Sher Institutes For Reproductive Medicine
Sher Institute For Reproductive Medicine Fraud Alert ! This is a scam .
Sher Institute For Reproductive Medicine Fraud Alert ! Sher Fertility Institute – New York Fertility Clinic ,This facility is not closed, however, I had the WORST experience with it just like the first reviewer. I recommend you to run away from this place. Some of the staff are really rude. Among the worst is its office manager ironically.
Make sure you read the financial plans line by line. If your insurance covers some of the charge, make sure you are not being double charged by the insurance covered portion.
You need to book each monitoring appointments with the front desk even though the monitoring is routine and preset. After you make the appointment, you need to wait for the front desk to call you for appointment confirmation until the day before. Imagine you have daily appointments at the end of the cycle. And BTW, it is not surprising that they don't call you back as promised. You need to chase down the phone line to get a simple straight answer.
Dr. *** is very nice and that is the sole reason I decided to try there. However, I didn't expect to have to deal with so many incompetent staff which could jeopardize the result of an entire cycle.
Sher Fertility | Las Vegas, Dallas, St. Louis, New York ,
Sher Fertility Institute – New York Fertility Clinic
Fertility Clinic
Address: 425 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016, United States
Phone:(646) 792-****
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The Sher Institutes for Reproductive Medicine its a Medical Fraud !
The Sher Institutes for Reproductive Medicine its a Medical Fraud ! I had went to a infertility doctor in Medical City Dallas. The name of this clinic was Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Dallas. This clinic was announced on Channel 5 News about a seminar that took place in summer 2007. This Dr. Walid ** told me that I would have a good chance to have a good candidate for this procedure. My ovaries, cervix and hCG level was good. I had just got married and had a wedding in March 24, 2007. We had no children and we wanted to have children together. But I have 2 daughters already from a previous marriage. I paid over $10,000 for this procedure out of pocket. My husband was overseas in Afghanistan. He came back on his R&R to give this clinic a sperm sample on August 3, 2007. They also came back in the room around 30 minutes later saying that his sperm count was very high and that they wanted to keep that sample because it was more than enough, so let’s freeze this sample. We also had to sign some forms and get them notarized and to have blood work done as well.
Five days later, we got a call from this doctor saying that he had some bad news and some good news. The good news was that all of my blood work came back fine and that I was ready to go to the next level. The bad news was that my husband’s sperm came back saying that he had syphilis, so he threw his sperm away. Then he told me that he needed to see an infections doctor immediately. So, I called our family practice doctor because all the doctors that I called told me that we didn't need to be seen by a infections doctor. So we went to the doctor that same day. My doctor called Dr. Walid ** and asked him what was the amount of the disease. He told him that it was 1.0 percent. My doctor told him, “That wasn't a disease, why would you tell them that?” It was an antibody. And that there was nothing to do for that because it is permanent. Dr. ** started to get loud and said that he was getting ready to call the Health Department and the FDA. My doctor asked him, “Why would you call the FDA? They would tell you the same thing.” Dr. ** told my husband that he would go ahead and retreat him like the doctor ordered, but it wasn’t going to help. He also told us that it seems that we have gotten a bad doctor and that we needed to try to get our money back.
I called Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine and talked to one of the representatives, Freda. She told me that If I had started any of the medication, I couldn't get any of the money back and that it was a catch to it. So that meant that I had to continue the process. About 2 to 3 weeks later after my husband had returned to Afghanistan, I received a call from a nurse name Mary ** from Missouri asking if I was ready to start my injection for my September cycle. I told her that I couldn't because the doctor had discarded my husband’s sperm because he said that it was infected. She yelled, “What! We are not supposed to throw anything away.” She told me that she was going to call Dr. ** and ask him what was going on. She later called back and said that he said that he still had it and if I was still taking my birth control pills, let’s move on with this procedure. After Mary called me back, I received an e-mail from Dr. ** saying no need for you to be pointing the finger at anyone when we haven't even started the procedure yet. It’s not my fault that your husband a disease and that you had to pay out of pocket. Like if he got mad because I told the nurse that he threw away my husband’s sperm.
I didn't know what to do at this point, I could not trust him at this point. Everything that he told us on the phone has changed all of a sudden. So, the next week, I went in to get another calendar for October cycle. It was very high dosage than what was on the other calendar that I had for September. I had no one to administer my medication after this. Later I found out that Mary ** canceled out of the October cycle so I didn't have a nurse to really help me. Later on, through this procedure, even though I could feel a change in this doctor’s attitude with me. I went in to see how many eggs I had to have to harvest. He told me that I had to come back in three days because I needed to take more medication. On my next appointment, my daughter went in with me to see the doctor. After the sonogram, he looked at me and said I am very disappointed because I heavily medicated you with very high dosages of medication and you still didn't get the amount of eggs that I expected. He said that he expected at least around 20 to 25 eggs from me. I told him, “Dr. **, you said that I only need one good egg.” So he told me that he thinks that my left ovary didn't respond and that he was going to take them out the next day. I told him that it couldn't be true because my stomach was so swollen to the left and my ovary was sticking out so he told me to lay back down and that he wanted me to hold my own ovary while he redo the sonograms. He rechecked and I asked him how many it was. He never answered and said, “I am taking them out tomorrow.” So I went in the next day which was the 5th of October to have the eggs harvested. when I went to the surgery room, my nurse was checking my vital signs and asked me if I was supposed to have my eggs harvested without my husband or a *** carrier. I told her that my husband’s was supposed to have been back there somewhere thawing out. She told me that no one told her that I had sperm. So I asked her if she could go to the waiting to get my mom. So she went to get my mom and told her that something.
