canada, an insurance company VP, contacted us to purchase Aquaply M for application to his boat's hull. He sent us a painted piece of aluminum to match the color by mail.Through all our comunications he refers to Aquaply M as paint, I constantly tried to explain to him it is not paint, it is a coating. There is a world of difference.

We went over application on the phone and in writtings, he was resistant to instruction, a bit of a know it all. When he called to say that the "paint" was peeling I asked him if he had added thinner to the product, he did not answer,I repeatedly asked him, he refused to asnwer. I told him that the only time this product had peeled, in it's 20 years,was when the applicator added thinner. I told him if the product was defective, we would either replace the product or return his money but he would have to send us a piece of the peeled coating to analyze, he refused and instead chose to threaten and intimidate me. No other customers of Aquaply M made of the same raw materials had problems.

Why would anyone put a boat on a trailer if the coating was sticky? Why is he afraid of giving his name? Why not send us a sample to test? Especially an insurance VP.

Aquaply M is not a paint, it is a 100% solids, solvent free, 2 component epoxy coating that is applied more like a varnish or a gelcoat,not a paint. It does take time, care and patience to apply. We are available 7 days a week for questions before and during application.

We do our very best to provide outstanding products at outstanding prices with available contact for assistance but we cannot control what the applicator does. If the product is defective in any way we will replace it or give a refund but we need to test it.



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Hello Nancy,

I am interested in applying Aquaply M but after several research I could not find enough details, so I would need more information concerning the product.

Can you tell me:

1) Is it inert? and is it really a 100% solids by volume coating?

2) What is the typical hull roughness in µm or the coefficient of friction after a decent application?

3) I read online that it gets smoother and smoother after each cleaning, but does it wear off or deteriorate with time/cleaning, especially using brushes?

4) Is it corrosion/abrasion/cavitation resistant and what are the mechanical/strength/elasticity properties? Specific gravity?

5) How many coats do we need to apply and what DFT/WFT is required? 6) I read that it works well in 0°C

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-848986

Sorry the message has been shortened:

6) I read that it works well in 0°C

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map-marker Coos Bay, Oregon

Sound Specialty Coatings A Ripoff Company

Sound Specialty Coatings is a sham company. DO NOT buy from them.

They DO NOT exist in the form of any normal company. These people intentionally hide their address so you cannot find them. They DO NOT have a building. They DO NOT have a factory and they DO NOT have any real place of business that anyone can find.

Unfortunately, I fell into their trap. In an effort to spruce up our house before selling it we decided to paint the garage floor with the Aquaply SLP but we sold the house the same day so I called them the next day to return it. I spoke to the owner Nancy Pierson about returning it but she quite rudely informed me "ALL SALES ARE FINAL!" Final? It was still in the unopened box!

How can the sale be final? However, its no wonder they do not accept returns because this stuff is garbage! Before moving into our new home I applied it to the garage floor and within two weeks it is already peeling off on chunks the size of hubcaps! I am a contractor with 35 years experience, I followed the directions to the letter so I know I am not the problem.

Additionally, I sanded the floor and did a calcium chloride test to be sure it was good and dry before painting. Sound Specialty Coatings and Nancy Pierson WILL NOT accept returns of any kind, the product IS NOT what they say it is, and they WILL NOT stand behind it. I spent $2000 on this garbage and now I am stuck with removing it and reapplying something decent in its place.

Since I could not find the location of the company itself I did a people search on the owner (Nancy Pierson) and found her address in the Seattle area.

I drove by the address but it is just a small house. It was a Saturday, I knocked on the door but no one answered. I went back home and ordered the full report on Nancy Pierson and Sound Specialty Coatings and GUESS WHAT? Proof it is a sham company.

Nancy has been bankrupt and sued more times than one can count. She has put the company and home in her sons name apparently to protect her from litigation. So I guess I will have to sue through small claims. Protect yourself.

DO NOT buy from Sound Specialty Coatings, Nancy Pierson, her son or any other company name these people pop up with next. M.D.

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I too have had a really bad experience with this company. I have read EVERY response Nancy has posted to "defend" herself and her Sound Specialty company.

I dealt with her because no one else answers her seemingly one person company. She ripped me off on the price of her product from what was advertised on her website.

She then way overrated the abilities of her product and then when we followed every *** direction she and her packaging says to do, the product just simply FAILS MISERABLY to do what she claims it can or will do.

I REALLY had to LAUGH at her saying she would've given those people refunds if they only provided a "original proof os sale invoice from her company". WHAT A LIAR!!!

WE provided an invoice and she not only REFUSED us a refund for her defective SUBPAR *** product, but then ignored all emails and phone calls to her business.

This Nancy person is someone NOT to do business with and STEER CLEAR of doing any transactions with her company.

I only WISH I read about all this terrible shyster character and the previous business she has done with other consumers of her products



i have used SSC coatings on pools under the most extreme conditions and the product is simply terrific. i have consulted with nancy on a dozen different occassions and each and every time she has proved knowledgeable and crystal clear.

like everything else in this world dealing with a technical installation , if you don't follow the instructions you will get a lousy result. i followed the indtructions and got a great result. i am doing another client pool and ordering more material as we speak and happy to do it.

my location is sint maarten in the carribean regardless of what this *** location indicator says...

