Salisbury Tire
They suck!!! They have *** boss men and *** management
The boss man in Salisbury North Carolina would tell there employees do to work that they had done did the paper work (Not) so they fired all three employees even after they agreed to pay for the *** bosses doing so hope they have to close down spreading this on every page i can find plus face book.They also do there costumers ***!!! One pissed off wife who will go to all measures to get the word out They do not care about the costumers just the *** money!!! Hope it all comes back to *** you guys in the *** one guy worked there for seven years and was let go because of some young punk *** boss man!!!
Will not replace a defective tire
i bought 2 new tires on the front of my car in oct 2011. In Decembe 2011 i had to take my car back up to salisbury tire which sells firstone tires bc one of the tires had a bubble in the side wall.
When i took it up there they told me it wasnt a defective tire that it was a indention. I told them i know what a bubble looks like and that it was a bubble. The next day the same tire is now lossing air, so i took it to another cerified mechanic to confirm if was indeed a bubble or a indention. Sure enough he comfirmed that it was a defetive tire and to take it up there right away to have replaced.
So i took it back up there they indeed changed the tire and once my car was ready they said to me that i would need to pay for the new tire! Not only did i get really upset i told him to take the tire back off and put old one back on. That i would see them in court. Keep in mind the tire with the bubble had only 5000 miles on them!
I walked out side to call the other mechanic and my boyfriend i guess they had a change of heart they told me to dont worry about it take my keys (which he threw at me). I would highly recommend not buying a firestone tire but if you are in powhatan va and need tire i would walk before buying a tire at that store again!
*** computer
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WTF? :? Make some sense man!