I was so shocked my blood pressure went up higher than it already was. She told me that she was waiting on the doctor to come back in the surgery room to tell him how high my blood pressure was because it was too high to go into surgery, but he never came back so later the anesthesiologist came into the room to get me to take me into surgery room to get me set up. He noticed that my blood pressure was so high. He whispered in my ear and asked me if he could give me something for my blood pressure because it was too high. I told him that it would be ok to do so. The staff proceeded to strap my legs down to the stirrups and put a black trash bag under me and told me that they are waiting on Dr. ** to come back, and when I see him come in the door, I will be out.
After I came out of surgery and was taken into recovery, the anesthesiologist and the nurses told me that the doctor took 7 eggs off of my ovaries. About 10 minutes later, Dr. ** came and touched me on my foot and told me that he only took 4 eggs off my ovaries. I just looked at him and didn't say anything. Later, the anesthesiologist came back into the room to give me my partials for my mouth. I told him what Dr. ** had told me. He told me that he didn't know why he told me that because he saw him take seven. The next day, I checked my e-mail. Dr. ** changed the story saying that he tried to reach me to tell me that there were 7 eggs, and out of the seven, we have 3 embryos. I was instructed by the nurse to call back on the 4th day to check on the embryos and to get a surgery time to come in. When I did call in, I was transferred to someone and I told her that I was instructed to call in to check on my embryos and to get a time to come in for the embryo transfer. She yelled and said, “If no one called you, don't call us.” And hung the phone up in my face. So I told my mom about it. I waited 5 days for the call and no one called, so around 12:30, I called in because my mom was my transportation to get there. I spoke with Freda. She put me on hold and said that she was going to check on the embryos. Later she comes back saying that Dr. ** would call around 2:30. Me and my mom looked at each other and said, “Here we go again.” Later, Dr. ** called and said, ”They died before calling you. I am sorry this didn't happen for you. I will send you an e-mail,” and hung up the phone. So my mom told me to call them back to make an appointment to come in that day. As soon as we walked into the office, everybody looked like they had seen a ghost. We waited about an hour for Dr. ** to tell me that he doesn't know what happened. He is just going to say old age killed them, then later said, “Call your husband overseas and ask him to start over in January.” So my mom asked him, “Why would she do that if old age killed the other one?” He said if it happens again, he would say do it no more. Then I asked him how much it will cost the next time. He told me that I would have to talk to the front desk for that information.
I will say about a couple of days later, Freda ** called me and told me that she was so sorry that she couldn't tell me while she was still working there, but do I remember when I told her that Dr. ** discarded my husband sperm, I told her yes. She said that when they took my eggs off my ovaries, they didn't add me to the list with the rest of the patient to have a transfer. Then she asked me whose record did they have in my file. I told her that it was Tina, the same person that he e-mailed me, calling me her, and sometimes he would call me that in his office, but I thought he just meant Toni since it was so close to Tina. Freda also said that this wasn't the first time that this has happen. She told me that ever since Dr. ** have been there, he has done nothing but mess up, but Karen **, the clinic manager, always clean it up even if she has to change the files she would do so. She told me that she hopes that they get caught because they have so many valuations. Then about 9 days later, I got a call from Amanda **. She told me that Stephanie from lab told her to call George, who is my husband, and ask him if he could come back in to give another sperm sample. So I looked at him and he said no! So I asked her why would he need to do that. Amanda said, “For your embryo transfer.” I looked at my husband and told her no, because why would my husband give more sperm when we were just told my embryos had died from old age.
Then I called their corporate office in California to make a complaint first, which we got nowhere with talking to his Boss Kate. She just kept going on and on that she would get some answers from Dr. ** on what happened to my embryos. I even told her the situation about their ex-employee Freda ** telling me what happened, about me not being put on the list after taking my eggs. She was still saying I will get you answers from the doctor. Then I asked her about him calling me Tina, and when I asked for my medical file since the doctor couldn't give me no answers other than old age and why wasn't there picture if they had lived 5 days, she just stuck with her story. Then I asked her why did I get a call from Amanda ** saying that Stephanie from lab asked him to come give another sperm sample, she just kept saying she would get the doctor to get me some answer. After this, I filed a complaint with the Texas Medical Board. Later, I spoke with Pamela ** as the investigator and told her what was going on, after I received a letter from Dr. ** a month later with his so-called answers, which was unacceptable and was mostly lies to cover his mistakes.
I have been left with disabilities such as pain in my joints from the Leptin drug, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, and shortness of breath. I have had a breast reduction surgery because when I gained so much weight, my breast was hanging to my stomached, anxiety and depression. I am invited to testify on my behalf before the Texas Medical Board on June 10, 2009 against the doctor. I and my husband through the complete process were like we were donors. He is saying that he had to call to get FDA approval on me and my husband, my husband had an antibody in his system. Then he claimed that I tested for ATA and had me to pay for a Natural Killer Cells Test, which I did, and results came back negative. Through the complete process, he never intended for us to conceive. He kept coming with up with all types of excuses on why he canceled our IVF cycle. He knew that my husband was working in Afghanistan and that he was to return in 3 to 4 months to give another sperm sample after he claim that he discarded our sperm. After my husband returned to Afghanistan, all of a sudden, he has his sperm. My husband had already sent back and gave KBR/Halliburton his R&R date to return home, but after he was trying to keep those days because we had paid for this procedure already. My husband lost his job.
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