Cowan Far

Resolved: Oh man what a mess

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I don't doubt that they are selling quality pups who are healthy and happy, however, the service is much less to be desired. They are definitely looking for absolutely, 100% PERFECT homes for their dogs to an extent that almost seems impossible.

If you work full-time, don't even think about getting a pup. If you own another dog especially if it is a male, do not think about getting a pup. According to Sue, you cannot own a cat either because GSDs have high prey drives ... I guess no one ever told my other german shepherd about this because he got along pretty fine with my cats.

I think these pups are going to go to very specific homes and if you're not it, you'll definitely hear about it from her. Overall, I think Sander Haus probably has excellent dogs and excellent puppies, but they also have unrealistic standards on the needs of a dog. A dog is a dog and yes, will survive if left at home for a couple hours a few times a week and yes, will be able to get along with other dogs of the same sex, because they are just DOGS. A bunch of german shepherds exist in homes with other male dogs and nothing has happened.

Not really worth the time to have someone bombard you with questions and accusations and question your abilities of owning a dog unnecessarily when there are plenty of other awesome breeders out there willing to communicate amicably with you.

They are just plain mean to be honest and why would you give your money to mean people when you can give your money to nice people :). More power to you if you're the pristine home that she is looking for.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Fullerton, California

Sander Haus - Review in Animal Services category from Fullerton, California

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When you go to a bank for a loan and you don't don't get the loan. Amazing these unqualified people get mad when they don't get the Dog.

You can't leave a shepherd at home all day, already have a dog of the same sex, live in an apartment with no back yard etc and think that u should own a shepherd. Sander Haus does a great job of protecting her pups from these situations.

Notice I said "her" pups. Unfortunately her good deeds get dirty laundry from ignorant people via the Internet.

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Corry Sid
map-marker Annandale, Virginia

Review in Animal Services category from Annandale, Virginia

I've read the comments on this page. There are 8 very irate people and there may be more. However, I'd like to give the other side of the story.

Yes, Sue is quite intense. Overbearing even. Our first interactions with her and the application process mirrors what some have said, minus the rudeness. Since my biggest concern was to get a puppy from a reputable breeder and not a puppy mill type breeder, I figured the crazy intrusive questions showed that she was ensuring (in her own way) that the few litters she bred every year went to good homes.

I got my GDS from her in 2012 and he turns 4 today!! Just had his checkup and he is healthy as a horse. I'll be sending her a pic today so she can see her baby. Will I maybe get back some emails? Yes, but whatever. Dogs have genetic issues specific to their breeds. I had a schnauzer from a reputable breeder who needed thousands of dollars of surgery from kidney stones. Yet he lived to be 13.

You're all correct. If you get a bad vibe from a business don't patronize it. But I will attest to the fact that there is a group of us who are beyond pleased with the pets we have gotten from this breeder. I've been to her home. The dogs are inside. She does have a pathological fear of parvovirus and sent us home with warning after warning. Most my vet of 16 years agreed with. So she doesn't let just anyone come out. But my husband, daughter and I sat in her living room and played with a litter so we could see which one gravitated toward us and which we liked. I can say without hesitation that her home and kennels are spotless.

If for some reason I couldn't keep Otto, I could call her today and take him back. And no, she wouldn't euthanize him.

Everyone must make their own conclusions. I just wanted to add some balance.

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map-marker Glen Allen, Virginia

Sander Haus is an EXCELLENT Breeder of GSD!!!!

My family has raised three Sander Haus Shepherds. The first two lived to almost 13 years old.

They were our family and we miss them dearly. We now have another Sander Haus Shepherd and like the two before is sweet, smart, beautiful and family oriented. Sander Haus does not do this for profit, but does it for the love of the breed and with the pure intention of matching the perfect puppy with the perfect people.

Frankly, it is an intention that all breeders of all dogs should follow, but unfortunately few do. We have nothing but rave reviews for Sander Haus GSD's and their Philosophy.

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Reason of review:
Good customer service
Natika Oeu
map-marker Richmond, Virginia

Sander-Haus testimonials speak for themselves

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To address these posts, we do not like to put the same gender in the same home except under certain circumstances and I explained there was no way to know if two of the same gender would get along as adults. It is simply a fact.

