Brannen Uzf

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| map-marker Napa, California

Bad experience

Simply the Best Entertainment (Eric Symons) sent a DJ to play music at a party I attended. The DJ was late and the sound was terrible.

We would have been just as good with a boom box. How is Symons still in business? My only recommendation is to use ANYONE but Simply the Best Entertainment.

After googling Simply The Best Entertainment I see that there are several complaints against this company.

Bad service, overpriced, and very obstinate when the complaint was made.

It appears that once he has your money, he does not want to talk to you. Live and learn I guess.

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Ashley Z Vad
map-marker Richardson, Texas

Simply The Best Entertainment - Rip Off

Simply The Best Entertainment - Rip Off
Simply The Best Entertainment - Rip Off - Image 2

I hired Simply The Best Entertainment to have a DJ for a teenage birthday party. Eric Symons, who said he was the owner, sent a 60 year old guy named Steve Lelfar to do the work. This guy had NO clue when it came to current music, and was 30 minutes late to boot. He was also very short with the kids.

I demanded at least a portion of my money back, and Eric told me to "*** off"

At that point I was furious and 'googled' Eric Symons and found out that he and Steve Leflar have been ripping people off often.

Don't EVER use these people, you will regret it.

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Dis dood iz as fresh az im iz da bes dj evah ne played kid n pla at mi prty ih was soo frickin cul


Real interesting times we live in. Google searches sometimes produce great results, sometimes not. Bing is catching up.


It is pretty sad to see Eric Symons continually denying he is partnered with Steve Leflar, the criminal.

Eric stood by Steve while he ripped off so many people. My personal experience is this.

I am an agent with many years experience. Eric hired a band I represented. Then he failed to pay the band, tried blaming Thomas,who had NOTHING to do with this booking, and then finally, Eric sent me to Steve Leflar, Eric's boss. Steve also did the same dishonest game.

Finally, I sued and won my case. I will never do any business with Eric Symons again,and the band remains unpaid. I talk to many other agents who also booked with Eric and were never paid. I will not use my name because I believe Eric's partner, Steve Leflar,who I ultimately took to court, will try and attack me on line.

Steve Leflar knows exactly who I am, and why I sued him and won.

Please avoid Eric and Steve. They are very unethical.


Sad. clearly this outfit is crooked


This thing would not be up for so long unless it was true, which it is. Eric and Steve should be ashamed at treating this client so poorly. Eric, I hear, is all over the map when it comes to his temper.


Eric, you may not be the brightest bulb, if what you posted is actually how you feel.

steven Leflar stalked my and my wife on our MySpace page 5 years ago.

He got into an argument with us after he demanded he was right, and could not take us pointing out his mistakes.

The stuff he posted was really *** It sounds like you are loyal to him. Remember the caller named John last year? That was our friend. You referred him after we had a friend call you at Simply the Best Entertainent, You also offered us up Lawrence Strings or guitar for the ceremony.

Look. Ron the DJ has also gotten screwed over by this guy. Maybe you guys are still in partnership. If this is true, then you may want to consider the number of victims Steve has burned. You do not want any association with that guy


Steve Leflar started throwing up internet attack websites in July 2009. Eric Symon's stood by his side.

Those are facts.

Now Eric complains about internet terrorism, when he not only worked for Leflar while Leflar committed crime after crime, Symon's even started Simply The Best entertainment on the advice and demand of Leflar.

Now STB Entertainment is tainted by Leflar's deeds. There are literally thousands of pages of bad stuff on Leflar. 50,000 plus pages.Eric may want to re-think his reasoning.He needs to apologize to the music industry and admit he was associated with a crook named Steve Leflar.Or he can keep whining about being a victim, which really makes people sick who were victimized repeatedly by Steven R Leflar. Cry me a river Eric. :cry

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-657846

This is the work of an Internet Stalker. All public records for Simply The Best Entertainment, including my insurance, business liscense, bank account, contracts, etc, show that I am a sole owner since June of 2010. All artists have been paid early from any of my contracts.

