map-marker Solana Beach, California

Dr. Jackson's assistant Morgan

Dr. Jacksons "assistant" nearly cost me my marriage.

She kept calling me none stop my wife answered my cell while is was showering. I was expecting a call from her father since that first call I have been harassed by Morgan. She has given my cell number to her friends sheriffs have gotten involved, district attorney and now my employer. I have called repeatedly to speak to Dr.

Jackson about this and guess who answers the phone, Morgan. She is ruining his reputation he is the first doctor I have found that listens.I stopped referring friends to this office as I found that she has done this to them.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
Dacey Tjz

i find it incomprehensible that a doctor's office with this many complaints on the internet about the office assistant has not relieved this "Morgan" of her position in his practice. There is more to this situation than is being shared here. "Morgan" obviously has "something" on this doctor!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1196960

Sad but true! I work in a skilled nursing facility when I say we all have suffered I mean from the owners to the patients.

Complaints 10 fold since he hired this woman. She is not a physicans assistant or a nurse practioner as he told all of us she was. He no longer has patients at the facility I work at, way to much drama with him and liability. At one time he was one of the most sought after doctors that came into our facility we all loved him!

Many of us became his patients in his private practice a few of us still see him for medical care. He's not the Dr.

Jackson that I grew to respect over the last 8 years. Very sad to see a doctor go down this path.


Dr Jackson has benn my dr for about 14 years now. Lately it has been difficult to get in to see him.

He has a new assistant, Morgan, every time I call to schedule an appointment she says he's slammed! When I do schedule she is really rude to everyone who's waiting.

I mentioned it to dr Jackson he said she's over worked. In the past he's always had very friendly employees not sure where he found this one but she's ruining his business and practice


This makes no sense .. Been with Dr.

Jackson for 8 years .. No issues with past or current assistants ..

They all are as caring as the doctor himself .. Rubbish I say


Dr Jackson was my doctor for 8 1/2 years when he hired Morgan I decided it was time to find a new doctor. I worked with her at a local nursing home she is not to be trusted.

Dr Jackson was warned when he hired her he told HR director that she deserves a job. If you cross her she will come after you stay away far away from this office.


who's father were you expecting a call from? Morgan's father or your wife's father? Call before 10 to speak with someone other than Morgan or leave a voicemail please

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1052706

Morgan needs to be fired asap. She doesn't file paperwork and lies about it, is super rude ALL THE TIME, and totally brings down Dr. Jackson's practice.

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map-marker San Diego, California

Watch out!

Dr Jackson took care of my mom in a nursing home great Dr! I had the chance to choose him for my dad 2 months ago so I did what a mistake.

He has a new assistant with him who does all of his computer work big problem she sells patients info! My dad had 4 new credit cards by the time he was discharged. None stop phone calls from real estate agents found out his assistant tried to sell his house. Horrible experience!

Still working through it all with banks, attorneys, city hall and adult protective services. Watch out!

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

I had the same thing happen to my mother. Dr Blaine Jackson is part of this activity, this assistant of his makes all medical decisions for patients.

She is not a MD or even a nurse practitioner, skilled nursing facilities know what she is doing but because they all need doctors to sign orders they allow it.

Problem here your loved ones are not being see by a MD they are being seen by his "assistant" who hold no medical credential or liability insurance. Good luck to you all when you find your loved ones property and valuables missing!


Accusations that unfortunately are true Dr. Jackson is aware and is protecting his assistant.

He feels sorry for her he hired her which make him responsible for everything she does California medical board is investigating him again. Numerous complaints from nursing facilities.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1079174

He is horrible! my Mom was in the SNF that he was working at and almost killed her.

He misdiagnosed her...

He was reprimanded by the Calf state medical board. STAY AWAY!!!


This is a update. My father is not her only victim to date there are 12.

The company that the dr works for said this "assistant" is not their employee she was hired by the dr. He is aware of the accusations and same comment from him "she deserves a job".

I have confronted both her and him only to be repeatedly harassed by her. I agree with all the other posts stay away far away from this office.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1053128

What's the name of the company you talked to? How do you know it's 12?

Is there an investigator I can talk to? How do I get a hold of you to talk about this?