Leaving a puppy with an adult alone all day is not a good plan! To the genetic defect, this pup was examined by our vet and by your vet. You sent me emails and told me how great he was for months! You then told me that you had surgery done without ever telling us what was going on.

You also never took him to another vet for another opinion. We have bred for many many years and have a good track record with healthy dogs and repeat clients, one who has 2 dogs, had 3 the older one passed on, she is an attorney and her sister is a veterinarian.

You could have returned him but you never said a word! You were given 1/2 of your money back long after you bulldozed ahead with surgery as you never gave us the chance to take him back nor discuss what this specialty vet told you without another opinion.

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We have great clients and sorry to the ones that are told NO that they have to resort to this lowlife attitude but then again, we made the right choice now didn't we?

I don't have a puppy yet but have spoken to Sue many times. Having owned gsds before I think her questions are legit and necessary.

To caring breeders these are their babies.

If you are lucky enough to own one of her babies you will be happy she is so concerned about their future. She has been never been anything but polite and pleasant.

Natika Oeu

Adding my own comment. To one other person we said NO to, you thought that your 2 year old son was mature enough to own a puppy and you would not listen to me that German shepherd puppies could not be left alone with toddlers as they are very mouthy.

To the other one who wanted to leave a male puppy outside in a "dog lot" as you called it with an adult male dog alone, you got vulgar so I was not nice to you. You sent in the questionnaire when our page says that we reserve the right to refuse a puppy place and if you are going to be rude don't send it in, but you did and then when you were told no, you went nuts. We have had 1 joint issue in decades and I can't say it was not from the way the dog was housed. That is a tremendously good record!

The other well I never did see a vet report, never did get another opinion, it was something that no other breeder that I talked to ever heard of and probably wouldn't happen again to anyone in 1000 litters. The major point is we were never told about it until this person full steamed ahead and did surgery. She could have returned that puppy but that was her choice.

No one can breed live animals and have a crystal ball. I still stand by our dedication to all of our dogs, our puppies and our current and prior clients.

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map-marker Powhatan, Virginia

Sander Haus - German Shepherd Puppy Review from Powhatan, Virginia

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Rude person. I contacted them about a puppy. I said I was not interested yet but wanted to just meet them and see their facilities. This is what she said implying that she needed to protect the dogs from contact? She does not know me and the fact that she responded this way to a simple inquiry about visiting them raises red flags. If she treats potential clients this way how does she treat her dogs?

jennifer that’s not a black and white yes or no answer.

we have policies and procedures in place that protect our puppies from parvo and distemper which is easily transmitted when people are in and out looking. we also want to protect the many people who take our pups who are hours away.

what we do we have done for 17 years and it works well for us.

everything is explained in what we send out but we don’t have any pups to speak of right now nor a pregnancy confirmed so we stopped sending info.

it’s best you check back if you don’t find what you are looking for and details can be sent out then.



Sander-Haus German Shepherd Dogswww.Sander-Haus.comMembers of the GSDCASigners of the GSDCA Breeders Code of Ethics

Hi. I am not looking for a puppy until After the 1st of the year. I was just trying to determine where to get the dog. My goal was to meet the owner and the potential parents in advance. Can I visit you?

Sander-Haus German Shepherd Dogswww.Sander-Haus.comMembers of the GSDCASigners of the GSDCA Breeders Code of Ethics

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Herndon, Virginia

Sander Haus Dog Breeding Review

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This lady Sue is extremely rude. I have no idea how she is a breeder and should be close by these dogs when she cannot communicate with people.

She should not be in business. Just inquiring about pups have been so difficult to go back and forth with her.

She is just plain mean. I do not recommend her to anyone!

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Virginia, United States


My husband and I were interested in getting a German shepherd puppy, I should have listened to the previous reviews of this place! After sending in my completed questionnaire I was bombarded with multiple rude and nasty emails from "sue".

She bragged of her degree and her two houses with no apparent reason after insulting my application responses ( not sure how this is relevant to the application process.) The emails went on for pages even after I asked her to stop harassing and contacting me.

They have every right to refuse to sell me and my husband a dog, but there was absolutely no reason for their hateful and crazy emails (a lesson in basic business etiquette would be helpful). STAY AWAY these people are NUTS!

