map-marker Windsor, Victoria County

A incredibly disturbing website

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This *** website has a confessions page, which is what makes it so bad. Full of idiotic Karens who hate their children and even to the point of violence and even MURDER against children.


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Johnetta Blw

https://***/listing/159971****/ That’s how we can protest these terrible parenting advices they share! Wellcome to NotScaryMommys club

Miriam S Frr

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Richmond Hill, Ontario

They are a bunch of hypocrites

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Scary Mommy is run by a bunch of hypocrites. They encourage women to speak up and to use their voice.

But if you do that and its not in line with what they agree with, they ban you. They are truly pathetic.

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  • No chance for rebuttal and they ignore requests for removal

User's recommendation: Never visit the site


I agree! I was banned because I asked a question about something they didn't like. Screw scarymommy!

Gennesis Rhd

I wrote a reasoned and respectful comment on a meme in which I questioned the premise of it, someone responded, and I responded to the response. When I later checked back in on the page, I found that my entries were deleted, and I was banned from commenting on ANY article.

I have absolutely no idea why, beyond the fact that I disagreed. I am flummoxed.

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julia g Phz

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer

If you dont like facts and enjoy making fun of kids 24/7 go for it

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Scary Mommy - If you dont like facts and enjoy making fun of kids 24/7 go for it
Scary Mommy - If you dont like facts and enjoy making fun of kids 24/7 go for it - Image 2
Scary Mommy - If you dont like facts and enjoy making fun of kids 24/7 go for it - Image 3

Scary Mommy and their Instagram page is very liberal with very little science-based facts and they harass many mothers who are proud to do well by their children. They have a lot of postings encouraging hostile behavior to children and mothers who don't fit their idea of what motherhood should be.

You have no idea most of the time who curates the page but they say they are pro-transparency. It's good for a laugh sometimes but that's it. There's no good information. As a young new mom the page is very negative to motherhood and family life.

They claim to focus on "realness" yet all they do is complain or worship false ideals like Royalty and movie stars. They have completely lost touch with the joy of mother and parenthood. The instagram page curator constantly seems bitter which is a shame considering that they could use their influence in a positive way. They seem to be concerned with giving people a minimum of wholesome ideas and more concerned with clout than integrity.

I'm glad not every mother/parent site is like this. It's very discouraging for parents who want to thrive.

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  • Sometimes funny
  • Hostile
  • Misinformed
  • Sexist
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

julia g Phz

Also, the freedom to assemble is important to some Americans. The amendment goes as follow: Freedom of peaceful assembly, sometimes used interchangeably with the freedom of association, is the individual right or ability of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their collective or shared ideas. which this page clearly does not allow for everyone.

julia g Phz

Surely you're not a professional working for the company right? Does this company promote this aggressive manner I mean the Instagram page is contradictive and hateful especially if you (replier) are one of their loyal readers.

Shocking that a company and page that talks about sharing motherhood views and inclusion with all Children would encourage such bitter replies to its viewers. I wonder if that's why it's not voted a top parent site?


You’re a new mother so you have yet to experience the *** that is children. Besides it’s a Instagram page.

No one is forcing you to use it. There are plentyof other websites with ACTUAL information so go there.

Really you’re ranting over someone expressing their first amendment rights. Not the place or venue really.

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Jerry A Kfr

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer

A false and hateful posting

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

My daughter's mother posted a hateful and false article on Scary Mommy. She attacked me with half truths and outright lies and then posted under 'anonymous'.

Conveniently though, she included a link to the article on her Twitter account where it could easily have been found by ourdaughter.

I contacted Scary Mommy and requested the article be removed, or, that I be allowed to post a rebuttal. They have ignored my request.

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  • No chance for rebuttal and they ignore requests for removal

Preferred solution: Remove the posting or allow a rebuttal

User's recommendation: Useful site if you want to post hateful lies about someone

Sara S Myz

Blocked Without Any Explanation

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I randomly discovered that I was blocked from their Facebook page. They provided no warning and no explanation.

I maybe commented twice or three times over the years. I tried to figure out a way to contact them to inquire as to why I was blocked, but could not find any means of doing so.

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  • Funny
  • Parenting tips
  • Blocked me without explanation

Preferred solution: Restoration of my right to follow the Facebook page, or at least an explanation as to why I was blocked.

1 comment
Miriam S Frr

Same here but I’m pretty sure it’s because I called them out for being hypocrites. Amazing how they tell women to use their voices until one does and it’s what they don’t agree with.

Eden C Mvb

Liberal groupthink allowed only

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Liberal only bias-if you post respectful disagreeance it will be deleted and you will be blocked. I would say they are more "Scared Mommy" than "Scary Mommy". Heaven forbid people hear from outside their echo chamber.

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Gennesis Rhd

This was my very recent experience also. For God’s sake, no disagreements!

Miriam S Frr

Exactly!!! Yes, and I’m a centrist and they made it clear they hate centrists as much as they hate conservatives.


The same thing happened to me. I made my first and last comment.

