Robinson Flooring
Really horrible owner and custermer service
The owner Tim Robinson has to be one of the most unproffesional. Buisness man due to his eccesive use of vulgar language on job sites, also mr.robinson sometimes participates in oui and also dui before and after jobs , his crew consist of inexperianced employees who do much damage to property on job sites and building damages also, his schedualing.
Date to complete a single job is never on time.and usually is rushed and when it is done on time a customer usually has to call him back to make repairs . Also Mr Robinson tries to pick up and date female employees from job sites that he is hired on . Mr Robinson is poorly manored and unfortunatley does not take the proper time it take to get a task done safely so that the job can be completed . Mr robinson has been late to numerous job sites and currently is operating with employees with no experiance in the flooring industry .
If you are considering hiring Robinsons Flooring. If you are considering robinson flooring for a job please reconcider and check out a few other company's around the area , seserly an exx emploee who dosent want to see mr.robinson miss treat and take advantage of another client again.
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that is completely the opposite of my experience.
disgruntle ex employee?
Tim, I hope you are taking your reviews to heart and that you see it is time to check yourself into a detox before you accidentally kill yourself or someone else. These people are not picking on you, they are witnessing your addiction.
Look at this. Really be honest with yourself. See what we see.
You CAN win the war against the bottle if you choose to, or you can give 16 years of hard work to the bottle. You are an incredible business man, an honest and hard working man, but SOBER.
Turn this around. It is not over until it is over.
About 2 weeks ago we had Tim and his employees at our residence to install flooring in our kitchen and 3 bathrooms. Well let's just say his employees were more professional than he was.
He came into my house smelling like he just left a bar, he was highly intoxicated, he was a mess. He was cussing out another customer on his cell phone for about 20 minutes until he finally finished the call with *** you". He then proceeded to work on my floors talking about piece of *** customers right in front of my 5 & 8 year old girls. One of the employess then got up & said "hey Tim calm down this isn't the place to talk about things like that & he replied "I don't give a *** The next day they returned & my husband had a talk with Tim, he was behaving after that until he opened his lunch bag & pulled out a nip of captain morgan.
We later found 7 empty nips of his captain morgan in outside garbage barrel. We were furious! We called him & told him not to come back to finish the job even though we paid for half of the job it was just way to much for us to have to deal with. We called another company that same day & were glad we did.
Do not waste your time with this one because I assure you, he does not run a professional company. I was absolutely shocked at the way he ran his business.