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Puppy Had a Genetic Defect

Bought a male puppy from them about 5 yrs. ago.

After perhaps a week, once my wife had bonded with the dog, It became apparent that something was not right with his front legs. Our vet did x-rays; he said "I think there's something seriously wrong here", and referred us to a specialist. Turned out that one of the bones in each leg wasn't growing; the growth plate had closed. The growth of the other bone was bowing the legs, and damaging the shoulders.

This $900 dollar puppy subsequently required $10,000 of orthopedic surgery to alleviate the condition. His legs will never be 100%. Despite the fact that DNA testing done @ the University of Colorado confirmed the genetic fault, Sander Haus would never admit that it indeed existed. Their only concession was a $400 partial refund.

Sure we could have taken him back - most likely to be euthanized.

We were fortunate enough to afford the surgery; many people wouldn't be. Could never,in good conscience, recommend this breeder to anyone.

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1 comment

I, too, purchased a male German Shepherd puppy from Sander-Haus who shows signs of genetic neurological problems. Follow up with the breeders was not helpful and frustrating.

Although my dog is beautiful and very sweet, he has cost me a fortune in vet bills. I could not in good conscience recommend Sander-Haus.

Yvette F Ksb
map-marker New York, New York

Sander Haus - Initial Contact leaves alot to be desired.

Myself and my husband were interested in attaining (2) male GSDs - we've researched what we thought to be reputable breeders. We have some experience with GSDs as youngsters - grew up with them. So before filling out a application - I emailed SH with some responses to questions that they had on their website. Mostly to see whom I was dealing with - WOW did I find out.

This is what I sent:

Answers to your questions:

Please tell us what you are looking for (We are looking for (2) male puppies that can be trained for protection and are family pets that can fit in with our current pack.), what pets you currently own (8 year old Golden Retriever - Gunny, 8 year old mini-doxie - Spike and a 3 year old yorkie-schiztu mix - Napoleon), what experience or not that you have with German shepherds (Both myself and my husband grew up with shepherds as children and love the breed).

Our questions:

What is the cost of acquiring puppies from Sander-Haus? Do you offer Training? When can we visit, if possible?

These are my responses from the *** at the other end of the Sander Haus brain trust:

1:05 pm Response:

"sorry we would never sell 2 males to the same home and we don't put the same gender in the same home except under certain circumstances and not with small male dogs!! no way."

1:06 pm Response:

"and they never should be trained for protection unless you can prove you are a k9 trainer and handler.

oy vey no wonder we don't breed often!!"

I have to say that my initial contact with any firm whether they are selling Pencils or Puppies has never been this ridiculous. Listen Sander Haus, maybe you will learn something here - we are YOUR consumer, you should try to educate your customer base on your philosophy of breeding and placing your puppies. You should not be insulting or condescending in any way - if you are that anal you will not be in business long!!!

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I hate to say it but she is right.. I would have done the same thing.. Maybe could have been a bit more diplomatic about it.


We purchased our GSD at Sander Haus. They are somewhat unusual but I think they are devoted to their dogs and concerned about who they sell to.

Perhaps most dog breeders are "strange". The one we got a few years ago is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. GSDs are great looking dogs and ours is at the top of the scale. GSDs are normally devoted to their family.

Strangers beware.

One other thing which drives my wife NUTS....GSDs shed like you wouldn't believe. Be prepared.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-647776

My fur baby from there just turned 7. Yep.

Lots of hoops to jump through. But it turned out well.

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David T Jed
map-marker Richmond, Virginia

SanderHaus German Shepherds is a joke. Do not purchase from these hypocrits

I spent my time filling out and submitting a questionnaire for these imbeciles and Sue got to question three before turning my application down. Sue stated that since I already had a male dog in the house, regardless of asking me anything about my elder submissive Labrador, she just ignorantly stated that I could not purchase a dog from them because there would be aggression. "well we don't put the same gender in the same home. you have no way to know how that male puppy will be as an adult. " She was not interested to find out anything about the animal currently in my home, she just assumes everyone is not of any intellect capable of caring for two males dogs.

My response: What a joke. You should put all your male dogs down except for one if thats the case. How can you breed dogs and tell me that males don't get along together? It matters how they are raised, not you're *** presumptions.