All I said was I missed it not being so political. Nothing was said about whether I agreed or disagreed with the post. Nothing against it or stating my political views. I was attacked, called names, and bullied.

And then deleted and blocked. They aren’t tolerant of different views. If they even think you view something differently, They’re done with you.

I already planned on unfollowing them. Don’t need that toxicity.

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Praising celebrities that parent horrible

Every Snapchat I see is about Cardi B benign a good mother. She is definitely not and it’s horrid to be telling people that parenting like her is alright.

We know that her nanny is the one that takes care of her baby but your telling mothers it’s alright to be overly sexual and downright irresponsible. Cardi B is a horrible role model and she has even said herself she is not a role model.

Stop promoting this women’s “parenting” for views. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

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Melissa H Xng

SM Promotes use of Xanax and Instagram defends

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

SM posts an inappropriate post about using Xanax over Thanksgiving. While I get it’s supposed to be funny, it was not given the drug problems. I reported to Instagram and they found nothing wrong with it

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map-marker New Orleans, Louisiana

Censors and blocks anyone not liberal

I am an independent. I commented on Scary Mommy’s post about Kavanaugh’s accuser being harassed and pointed out that his family was too.

I said no one should be harassed. I also said to those caling him a rapist with no proof that evidence and testimony was extremely important before slandering someone. Then Jill from Scary Mommy removed my comments and subsequently blocked me.

Guess she is threatened by facts?! Lol.

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Gennesis Rhd

I am a left-leaning centrist on most issues. I got blocked for expressing doubt as to the claim that “it is not uncommon for parents of first-time home buyers to gift/loan their children $50k - $100k for down payment.” I said that engaging in this sort of hyperbole detracts from the premise of the topic, with which I otherwise agreed.

Deleted. Blocked.

Banned. Why??

Miriam S Frr

Yep they hate anyone who isn’t like them as I know this well. They blocked me too because I’m not liberal like they are. They can’t kiss my centrist ***

Medardo Vyx

I got blocked without any warning or explanation. I only posted a couple of times over the years. I call BS!

Deni Rei

I too am an independent (left leaning) and I too had my comments removed and blocked for standing up for J K Rowling’s right to freedom of speech with her IStandWithMaya tweet. It was actually shocking to have them remove my post and block me.

Because I’m liberal (but not liberal enough?). Their hypocrisy is astounding.

What they say is everyone has a right to their opinion. But what they mean is everyone has a right to their opinion as long as they agree with them.

Miriam S Frr
reply icon Replying to comment of Deni Rei

Yup I’m a centrist and same experience with them too. They blocked me as well.


They've done it to me also


Jill isn't part of SM anymore. Just pointing that out. I've also been banned so I'm not sticking up for the page.

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Quinette Kes

Scary Mommy's scary liberal agenda

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This is a known left bias rag. I get that, but some of these women go around bullying other women and when facts are cited, most of these women predictably start hate speech with "racist", "homophobic", "republican idiot" and other terms because they have no other argument but to name call.

It is shameful and ridiculous that conservative women get blocked while others are allowed to spew their crap.

This fb site and blog is scarily trying to advance their liberal agenda on everyone and block the right for others to comment. Jill Smokler should stay out of the political arena and stick to humor and things that interest moms.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

It’s the most vile, bullying website out there (and it’s supposed to be for ‘mommies’). It’s a joke! I hope that advertisers stay away from it!

Johnetta Blw
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1564741

Agree. That’s why check NotScaryMommyDesign Shop on Etsy. Let’s show the world that US moms are not so stup Id as Jill Smokers

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Mommy bullying

So Scary Mommy is crap. There are a pack of “ladies” that go around and just attack other women for really no good reason.

Belittling, degrading, and often evil words exchanged from them for people who simply dare to disagree with them. And dont think of telling the “admins”. Why? Well because these pack of “ladies” are friends with the so called admins!

Lol. Its all one big bias site with one sided views and you get deleted and/or banned if you call out the hypocrisy of it all. I feel the awful bullying and drama is manufactured just to keep the site relevant.

And I was banned from posting for saying just that. Jill Smokler should be ashamed of herself for profiting from hateful mommy bullies.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
1 comment

You are correct. They don't like people who disagree with them at all.

They bully, curse at you and remove your comments.

"*** Trump and anyone who voted for him" is perfectly acceptable but saying Obamacare sucks or I believe in the 2nd Amendment will get you blocked. *** bags.

map-marker Concord, Massachusetts

Their fanbase and writers are a bunch of bullies

God help you if you oppose anything a Scary Mommy contributor has to say. You'll be lambasted rather quickly on their Facebook page by their rabid fanbase of sanctimommy defender bullies.

Not only that, but Scary Mommy will delete any comments that are not in line with the author's viewpoints. And don't be surprised if authors actually bully you as well if you oppose anything in their poorly written articles. What used to be a fun place to get parenting advice and parenting chuckles has now became a haven for hormonal cyberbullies.

There are so many other mommy blogs out there for me to follow. Peace out Scary Mommy...

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I actually got banned from SM recently. There's a group of women who find amusement in stalking, harassing, and abusing certain members.

