Kutter Khr

Worst company ever

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My agent Nat Comisar lied to me about his knowledge regarding a home I wanted to purchase.He convinces me to forgo the inspection stating that it would make my offer my attractive to the seller. He also lied in a court of law to protect his job. Clearly not a family friendly business.

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map-marker Cincinnati, Ohio


The mortgage agent miscalculated all of our taxes. Throughout the entire process, there had always been the exact amount we would be paying per month. When we got to closing, the amount had been miscalculated by almost $500, and NO ONE caught it.

I had to ask them to change it, and even then, it did not get corrected (once I had been assured it was rectified). Almost a month later when we we received the paperwork for our first payment, it was STILL the incorrect amount.

When I contacted Sibcy Cline, I was told I had to fix it because I was the borrower. They also acted like it was no big deal that they completely screwed up our paperwork on a 30 year loan. VERY SCARY.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
1 comment
Kutter Khr

Sibcy Cline is clearly going down. They sued their own client for not buying a house next to a convicted attempted killer- good riddance to bad companies like Sibcy Cline.Rob Sibcy was also sued for sexual misconduct with an employee - just goes to show you that the company has no moral compass.

map-marker Dayton, Ohio

Theft during a "supervised" open house by Sibcy Cline

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I am renting a home from my family and they decided to sell it and hired Sibcy Cline. Unfortunately I did not have enough income to get approved for a mortgage to purchase it (according to the agent).

My family was lied to multiple times by the agent saying she had tried to call me and she hadn't, that my number mysteriously wasn't working and that I hadn't called back. I only received ONE message from the agent and I called back that same day.

During the second open house (which also brought the second "assistant" into my home) no name or phone #s were taken or anything from the people that came... (I have to show and leave my drivers license in order to just see an apartment but someone can just come in and give no name or anything and look through my things?? what since does that make?)... Anyway during this open house people were allowed to roam around my home and in my master bedroom ALONE and steal things. They stole one my husbands expandable batons, and knife that was in a sheath on my husbands night stand, and most importantly they rifled through ALL of my things including my jewelry box I had on a high shelf above my bed and took TWO rings I got from my mother. One of which was the one that my dad proposed to my mother with 30yrs ago... Also another VERY precious ring my mother gave me a few years ago that my grandmother gave to her when she was 16. These rings were worth about 4200.00 combined but it isn't the amount they are worth that upsets me, its the memories that are tied to them and the shear violation of my privacy and the fact that neither Sibcy Cline nor the agent is taking ANY responsibility in this matter, instead of doing the right thing and trying to make this right with me they are taking the stance that they aren't "legally responsible" because it was open to the public...

The fact remains that I turned my home over to them in order to show it not to allow the "public" to roam around unsupervised and go through my personal items. They are suppose to be "showing" the home not giving people a smorgasbord.

When the police arrived we were told that it was probably someone we knew... REALLY someone we know?? I don't think so... We do not have gatherings and no one but us has EVER been in my bedroom upstairs. We had not had anyone over including family between these open houses. The only ones it could have been was either the "agents" for Sibcy Cline or the people that THEY let into my home and did NOT SUPERVISE. I find it utterly ridiculous that Sibcy Cline is taking ZERO responsibility in this matter and is hiding behind legalities...

I would also like to mention that neither the agent that my parents hired nor any of the other people at Sibcy Cline have even attempted to call me to apologize or talk to me about this matter in any way...

Horrible customer service if you ask me.

I am devastated to loose the very items that tie me to the memories of my childhood :(

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

Leighann Onc
map-marker Cincinnati, Ohio

Sibcy Cline refused to disclose violent criminal next door

Lawsuit against Sibcy Cline.

It is regarding Sibcy Clines failure to disclose the fact that a convicted violent felon who was recently released from 10 years in prison for stabbing a 13 year old neighbor was on house arrest and was living next door to the property we were about to close on. We have clear evidence to prove that Sibcy Cline willingly and recklessly withheld this information in order to make the sale go through for a family member of Sibcy Cline VP Stephanie Sudbrack- Busam.

A neighbor made us aware of the situation 2 weeks prior to closing. Out of the concern for our 6 young children we rescinded our offer on the property.

Sibcy Cline threatened and harrased us personally and continues to do so.They also threatend our lender, other real estate agents and forced several attorneys we had hired to quit working on our case.

We have tried to settle this situation out of court. We requested that Sibcy Cline work with Seller Grant Troja to drop the case against us for $179.000 in damages. We also requested that Sibcy Cline remove all contingencies and threats of ceasing future business with our lender so that we could move forward with our approved loan to purchase a different home. We requested attorney fees as well as reimbursement of the $1,000 a week that we are paying to rent a new home until we can close.

Sibcy Cline refuses to acknowledge any wrong doing on the part of their agent Nat Commisar and VP Stephanie Sudbrack- Busam.

Therefore, we will be filing our lawsuit today against Sibcy Cline for 5.5 million.

Crysta Pleatman



513 720 ****

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1 comment
Kutter Khr

I read about that case and feel so bad for your family. How could Sibcy Cline do that to their own client?

Shame on Sibcy Cline. I used Redfin when buying my house.

Who needs to pay realtors 6% when they are just going to lie to get you to buy their listing. Sit back and wait-Sibcy Cline will go down.

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"I'm a Huge Proponent of Building a Home" Ty Wilde About Real Estate Industry

Sep 15, 2020

A real estate industry expert, Ty Wilde, shares his insights on whether to buy or build a house, what to consider when dealing with real estate agents, home inspections, and what to think of when investing your money.

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Ty Wilde
Ty Wilde

Ty Wilde is the Utah Realtor and New Home Construction Specialist with over 15 years of experience. He helps people to go through the process of buying or selling a home.

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