Sue's Response:

1st email response: "You are an *** and we have no clue. Typical grasping at straws redneck reply when you are told No. "

2nd email: "In case you are too ignorant to figure it out I meant YOU have no clue. Just a typo after walking dogs at 2am because our dogs do not live out. *** you are blocked so do not waste time replying as your nonsense will just go right to the trash where it belongs. "

Now that's FANTASTIC customer service.

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Kathleen Okk
map-marker Baltimore, Maryland

Sander-Haus German Shepherds Breeders are absolutely crazy. Stay away!

I have been looking for a German Shepherd for quite awhile and have researched the breed. I came across Sander-Haus on the internet and saw the puppy that was currently available. Underneath the picture it said a little about his personality but also said they weren't sure they were going to part with him. I looked through the poorly constructed website and noticed before filling out an application you needed to make initial contact with them. I must say I was mortified at the email conversation that took place and the accusations that were made. You will notice Sue says I am harrassing her but I recieved two emails in a row from her which I would consider harrasment. She claims to be college educated but her website and typing skills suggest otherwise. I am not sure why she believes I was harassing her or being rude. Can you even harass a business? In business, people will challenge you! I think this woman needs to think about her customer service skills since she can't handle any type of challenge from a customer. The emails start at the bottom and work their way up. Watch out for the CRAZIES!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dear k----!! i was not rude, you were rude.

you told me you work full time. what would i think one would possibly do with an intelligent active puppy who needs something to do? i didn't know what your plans were and that was your chance to tell me. i was not rude, i was trying to educate you about the breed, but yes i see you are one of those who knows it are blocked, so i will not see any more were rude, period. you could have said, well that's not what i intended to do this is but you chose to be rude.i am 55 and college educated and have had the breed since i was a child. i'm sure you know more than i do....and you got offended instead of writing back nicely.i will say again, good luck in your search.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oh my god, please! i just got in and see your email.

you are on the blocked list. stop harassing me! plenty of breeders won't even ask your name! go find one.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you read your response to me it said in the first sentence "we won't do it". That indicated that you would not be interested in my family. I was not questioning you. You ask on your site for people not to be rude but in your response you were extremely rude. Thats a very poor representation.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------please read the website. i have no intention of going back and forth with you nor anyone. if you have to question us do not bother to contact us. it's pretty clear but some people can't get it.i said i did not know your situation and that was the opportunity for you to explain. the same emails got out to everyone who says they work full time.good luck in your search,sue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sue,I can appreciate that you want Romeo to go to a good home and its a shame that you won't give me the time of day to atleast learn how the dog would be cared for while I am at work. I merely told you I had a full time job to inform you I could adequately provide for the dog. I am very aware of the needs the breed demands and I have talked to my veternarian and researched the breed to be sure it is a fit for my lifestyle. However, I don't appreciate the indication that I am completely oblivious to the needs of any dog in general. I wouldn't waste my time in looking for a dog if I couldn't care for it. I hope you find a home for Romeo that is to your standards.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------we don't like to let our pups go where they will be alone all day so we don't do it. this pup in particular is a single pup, has no litter mates and demands a lot of time and attention.i can't imagine him alone all day. they can't go in a crate all night and then back in a crate in the morning to be let out for 30 mins at lunch time to go back in a crate again. i don't know what your plans are but that is not something that is good for this breed. please keep it in mind. they need human socialization, they need house breaking, they need to eat 3 meals a day. water must be withheld if they are crated and one can damage their kidneys. they can only hold their business for short amounts of time and even a 3 month old puppy would not hold it for even 1/2 a day without making a mess, never mind an 8 wk old puppy. they go easily every hour.we want romeo to have as much time and attention as he can get. he wouldn't be an option for someone who works full time

thank you though for your interest,

sue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To whom it may concern:I am contacting you in regards to Romeo. I am very interested in this handsome boy! Per the website I am making an initial contact with you and letting you know a little bit about myself before filling out an application. I am employed full time at the local hospital working day shift only. I have an excellent reputation in the community as a leader and volunteer. After much research, I have decided I want a male German Shepherd with no preference on the type of coat the puppy may have. I live on 7 acres of land and enjoy being outdoors. I am 110% dedicated to having a German Shepherd and taking him to the highest level of obedience training. I look forward to hearing back from you.

