Domi S

I was sent on a wild goose chase from a worker to Dap to get Voucher for help in giving me furniture I’m a Senior Citizen I’m in need of furniture for my apartment my husband has an amputation & I’m t

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I was referred by Family Jewish services in PalmSprings for help in furniture for my apartment I'm a Senior Citizen in my late sixties & just moved in an apartment but have no furniture my husband had sn amputation six months ago as well im the only

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  • People that have monies to purchase is a good place
  • For people that need their help they are not there

Preferred solution: A call back from their Corporate office if they have one or the owner

User's recommendation: Be prepared for disappointment of no real customer service

Julie S Php

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Verified Reviewer

Revivals throws out perfectly good donations

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

OK, this would actually go under other but that was missing from your category list. Here's the situation

The problem is in Ashland Ohio and revivals has been throwing out perfectly good donations that could easily be turned back out into the community, sent to disaster areas or just given to people in need by just simply having a free pile. It's just not fair to the public who donates to revivals in good faith only to have their donations thrown out. It's also not fair to the environment when our landfills are being filled with more than just junk but also good items. There's also a little bit of history behind revivals

Petition to stop tossing perfectly good donations****

Five on your side


Pumphouse properties surrendered to city****/some-pump-house-land-transferred-to-city

Pumphouse back taxes quarter of 1 million****/

Pumphouse forecloses**-**e6-a24b-1b03ff4e7ec2.html

Pump house vacant homes connected to murders****/

Ashland pushes it to demolish murder houses****/ashland-pushes-to-demolish-house-where-2-bodies-found

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  • How they keep throwing out peoples donations
Reason of review:
They keep throwing out perfectly good donations that could easily go to people in need

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