Silver Spring Foods
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Silver Spring Beer n Brat mustard
We really like the Beer and Brat mustard. Wish you would put it back on the shelves.
In order to get to 100 wourds I would have to tell you my life story, which I am sure would bore you to tears. I really don't know why you need to read a bunch of dribble. I am now starting to get pissed. I said what I needed to saay in the first seventeen words.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their copuntry. This is about the end of my disertation.
Thank you. Gary Starritt, Denver, CO
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Silver Spring Foods
I just bought some at the dollar store - love this stuff!
Okay, Checked HEB, Central Market, Super Target in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Rockport, Texas and even though you say they carry your products when I asked the Grocery managers they looked at me like I was insane. One even said that they never heard of it and that they never carried it. So how do we fix this without buying a case!!!
Okay, Checked HEB, Central Market, Super Target in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Rockport, Texas and even though you say they carry your products when I asked the Grocery managers they looked at me like I was insane. One even said that they never heard of it and that they never carried it. So how do we fix this without buying a case!!!
Dear Gary, Tippy and Sue - We do still make this product and it is still on store shelves! Be sure to visit our online store locator at www.silverspringfoods.com or on our Facebook Page www.facebook.com/BeernBrat and we will help you find our products!
:grin This mustard is the best, it'll even taste good with some cheese with that WHINE you got going on :cry
Yes....Beer n' Brat Mustard by Silver Spring we miss it and having to order a case...are you kidding. :cry
How about some naturally produced chocolate pudding? I bottle and ship for free.