Taren Ksp

My money for blue hoverboard i send and three bags that i never received

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

yes every sence i received my order

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map-marker Marion, Ohio


they stole my $119 for a junk hoverboard for my grandson. they wont return any emails and the contact number doesn't work.

im pissed.

my grandson had a *** Christmas.

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Kelly F Ukz

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Horribe Experience

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I ordered a hoverboard from Sky N Fly for my daughter. After a family friend told me about some fires hoverboards were having, I cancelled the next day.

The order had not left the warehouse so I sent an email and a Facebook message. I tried calling for days but the phone wasn't set up to take messages. I called for 10 days. After about two weeks I received the product.

I returned the hoverboard the same day. I followed up with an email and a Facebook message. The company has never responded. I just read other similar complaints regarding this company.

Please read the reviews regarding how you can't get in touch with anyone at this company. It is so strange to me that the phone doesn't take messages.

I called my credit card company and will try to get my money back. I can't imagine it is going to be easy.

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