Why would I be a front Steven Leflar? He does not book entertainment and has not for several years.

I lost my own artist fees from North Bay Entertainment to the tune of $14,000. Its history is well known.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-661115

Eric is lying once again. He has admitted that Steve Leflar started STB Entertainment in 2008. Steve Leflar provided testimony under oath in a Concord courtroom that he started Simply The Best Entertainment.

It is also a fact that Steve Leflar owned North Bay Entertainment from March 24th 2008 on.

The history of Eric Symons' and Steve Leflar are well known. They are a team.Eric fails to admit booking Steve Leflar as his main DJ in 2010, 2011, 2012 and this year as well. They are partners.It is very easy to set up a business in someone's name, and actually have a partner "off the books" so your excuses are weak.

The fact remains that you were the agent of record for dozens of bands that were burned by your partner.Answer one question in public. Do you admit that Steve Leflar started a company called STB Entertainment? If the answer is yes,, then your argument just blew up in your face. Sorry Eric, but your credibility is weak. Your history of lying is well known.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-661115

Eric, you still owe our band thousands. Why do you keep lying?

Steve Leflar is an internet stalker, and you were still booking this guylong after he had ripped us off and everyone else.What do you mean you do not owe anyone money?

You woe anyone who lost money when you were the agent who booked them, and this includes our band, and many others.

You even admitted in an e mail that steve Leflar was a thief and a liar. You booked our band at Korbel winery. We were never paid. I had the client send me the actual check scans. The money went to Steve Leflar and you were the agent who hired us. We remain unpaid.So do not come here with your sorry excuses and act innocent. You are a liar and a thief and you partnered with the real internet stalker Steve Leflar. How dare you defend him. That is offensive to everyone. Admit yoru guilt. You booked dozens of bands that were not paid.You knew Steve Leflar was ripping them off, and you still decided to work with him. Facts are Facts and you are a known liar Eric Symons.

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Adithi Cek
map-marker San Francisco, California

Very bad service

Simply The Best Entertainment - Very bad service

We hired Simply The Best Entertainment out of Cotati, California to provide DJ entertainment for a birthday party for my sister. I was disappointed in the sound system. It didn't sound any better than my Bose clock/radio. The DJ had zero personality. I could just as well have had my IPod hooked up and running for all the DJ contributed.

Eric, the owner or manager, seemed to be more interested in defending his mediocre DJ than in listening to my concerns.

I later googled Simply The Best Entertainment to find reviews (which I admit is something I should have done proir to hiring them) and found all kinds of negative comments. All in all, I won't be using them again.


Christine Wilkins

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Eric likes to blame Thomas, Linda, Cindy, Ron, and all his other enemies.

The facts are clear.

Eric Symons has booked over 40 musicians that never got paid.

He is a thief and he owes me

Bill Dekiper


This is the work of my Cyber Stalker, Thomas Schoenberger, who is a criminal that is stalking my business. This is not even a real customer of mine, and is false, misleading and part of Schoenberger's conspiracy to destroy my business.

See who he is at This man is very sick and I am his former employee. He is mad because I took him to court, where he committed perjury by claiming that he did not own his own business.

The web site will demonstrate otherwise. This is not even a real client, and my business is primarily live entertainment!!!!!

This man Thomas also is a computer hacker, beware!!!!!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-699961

Looks like Eric Symons may need to explain why Steve Leflar's number has been on his website.****5837/

Eric is busted for the world to see. Thanks Ron.

The truth wins.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-699961

This man Eric Symons is lying, Eric and Steve Leflar co founded Simply the Best Entertainment together, after stealing from dozens of innocent musicians.

Eric likes to call people who complain about him "stalkers" In fact, Symons has called my ex wife, girlfriends and even 13 year old kid. I reported him to authorities and consider a 300 pound man harassing a 13 year old to be a crime.