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I was very blessed to find a wonderful GSD. I love him dearly and I am very glad he picked me!


I just believe that she lacks basic social skills that would help her effectively communicate to possible clients. I am glad that it wasn't just me that she offended.

I just felt that she was out of line which is why I created the post. Its very interesting to be in communication with her to say the least.


We actually have a Sander-Haus dog, who is amazing and I've personally met 2 other people who have their dogs, and they are wonderful dogs. In fact, one of them is competing pretty successfully in Schutzhund. As I've become a bit more involved in the "GSD World", the word out there is that they're nice dogs.

That being said, I'm not too surprised by some of these comments. Sue is, um, how should we say... interesting? I knew that from the get-go, but then again, in talking to a friend and her aunt's decades of experience showing at high-levels AKC, I know that dog people *can* real characters, so I wrote it off as that. My friend and her aunt also used her AKC membership log-in to verify the dogs and the ownership, which is under her husband's name, Carlos (and my husband asked and saw papers, too). And, yes, there really is a Carlos, we met him and he's the TOTAL 180 from Sue. :grin Also, people I've met in the GSD community who know who they are say she's an interesting bird, and don't get on her bad side and Carlos is great.

Our dog is Amazing. He really, truly is and I feel lucky because stopped my research on the topic (finding a breeder) when my friend's aunt confirmed the ownership/pedigrees and I didn't look further and I'll admit, I put on blinders to everything else. While their tag line is Selectively Breeding and Not Mass Producing, it seems they've always got a liter coming, so being that the dogs they breed aren't earning their own titles, whether it be in the confirmation ring or doing another sport, Sander-Haus is essentially a very picky (whether it's for the right reasons or not) Hobby Breeder. I, personally, am a little conflicted on that, now that I've learned more about it. Even though the *** is bred again, I will say that all the dogs are extremely well taken care of.

So, in conclusion, if you can get past the Wall of Sue and you're okay with getting your dog from a Hobby Breeder, you'll get a nice family dog. We're starting Delta training with ours in the spring. Oh, and one more thing, IF you do make it past the Wall of Sue, make sure she understands that she has to get your permission to use your photos. We and the people I've met with Sander-Haus dogs have all had our photos lifted from our social media pages. Since I'm not facebook friends with her or like their page (and there's a reason), the only picture of mine she could see was my banner pic of me and our dog, but the other people are friends with her, and she lifted personal pics to put on the Sander-Haus pages and one of the people actually got into her about it, and she finally took them down - the other person didn't care she used them. I got over it, since I realized it was my banner pic, which everyone in the free world could already see. Food for thought.

Yvette F Ksb

I must concur with your statements above. I just had an encounter with Sue or whomever answers their email at Sander Haus.

I have never in all my years encountered such a turn off from a firm during an initial contact.

For such beautiful GSDs they have a rather ugly breeder - which makes your wonder about the temperament of her dogs. Poor babies!!


This story sounds extremely familiar of a recent encounter that I had with Sue from Sander Haus. I emailed her initially like she asked and told her a lot about myself and my fiance. We have a full blooded black labrador retriever who we have raised and trained on our own. I also explained that I have had 12 years of experience with my family dog-a GSD. I contacted her informing her that we were dedicated, excited, getting ready to be college graduates and start our careers making good money. She then responded with some snood remark and zero information. I then told her we were looking for a dog in the later part of the year and quoted something she had said on her "breedings" page. She said that I had no right "questioning her reproductive plans" and that they don't just breed German Shepherds for the money. After a series of several more preposterous and crazy sounding emails I told her I didn't appreciate her passive aggression, we wouldn't be purchasing a dog from her, and good luck doing business with her terrible customer service. She responded that she was my "senior," had decades with the breed, and two degrees. Oh and that she wasn't going to respond to any more emails even though I had closed the argument two emails before that.

Needless to say, I wouldn't recommend doing any kind of business with this lady as she is pompous, arrogant, ignorant, and a little crazy. I have never talked to someone more rude and to be honest, dumb, in my life. We will be seeking elsewhere for our German Shepherd. I hate that this lady is giving German Shepherds a bad rep.

If you are looking for a GSD and in the Tennessee/Virginia area, I recommend Livinghaus German Shepherds. They are extremely welcoming, informative, and respectful.

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