... Frustrated

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1053128

These are pretty big felonious accusations .. I called "the company" he is contracted through and they say these are false.

They also feel it is coming from a current or past disgruntled employee .. They assured me that our patient information is very secure and did look it to this and found no wrong doings.

Sad how a someone can be so mean to another and post trash like this against a good doctor and employees .. You should be ashamed ..

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1054898

In addition to my comment .. I spoke with my husband, whom Dr.

Jackson basically has saved his life and has made it possible for me to spend my last days with my first love, has a good friend who works for Grady and Associates in Carlsbad, a "libel and defamation" law firm to contact thsed hideous website not only to get these disgusting slanderous comments removed but also file an order to track the IP address of this complainant to see what can be done to save the good name of Dr. Jackson and his employees.

It's time we stood up against these folks. We maybe old but we are not silent.

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map-marker San Diego, California

DR Jackson- a great Dr.

Helped my med-i-cal' boarder get into UCSD by filling out all the paper work,after Pomerado Hospital refused to help her because of her developmental delay, to get an upper and lower G.I. Dr.

Jackson also added a celiac test which came out positive. Thank you Dr. Jackson my clients life has improved so much because of your compassion and unselfishness!!! Most doctors won't waste their time on med-i-cal patients because there isn't any financial gain, but you cared for the life of one of society's forgotten ones.

I could never thank you enough.

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map-marker San Diego, California


I was a patient of the doctor's. I had a prescription for Lipitor, a very common, very safe compound for cholesterol. My prescription ran out. I attempted to fill it at the pharmacy. They contacted the doctor, who refused to refill, indicating I was due for a visit. Rather than receiving a call from the doctor indicating this, the pharmacy had to inform me.

Still, fair enough. I understand the need to be seen. I contacted the doctor to ask (through the assistant) that he provide a short prescription while I awaited my appointment. No response. Two more calls, still no acknowledgment from the doctor. I was off my prescription for weeks. I asked that they send me my medical records so that I might take them to another doctor. They provided them only when I went to the office in person and demanded them.

Here's another clue: I am a man in my 40s. He never suggested a physical exam of any sort. Just the labs and the pills.

I rate him extremely happy to write scripts -- eager in fact to introduce me to new pharmaceuticals -- but a terrible physician in every aspect.

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Please read Dr Mercola about taking statins, you will all feel so *** to ever be on this total *** drug! Unbelievable what you people put into your bodies


Pomerado Hospital dumped a client of my board and care for developmental disabled saying she had some sort of blockage but because of her condition they couldn't help her. I'm sure it was because she only had med-i-cal insurance.

Dr. Jackson took the time to fill out the paper work and have her admitted to U.C.S.D. for the upper and lower G.I.

she needed and also added a a test for celiac.Sure enough, she had celiac. Her life has been made so much better thanks to the unselfish care of this wonderful doctor!!!!!


Must be another one of those Rancho snobs, do it my way doc or I'll leave. Who was your doctor before Dr.


He probably 86d you and you thought you could pull the same *** else where. Liptor requires lab testing and by the way change your diet and you won't need it!

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map-marker Bronx, New York

Jackson Orthodontics

This office has dismissed me as a patient taking over $3000 of my dollars for only 6 months of treatment for delinquency despite the fact that I have paid them every month! They have returned my checks to me, and found a problem with everything that I did after I disputed a charge.

If this is how they treat a patient that pays what is the penalty for not paying, death??? I have been a patient at this office for 5 yrs and never would have imagined that I would be treated this way, for that matter I never imagined that I would have so many problems when paying my bill.

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map-marker San Marcos, California

Dr.Blaine Jackson aka Pill pusher

Dr. Blaine Jackson appears to be a very good Physician in front of his Patients as he shows his face as he goes past the front office.

The closer you allow him to get closer in the room he "examines" his patients, Dr. Jackson speaks very professionally when he opens the door to the examining room, he comes into the room,sits down, chats for a few minutes and let the pills rolling begin!

He has a wonderful sense of humor and appears like he has your health in his best interest, but he likes the cash he gets for the " Visit".

Any patients out there want to speak up or disagree please speak up to me.

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I like Dr. Jackson.