Eric Symons and Steve Leflar are criminals. in my opinion. I lost 80,000 dollars to these two when they stole my business as my wife and I were dealing with our son developing a bone tumor, which kept me away rom my business for 7 months.

Eric Symons is not a *** man, despite his morbid obesity and penchant for lies. He is slick.

But do not believe a word this man says. There are many many victims and our family is only one.


If you look close enough, you will find that the Dj mentioned in this post os probably Steve Leflar, a really *** person. This DJ is concisered by everyone who hires him to be un-naturally quiet. really remote, and has a short fuse. A real weirdo in other words.

We dealt with him and he ended up becoming unhinged. It was really weird.

He is knows to work with Eric Symons closely. These two are always in trouble


The dJ for the event is Steve Leflar, a child predator who is Eric Symon's secret boss.

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map-marker San Francisco, California

Eric Symons CyberStalker

Eric Symons, who is a cyberstalker, co owns a entertainment company with Steve Leflar, a child predator. The name of the company is Simply The Best Entertainment.

Avoid these two predators. These two *** bags have ripped off many artists.

They do not pay their bands, and they are masters at deception.

I would be most careful of accepting any work from Eric.

He lies, will take your money and then make excuses for him not paying you.

Just google Allegra Entertainment and ask them why Eric owes that company over 18,000 dollars. Eric Symons is a slime bag and a liar

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Wow ! Eric many years ago use to be normal, but look at how much weight he has gained and how 25 people post against him

I spoke to Mike, a fellow friend and someone who Eric owes money to

Eric has turned into quite a scamer !!!!


Eric is a internet stalker. Steve Leflar is a child predator.... :(

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map-marker Monterey, California

Simply The Best Entertainment ripped me off !!!

Simply The Best Entertainment, located in Cotati and Elk Grove, are a couple of thieves named Eric Symons and Steve Leflar

They do not pay their musicians.They claim to have no debt, but their company used to be called Star Sounds Productions.

They ended up ripping off over 40 musicians.Google Steve Leflar and Eric Symons and also Star Sounds Productions.

They ripped me off for $75,000 dollars. They stole so much from so many artists and musicians.If they try calling you up for a gig, Eric will tell you he has no debt. That is a lie. Just google Eric Symons thief.

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map-marker Richardson, Texas

Steve Leflar STB Entertainment DJ

This DJ was hired to perform at engagement party. Eric Symons, who said he was the owner of Simply the Best Entertainment convinces us to go with DJ Steve LeFlar.

This DJ shows up late, looking really *** and starts playing all of the wrong music, ruining our event. When I call back Eric to ask for a refund, he screams *** Off and hangs up on me !

Now I see he is claiming he never had a client called Ashley Z. Well, I have news for Eric.

This type of dishonest behavior is not tolerated in Texas.

And after googling Steve Leflar and Eric Symons, we were shocked and surprised at the trail of damage they have left. It is worst than our tornado's !

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Things are really starting to go badly for Steve Leflar. He is being exposed as a complete *** artist and crook.

His partner Eric Symons is also guilty.

map-marker Napa, California

Steve Leflar exposed. Simply the Best Entertainment division

Steven Leflar, a criminal and *** artist originally from Concord California, has fled investors and victims, and ended up somewhere in the Sacramento area of California.

Leflar, who has lost over 10 law suits to victims, is also a stalker and creator of websites that reek of paranoia.

Steve Leflar's employee, now posing as the owner of Simply the Best Entertainment has been on our radar for about a year and there is a video we hope you all enjoy.

Eric Symons, who was asked by Leflar to provide a cover for Leflar's criminal activity, is a long term business associate of Leflar. They created three websites designed to attack their accusers. Their victims list numbers over 30 musicians.

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Leflar is a thief


Wow ! Read through this . Fact checked the legal court documents and they are true.

Video is long, and in some parts you need to speed read it.but overall, it is a pretty damning indictment on Steve Leflar

I am also a victim of these two.

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