If one of them sees the name of one of their victims, either they commented or someone tags them, the entire pack decend on that comment to be the most horrible people they can be. I stood up to them, told them I wouldn't stand for their bullying. The admin banned me because they're friends. I was banned today from "scary mommy it's personal" because I commented about being banned from SM and why, on an article about getting kicked out of mom groups by *** admins, and without mentioning any names, they all showed up to lie and attack me.

One of them was the admins wife. I was accused of being another of their favorite victims side accounts because they can't fathom that anyone would disagree to their constant assault.

The guy that runs it now is nothing like jill.

Oh and I emailed jill about it, she said she would look into it, and then didn't reply to any of my other complaint emails.


Scary Mommy? That is the name they went with?

Ugghh! I'll pass on their blog.


You are totally right I am part of a mom's group. We have noticed that so many of our post advocating for stay at home moms were deleted.

Some of our comments seemed to hit too close to home for the working moms reading and writing the articles. They have a small section headed "stay at home mom," thinking they are fooling us. They are only fooling themselves.

Good bye and good luck. Too many working moms are have in at home and half in at work doing a half *** job at everything they do!


I'm so glad I read your complaint!!

Same thing happened to me today! I made a Comment about a postbeing unsafe because she was driving making a, did I get attacked all day!

Being called names and threatend.

My comments back only fueled more angry mobs to the point that I just block the idiots now and unfollowed them. Insane...didn't really find the bloggers to be funny anyway!

Thanks for letting me rant!

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map-marker Tampa, Florida

SCARY MOMMY blog site scam

Theyve inundated the mailboxes of every person who ever signed up on thee thinking it was a good supportive community for moms with sob story about their" hero" the owner of the site having a leaky ceiling because she let her kids play in the shower to long while she was dealing with the site...oh the guilt..and have solicited and received "donations" non stop for a month now..what will be next? What a crock..nice tax free income babe!

First it was for chocolate and flowers for her then any extra for the repairs. They've dunned my inbox with every email touting a donation made...hundreds so far to the tune of how many thousands of dollars who knows? But they make sure that every one gets cc'd on hundreds of" feel good" emails a day which inspires others to donate and so on...its a numbers scam. Irs should jump on that.

That site is all about money..when shes not trying to get you to buy her book theyre soliciting donations for some poor soul constantly. Its very shady. This blog has a paypql account. She should get a real job.

Stay away from this site...a scam! should Get a real job!

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ok. let's break down YOUR attempt to discredit this complaint, NIKKI

in reply to "received donations for a month" you stated "...Actually it's been two weeks." AND then go on to refute your own claim when you asserted, re the emails solicited for money "the FIRST TWO (weeks)it was only people who had expressed interest in helping" right!

it's a scam. and Jill/Nikki, Nikki/Jill is tripping all over her own feet to cover it and make all nice with the public etc but will be hard pressed to explain all this when is contacted by the ones who've previously interviewed about all the "good works" done...happens all the time with public cons and scams in


Only those interested? Not true!

I only ever went to that site twice and signed up for a newsletter that I've never got but have had plenty of mails to solicit her book AND I was on some mailing list with hundreds of others to solicit money for this too. Any replies get sent to all the list too.

So I agree with the complaint.. I haven't been on that site in several months, have never seen a newsletter, and only get solicited for money.


My name is Nikki and I am the community manager of Scary Mommy. I was the one who followed through on some member ideas of sending Jill a gift.

It wasn't supposed to be more than flowers but we quickly realized how much the community WANTED to support her. It was totally volunteer and DOES NOT reflect on Jill Smokler.


Alright, lets break down your post and post the truth:

1. "theyve inundated the mailboxes of every person..." Actually, we added people that we could remember the screen names of, that we thought would want to make a small donation to help the Site owner (the site owner who pays for the site, and runs the site herself)

2. "received donations for a month" Actually it's been two weeks.

3. "inundated my inbox with every email touting a donation". Oh so you've been on the three message threads rallying donations? That's interesting since the first two it was only people who had expressed interest in helping that were added to those threads. It has only happened 3 times in the history of the site, and this is the first time we've done anything for the Site Owner.

4. "to the tune of how many thousands of dollars" Not thousands, barely even hundreds. If you would like to see a spreadsheet, I'm sure the other admin would be glad to show you. And if you are on that message thread, as you imply, than you would have received the most recent message that had the amount. It most certainly is not the "thousands" you claim.

5. they make sure that everyone gets cc'd on hundreds of "feel good" emails a day" Well that's just complete bull. Again, we've only have rallied donations three times, twice before Christmas. I have no idea where these "hundreds" of emails are coming from, it's most certainly not the site in question.

6. "That site is all about money" Yes a free site is all about money. If it were all about money, there would probably be some sort of cost to join.

Nothing that you have written is true, except the part about the flowers and chocolates and the ceiling damage. If you don't like the site, leave it, don't post baseless lies about it around the internet.

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Disinformation: Russian and Chinese trolls among us

Jun 16, 2022

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