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Thank you Steve for posting your remarks about our products and thank you to the others who have called us requarding this complaint.

Now, here are the facts:

Sound Specialty Coatings Corporation was incorporated in the State of Washington in 1996, only to change our name from Pier Pressure Marine Systems because we were expanding our products to a wider range of industries. We are the developer and manufactures of all of our products, we do not have a store, and public access to our manufacturing facility is not permitted. All of our products are made and colored to order and shipped directly to the customer or to

our distributors or retailers. Let me be clear, again, the sale in the complaint never happened!

This was made up by Top Secret Coatings, a relabeler here in Washington, that we have had problems with in the past, involving trademark infringement and fraud.

Yes, I live in a modest home in the seattle area, and often work from my home office and I'm available 7 days a week for technical assistance.

My son, owns his own homes and is an electrician, and why he has been drawn into this is pure evil.

Yes, I did file for Bankruptcy protection many years ago to protect my home against a flaky mortgage company, we won the law suite and the Bankruptcy was dismissed.

We have tremendous pride in our products and will continue to offer the very best products and support to our old and new customers, some of the most talented people on the planet. Thank you.

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Now, every time someone comes to this complaint, completely false complaint because the sale never happened, this was made up by Top Secret Coatings Of Arlington Washington.

I am not the owner of Sound Specialty Coatings, we are a Corporation with many shareholders and Top Secret Coatings has made this fake complaint to attack me and even my son.

At one time, Top Secret, bought product from us for an acoustical flooring application, Their worker was constantly calling for application assistance, he finally told us the application was not for a floor, but to AMTRAK train cars as a sound dampening coating.

This was to have been a government spec product. The contractor called us to come to the site. Our product was there, our labels were removed and another label attached. The spec called for a waterbased urethane-acrylic coating, not an epoxy flooring coating.

The Amtrak contractor asked us if we could make a product to meet the spec, yes,our Acoustical Slickthane met the spec and was purchased by the contractor and applied. Not only was our label removed from the origional product, but all of the DATA Sheets and documents provided by Top Secret Coatings were completely fraudulent. Our products are great and so is our reputation, We will be happy to share more horror stories about our dealings with Top Secret who buy their products from others and relabel them, some with permission, like Far West Paints. I will not attack Traci and Peter Harrett personally, their business practices are a different story.

Top Secret is determined to injure SSCC because they got caught and turned in by their own guy on a Government contract. More later.....


We make a sincere effort to have our customers understant the product and assist them in every way in their application. We have written instructions with each order and a seven day a week tech line to call if you have questions or need assistance. We did not have a sale of POOLCOAT to anyone in New Hampshire in May, June or July, 2012, we have no records of any phone calls received from anyone in New Hampshire during this same time frame, so if this customer will call us, we will be happy to discuss the matter.


Same experience with Pool Coat---tried multiple times, called for directions, the product was great when it worked, but terrible when it did not. SSC was difficult but did refund my money.

I suspect like many things, you need to know your product well. My guess is that if the vendor did a better job of instructing the application they could do okay.


Just as predicted, no invoice was ever presented to us for the fake complaint. We have a cyber investigator who has tracked the false complaint to a company with many names, top secret coatings, supermarine coatings, superfloor coatings,aquapoxy, etc., etc.,their friends who participated in this action, will also be part of our litigation. You cannot get away with making stuff up to injure a company or an individual and get away with it, not even on the Internet.


In response to "Lyn", Who is a freind of Anonymous, They did not buy Aquaply SLP,they bought a waterborne epoxy and did not follow directions, dispite the fact that they did not follow directions, we sent them more product FREE. As it turns out, they provided us with a phoney resale cert., said they were reselling the product and used it themselves,

The name was a fake and they defrauded the state,oops. We are proud of our reputation and our products, products we created, make and provide to thousands of happy customers all over the world.


This Ripoff complaint is completely made up by another coatings company. If Mr. Anonymous, aka M D, can provide us with an official invoice for the Aquaply SLP, we will give him $2000.00.


This is an email from Jill 2 years ago, we tried to help her with her application, Jill was attempting to apply artwork to her pool and we sent her a range of pigments to add to the POOLCOAT, we never charged her for these, we talked to her constantly by phone, even on weekends,and email. We have not heard from Jill for 2 years. We do not block email, if an email contains a virus it will not get through.

People have to take responsibility for their application, we do stand behind our products

From: "Jill Peterson"


Subject: poolcoat

Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 09:38:09 -0500

Hi Nancy,

Just wanted to let you know, I sent out the greens today. You should receive them in a few days. I also wanted to say thank you for all of your help. When the pool is finished, I will send you a photo. I'm sure it will be perfect when it is completed. Also, is it possible to use some kind of acrylic paint for artwork and then apply the clearcoat to seal it? I would really like to add some things to dazzle it up a bit.

Have a great day,

Jill Peterson

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Art for Your Home Not Museums

Art for Your Home Not Museums

Mar 7, 2022

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