I find him a very caring, attentive, and a good listener.

My only issue is trying to get an appointment. I am not sure why but my calls are never returned and unless I personally drive to his office to make an appointment I do not get a call back.


You post is very old, but if you receive this message please get in touch with me. 848-887-****. Thanks!


You post is very old, but if you receive this message please get in touch with me. 848-887-****. Thanks!


He is a very compassionate doctor who helps you with your medical problems. My insurance pays as most people who see doctors have insurance. Sorry you wish we were in a socialist country and you didn't have to pay for heathcare, but how do you expect his bills to be paid unless he is paid for his time.

Did you ever think it costs money to attend medical school and that he has a staff, rent and other expenses to pay. Let me guess, you work for free, if not your a hypocrite.

If you want an honest doc who will listen to you and help you decide on the best treatment options, see Dr. Jackson. If you are a deadbeat who has no idea how economics work, then move to Cuba.


So what's the problem? Did he not treat you for what you saw him for? It does cost $$'s to keep any business going and Drs offices are a business.

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map-marker San Diego, California

Outstanding Compassionate Doctor

Dr Jackson has been nothing but thoughtful, caring, and compassionate in how he practices medicine. It's shameful that the person who wrote the rude, inaccurate assessment above, took advantage of such a trusting physician.

It's people like you who make it really tough to find compassionate doctors like Dr Blaine Jackson, who actually listen to your medical problems, and are actually willing to prescribe the medicines you need, based on a thorough medical diagnosis.

I have been a patient of Dr Jackson for several years, and never once has he treated me inappropriately, or prescribed medications irresponsibly. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a skillful, warm, and compassionate doctor, which by the way is practically impossible to find these days!

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1 comment

I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!

Allison Wqn
map-marker San Diego, California

Dr. Blaine jackson, Solana beach, Ca

I was a Patient Of Dr. Jackson aka Pill pusher and he has a habit of getting a bit to close to his female Patients.

You want Opiates? Xanax? Pay him cash and a tight hug, you will get what ever you want. The man is shameless.

I have reported his actions to the state Board of Physicians. He is a BAD so called Doctor, for your health and safety, stay away from him and his staff. When I was a Patient his Medical assistant even asked me to get her some Oxycontin for her! Really.

I never went back.

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Your full of it. Move on and *** about your next doctor.

Dr Jackson is a good Man. My Wife works with him and has never had an issue with him acting *** My Wife is a great looking woman as well.


I have heard from two of Dr. Jackson's patients that he was been inappropriate with them (he has groped both of them).

I encouraged them to report this. They said they could not stand the thought of having to go through having to go to court over this and relive it over again. These two women have no reason to lie about this.

I have absolutely no involvement in any of this. I am just concerned that other women will be exposed to this kind of thing

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-576390

He said, She said. BLA BLA BLA. :upset

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-576390

And you are what to these women? Looking money is my guess FYI he always has supervision while doing an exam on women. You have been had ESQ!


I am a current patient of the Dr. and find your comments not only false but slanderous.

I am glad you no longer want to go to my Dr. because he deserves better patients than you.


Dr. Jackson is my favorite doctor I have seen(and I have seen many) he really understands my problems from my medical issues from the military.

I would go to him over any military doctor. Shame on you for what you have said about this man you are false.


Miss Allison 67 maybe you need to go back to 67! Who does not like a big hug from their caring Doctor um.Dr Jackson is truly a very special guy he is one in a million in Docs that do care about there patients! And as for your accusations about his staff wanting oxycontin you for sure have a screw loose,these women are nothing but professional Rehab may be your answer, He does not give medication so freely as you state.Good luck in finding someone even as close in compassion as Dr Blaine Jackson...


As a patient of Dr. Jackson's, I take personal offense to this obscene post from allison67.

He is a great guy who wants nothing more than to help his patients.

Shame on you...and we all get it, you didn't want to share your oxycontin. Classic addict allison67.


I have sent my family and have seen DR. Jackson myself.

We all received wonderful care. No drugs given.

Don't beleive Allison for one moment. Maybe she didnt get what she wanted.


I have seen Dr. Jackson 2 or 3 times and frankly find this persons' comment not credible.

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

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